Iran News in Brief – November 19, 2022

Message to a meeting at the US House Representatives in support of the Iranian people’s uprising for a Democratic Republic



Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 65

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Saturday, November 19, 2022 – 7 PM CET

The nationwide protests in Iran, now in their 65th day, have become more expansive, larger, angrier, and more ferocious with each passing day.  As people hold mourning ceremonies for their loved ones and children killed by security forces in the past few days, the regime is fast approaching an impasse where something must give.

The uprising entered its third month on Friday after three days of unprecedented protest honoring 1,500 killed by the regime in a similar uprising in November 2019. The protesters and the Iranian public are simmering with rage and heightened determination to bring down the “Child Killing Regime” as banners across Iranian highways have declared in recent days.

According to numerous human rights groups, during the more than two months of protests in Iran, regime security forces have killed more than 60 children and turned countless others into orphans.

Strikes continued today as bazaars stayed closed, classrooms emptied, and factory operations were shut down across many Iranian cities.

Social media reports circulated that the regime’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) held two emergency meetings to discuss the escalating uprising in the country. Reports indicate that some hardcore loyalists in the regime were calling for SNSC Secretary Ali Shamkhani’s resignation or dismissal, as they see him as being reluctant to order a full-scale bloodbath to quash the uprising. It was reported that Saeed Jalili — a Khamenei confidant who served as the SNSC secretary from 2007-2013 — blamed IRGC top brass and other security officials for failing to violently suppress anti-regime demonstrations. The account additionally claimed that IRGC and State Security Force Commanders insisted that they had done their utmost and expressed concerns about force constraints, low morale, and defections among personnel.

Hossein Shariatmadari, the editor of Kayhan, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s mouthpiece, backed greater use of force against protesters on November 18. Calls by other officials to violently step up the crackdown against protesters and their criticism of the officials who are purportedly failing to do so indicate that critical players in the regime are unable to reach a consensus on how to confront the uprising.

In another development, Khamenei met a group of regime supporters from Isfahan, and in a desperate attempt to boost the morale of increasingly demoralized forces, ridiculously boasted that “the enemy has been defeated. The evils will be undoubtedly finished, and the Iranian nation will continue to move forward in the path of progress with more strength and a fresher spirit.”

Commenting on Khamenei’s remarks, NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi said, “With the victory of the democratic revolution and the establishment of democracy and people’s sovereignty the four decades of evil and crimes by the ruling religious fascism will be eradicated forever. He must be told to wait for greater defeats at the hands of rebellious youth.”


Maryam Rajavi: A Big Revolution Is in the Making in Iran

Message to a meeting at the US House Representatives in support of the Iranian people’s uprising for a Democratic Republic

Honorable members of the US Congress,
Dear friends, I salute you for standing by the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising for freedom.

Today, I want to express the Iranian people’s shared desire for which they have been fighting the mullahs’ regime over the past two months across the country.
They specifically want the world to recognize the Iranian people’s struggle to overthrow the mullahs’ regime and the young people’s fight against the Revolutionary Guards or the IRGC.

Is it not true that a regime that shot and killed at least 57 children in the last two months must be overthrown? Did this regime not execute 30,000 political prisoners in 1988?
Did this regime not kill more than 1,500 Iranian protesters in November 2019?
Did the IRGC not fire missiles and shot down a passenger airliner with 176 passengers on board? Is this regime not the most critical threat to world peace and security? Is it not the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism?

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Iran uprising continues as protesters escalate targeting of regime sites

The ongoing nationwide uprising in Iran is now on its 64th day on Friday following three days of intense confrontations as protesters have been increasingly targeting regime-associated sites across the country. This includes measures by protesters against offices of local representatives of regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, so-called “seminaries” used by the regime to spread their ideology of hate and misogyny, local offices of members of the regime’s Majlis (parliament), sites of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the paramilitary Basij, attacking security units and forcing them to flee while torching their vehicles and motorcycles. Security buildings in many cities across the country, especially in Kurdish areas, have fallen into the locals’ hands.

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Germany, Cologne—November 17, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Continue to Rally in Support of the Iran Protests, Commemorating the Bloody November 2019

Germany, Cologne—November 17, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continue to sit in and rally in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising. They also commemorated the anniversary of the November 2019 uprising in Iran.

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Sweden, Gothenburg—November 16, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Protests, Commemorating the Bloody November 2019

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Norway, Oslo—November 16, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Protests, Commemorating the Bloody November 2019

Iranian Resistance supporters in Oslo called on the international community and the Norwegian Government to support the nationwide Iranian protests and adopt a firm policy against the mullahs’ regime.

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