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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 16, 2022

Iran News in Brief – November 16, 2022




Treasury Sanctions Senior Officials and “Interrogator Journalists” of Iran’s State-Run Media

US treasury department

WASHINGTON —Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is designating six senior employees of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), the Iranian state-run media corporation that has broadcast hundreds of forced confessions of Iranian, dual national, and international detainees in Iran. Designated in 2013, IRIB and its subsidiaries act not as objective media outlets but rather as a critical tool in the Iranian government’s mass suppression and censorship campaign against its own people. IRIB has produced and recently broadcast televised interviews of individuals being forced to confess that their relatives were not killed by Iranian authorities during nationwide protests but died due to accidental, unrelated causes.

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 62

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 – 7 PM CET

  • Days: 62
  • Protests: 227 cities
  • Fatalities: 560+ estimated deaths, 402 identified by MEK, over 50 teenagers
  • Detentions: 30,000+

Abbas Abdi, a commentator with the so-called reformist apologists of the Khamenei regime and former US Embassy hostage-taker, warned senior officials on November 16 that the country’s “silent” majority supports the ongoing protests. He said the conservative camp appears to be divided over the impact of the protests and the sustainability of changes that have already occurred in Iranian society because of more than two months of nationwide protests.

In a commentary in the daily Etemad, he took aim at his conservative colleagues who defend the status quo and said that although some simple-minded individuals still believe that the protests will come to an end soon, the situation shows differently. Abdi asserted that most Iranians are dissatisfied with the situation in Iran and support the protests, claiming that without their support the movement would not have started in the first place or would have already ended. Abdi confirmed that every analyst across the globe has concluded that the situation would never return to the status quo ante.

After a major escalation of protests yesterday, commemorating the third anniversary of the Bloody November 2019 protests, the uprising raged on today. A significant uptick in strikes in the commercial and industrial sectors was evident. Bazaars and shop owners in at least 45 cities, including Tehran and its Grand Bazaar, Garmsar, Share-Kord, Semnan, Shiraz, Qazvin, Bijar, Mashhad, Mahabad, Bukan, Sanandaj, Fasa, Dorud, Abadeh, Adanan, Rasht, Babol, Sowme’eh Sara, Ravansar, Sari, Yasuj, Behbehan, Nikshahr, Hamedan, Gohardasht, Bandar Abbas, Behshahr, and Shahin Shahr closed shops in a sign of support for the protests. Workers at Isfahan’s steel mill continued their strike for the second day and rallied at the factory’s premises.

Protests were also reported in Tehran’s Metal Bazaar, also on strike. Security forces attacked protesters with teargas to disperse them. The protesters resisted and clashed with security forces.

Universities and schools also continued their protests throughout the country. By the afternoon, people were again out in the streets protesting. In Tabriz, students, helped by locals, managed to break the siege laid by the IRGC and walked out of the campus. They were chanting, “death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the leader (Khamenei).” Elsewhere, students in Mashhad, Ahvaz, and Sanandaj staged protests, chanting “death to Khamenei.”

In a clear indication of the regime’s weakness and its failure to quell dissent, Mawlawi Abdul Hamid, Zahedan’s Sunni Friday Prayer Leader, on Wednesday tweeted in protest against Khamenei’s delegation to Sistan and Baluchestan province, saying the delegation should have come to assuage concerns and agree to the rights of protesters, but instead they came with more threats and intimidation.

The city of Kamyaran saw mass protests on Wednesday as citizens gathered to mourn the death of Foad Mohammadi, shot and killed by security forces two days ago. Iranian authorities forced his family to bury him in the dark of the night on Tuesday in a bid to prevent mass protest rallies. But a large contingent showed up the next morning to hold a massive rally.

Mourners vowed to continue Foad Mohammadi’s path and chanted slogans against the regime. Security forces opened fire on protesters to disperse them. Clashes ensued as protesters resisted with stones and forced security forces to retreat.

Protesters in Mahabad clashed with security forces attacking them. Notably, they took over a Basij center and confiscated weapons belonging to the IRGC.

Reports are pouring in at the moment of heightened protests and clashes in Tehran and other cities.


U.S. Targets Supply of Iranian Drones to Russia in New Sanctions


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The United States on Tuesday imposed sanctions on companies and people it accused of being involved in the production or transfer of Iranian drones that have been used by Russia in attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.

The United States is seeking to increase pressure on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine, which has reduced cities to rubble and killed or wounded thousands.

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Senior Officials of the Iranian Government Officially Banned From Canada

As the people of Iran continue to stand up and demand their rights, Canada stands with them. The Iranian regime’s brutal repression of these demonstrations – killing, beating, and arresting protesters – once again makes clear its blatant disregard for human rights. As the Iranian people continue to press their government and hold it accountable, the Government of Canada is taking action to prevent senior members of the Iranian regime from finding safe haven in Canada.

The Honourable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety, today announced that Canada has designated the Islamic Republic of Iran as a regime that has engaged in terrorism and systematic and gross human rights violations. This means that tens of thousands of senior members of the Iranian regime, including many members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, are now inadmissible to Canada.

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Rarely Used Designation Bans Iranian Regime’s Top Officials From Canada


OTTAWA – The federal government has formally banned the top echelons of the Iranian regime from Canada, with a new, rarely used designation now in place that allows border agents to deny foreigners access to the country.

Federal cabinet ministers confirmed during a virtual press conference on Monday that the measure brought in through the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act promised more than a month ago has now come into effect.

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Iran Marks Nov 2019 Uprising Anniversary With Strikes and Protests Across the Country


Dozens of cities across the country are witnessing storeowners, college and high school students, and people from all walks of life marking the third anniversary of the November 2019 uprising on Tuesday with general strikes and protests. Merchants in Tehran’s Great Bazaar closed their shops and began protesting against the regime and encouraging others to join their ranks. People in the city of Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdistan Province, began establishing roadblocks with fires and taking over their streets.

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On Day 61, Iran Women Lead Protests on the Anniversary of Nov 2019 Uprising


On Day 61 of the Iran uprising, university and high school girls took to the streets to mark the three-day anniversary of the November 2019 uprising on November 15. Iran women were at the forefront, chanting anti-regime slogans and calling on everyone to join.

Visit the links to watch Iran women or hear their voices in the protests. The protests started in the morning and continued well into the night. People held protests in the streets and at metro stations. 50 universities and 50 bazaars across Iran also participated. Students chanted, “1,500 were killed in November 2019,” “So many years of crimes, death to the Velayat-e Faqih regime.”

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Iranian Women Lead a Revolution for Freedom


In today’s episode, as the people in Iran are taking to the streets on the anniversary of the November 2019, we will focus on the goals and desires of the courageous women of Iran and the role they play in what’s indeed a Revolution.

The answer to this question is very simple. The goal of these protests and this revolution can be summarized in one word, “freedom.” Something that the people of Iran and especially Iranian women, are deprived of. Indeed, the goal of the previous revolution in 1979 was also freedom, but Khomeini hijacked the leadership of that revolution and diverted its goal.

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Protests and Strikes Across Iran on 3rd Bloody November Anniversary


On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, merchants and citizens resumed strikes and protests across Iran on the third anniversary of the gas demonstrations in 2019 and the regime’s bloody suppression.

  • Merchants went on strike in 60 bazaars in 36 cities.
  • College students boycotted classes in 31 universities in 16 cities.
  • Demonstrations and conflicts between protesters and oppressive forces continued in 30 points in Tehran and at least 100 cities.

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England, London—November 12, 2022: Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK) Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Protests

London—Nov 13, 2022: MEK Supporters Held a Rally to Express Solidarity With the Iran Protests.

England, London—November 12, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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France, Paris—November 12, 2022: Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK) Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Protests

Paris—November 12, 2022: MEK Supporters Held a Rally to Express Solidarity With the Iran Protests.

France, Paris—November 12, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally and photo exhibition of the Iranian revolution martyrs in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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