Iran News in Brief – November 14, 2023

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‘Kick Them Out’: Poilievre Responds to Revelations on Iranian Interference in Canada

The leader the federal official Opposition is calling for immediate action against the Iranian regime, in the wake of Global News reporting revealing the extent of the Islamic republic’s interference in Canada. Pierre Poilievre was in Vancouver Monday, where he responded to a Global News investigation that revealed hundreds of regime insiders living in the country.

“To think that we might have terrorist-linked Iranian regime thugs operating with impunity, spending stolen money, and intimidating Canadian Jews and Iranians is appalling,” he said. Poilievre has been vocal about getting tough with the Iranian regime but said even he was startled at how widespread the problem is.

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Assad’s Drug Empire Is Funding Iranian-Backed Militias and Fueling Hamas

After the Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel, several Hamas militants were reportedly found to be high on the illegal drug Captagon, which surely fueled their murderous rampage. But the drug’s threat is greater than just the boost it gives terrorists. The Captagon trade has become a key tool of influence for the Syrian regime and a massive source of income for the Iranian-backed militias now attacking U.S. troops.

The highly addictive methlike drug Captagon typically comes in small white pills exported by the millions across the Middle East and beyond. Its manufacturing is directly linked to the Syrian armed forces and the family of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. In addition to being a dictator, war criminal and mass murderer, Assad can now add the title of drug kingpin to his résumé. Exporting these drugs worldwide earns him several billion dollars a year. To get Captagon, named after a former brand of fenethylline, into Europe, the Syrian regime built a distribution network that includes cooperation with Lebanese Hezbollah and the Italian mafia.

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Tuesday Protests in Iran

Workers from the National Industrial Group of Iran’s Steel Industry in Ahvaz continued their strike and marches for the third consecutive day on Tuesday, November 14. They expressed their discontent over unpaid demands.

Simultaneously, employees of the Ahvaz Oil and Gas Exploitation Company persisted in their strike today, protesting against inadequate wages.

Residents of Zahkoloot City gathered in front of the local law enforcement unit, expressing their protest against the wrongful killing of two innocent Baloch citizens by state security officers.

Additionally, retirees in Qazvin, Sanandaj, Ilam, Kermanshah, and other cities organized protests on November 14, highlighting their dissatisfaction with challenging and oppressive living conditions.

US Airstrikes in Syria Send Clear Message to Iran, Former CENTCOM Commander Says

The Pentagon and U.S. officials say U.S. fighter aircraft conducted airstrikes on locations in Syria. The strikes were organized by U.S. Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base and authorized by President Joe Biden.

Retired Gen. Frank McKenzie was recently the head of CENTCOM and says the airstrikes were designed to send a clear message to Iran.

“The idea is to prevent escalation, to let Iran know that their attacks are not going to go unchallenged, that we have brought significant new combat power into the theater, two aircraft carriers, a number of fighter squadrons, two patriot missile defense systems and we have significant capabilities there,” McKenzie said.

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Brazilian Police Arrest Third Man Suspected of Links to Hezbollah

RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov 13 (Reuters) – Brazilian police on Sunday arrested another man suspected of links to the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, bringing the number of detainees suspected of involvement with the group to three, two sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

The name of the detainee, arrested in Brazil’s capital Brasilia, was not revealed, but his alleged link to the Iranian-backed group was already under investigation, sources said.

Last week, Brazil arrested two people in Sao Paulo in an operation to break up a suspected Hezbollah cell allegedly planning attacks on Jewish targets in the south American nation.

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Iranian State Officials Admit Regime’s Role in Gaza Conflict

Targeting a domestic audience, Iranian state officials are openly admitting to the role of the regime in the Gaza crisis and its far-reaching consequences.

According to the Mizan News Agency, which is affiliated with the regime’s Judiciary, the Minister of Intelligence, Esmail Khatib, stated, “Today, the Islamic Republic is recognized as a major power in the region. Iran’s influence extends beyond the region to various parts of the world. The world acknowledges Iran’s strength and significant regional changes are expected in the near future. We anticipate a robust response to groups, gangs, and anti-security formations, implying counter-terrorism measures. Consequently, our vulnerability will decrease, and we will witness an increase in our regional power and security.”

Meanwhile, Hamidreza Hajibabaie, a member of the regime’s parliament, conveyed on October 12 to the regime’s television, “Every entity should establish its weight in the world. The Islamic Republic of Iran is defining its global power and determining its desired role and system worldwide.”

He added, “While diverse opinions and perspectives may exist, the essence is that our country, as a powerful one, aims to engage beyond its borders rather than fighting internal enemies. This signifies becoming a global and international force.”


The Disastrous Conditions of Iran’s Addiction Rehab Centers

In a recent tragedy at an Iranian drug rehabilitation camp in Langrud, dozens of individuals battling addiction fell victim to a devastating fire—a grim outcome attributed to the regime’s inhumane policies within these facilities.

The paradox of the mullahs’ regime, responsible for fostering addiction and turning Iran into a hub for drug trafficking, is evident as it inflicts harm on the very individuals caught in the cycle of addiction within these camps.

Instead of addressing the pain of addicts and applying scientifically-backed treatments, the victims are subjected to heinous acts by the regime’s agents. In this recent incident, akin to past ones, vulnerable individuals seeking refuge lost their lives due to the regime’s negligence in ensuring proper safety measures.

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The Unabated Wave of Mass Executions; 9 Prisoners Executed on Sunday

Seven prisoners were hanged together at Adelabad Prison in Shiraz, one prisoner was executed at Jiroft Prison in Kerman, and another prisoner was executed at Isfahan’s Central Prison. Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) learned that the prisoners who were executed at Adelabad Prison in Shiraz were all detained and sentenced to death on charges related to drug offenses. According to an informed source, the identity of one of the prisoners in Adelabad Prison in Shiraz was Behrouz Dinabar, who was 50 years old and from Kahnuj. He was the father of three children and spent more than 6 years in prison. Two other prisoners were identified as Vahid Salemi, 35, from Sadra in Fars province, and Ahmad Mohammadi, 35, from Birjand. At the time of writing this report, the identity and details of the other four prisoners were not available.

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Unraveling Iran’s Controversial Role in the 2023 Palestinian Conflict

The Iranian government’s purported support for the Palestinian cause has stirred dissatisfaction among its citizens, with many questioning the authenticity of pro-Palestinian demonstrations and their underlying motives. While the international community often witnesses large demonstrations in various countries expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people, Iran stands out for the limited engagement of its citizens in similar gatherings. Critics argue that the Iranian government’s prioritization of foreign policy objectives, particularly its support for militant groups, has had detrimental consequences for its own citizens. Slogans such as “Not Gaza, not Lebanon, sacrifice my life for Iran” echo the frustration and opposition of the Iranian people to the regime’s involvement in regional conflicts at the expense of domestic well-being.

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Bremen, Germany—November 11, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Bremen, Germany—November 11, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and victims of terror, torture, and execution by the mullahs’ regime. This demonstration served as a tribute to the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian uprising.

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Malmö, Sweden—November 11, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Malmö, Sweden—November 11, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and victims of terror, torture, and execution by the mullahs’ regime. This demonstration served as a tribute to the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian uprising.

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Stockholm, Sweden – Nov 11, 2023: MEK supporters rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution

Hanover, Germany- Nov 11, 2023: MEK supporters rally condemning terrorist attack on Dr. Vidal-Quadras

Düsseldorf – Nov 11, 2023: MEK supporters held a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution

Hamburg – Nov 11, 2023: MEK supporters rally & exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution

Also, read Iran News in Brief – November 13, 2023

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