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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 13, 2022

Iran News in Brief – November 13, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 59

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Sunday, November 13, 2022 – 6 PM CET

  • Days: 59
  • Protests: 220 cities
  • Fatalities: 550+ estimated deaths, 402 identified by MEK, over 50 teenagers
  • Detentions: 30,000+

Iranian athletes are increasingly voicing their solidarity with the nationwide uprising, now in its 59th day, by refraining from singing the regime’s detested anthem, kneeling during the anthem, and signaling support for demonstrators with various gestures. Iranian football (soccer), beach football (soccer), water polo, and basketball teams have refused to sing along with the anthem in recent events.

Threats by regime sports officials have not stopped the wave of defiance by sports figures. International teams are also beginning to refuse to compete with Iranian teams during the current uprising and under this regime. The calls for the boycott of the regime in sports arenas, like the boycott of the South African apartheid regime in the past, are beginning to gain steam. Recently a Ukrainian football soccer team urged FIFA to ban the regime from participating in Qatar 2020 for its suppression of its own people and the regime’s role in the killing of Ukrainians. FIFA has until now failed to heed international calls.

Today, the student movement in Iran continued its protests in high schools, universities, and city streets. Tehran University’s School of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences at Tehran University, students at Tehran University, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Soore University, Islamic Azad University of Urmia, Karaj students, and other places of education were scenes of protests.

Security units were dispatched to different parts of Tehran, various cities of Kurdistan province as well as the restive Sistan and Baluchestan Province where locals are standing their ground firmly in the face of the regime’s brutalities.

On Sunday, reports from Tehran indicate people in the City Theater Metro Station were chanting anti-regime slogans, including “Death to the dictator!” “Death to the IRGC!” and “Death to Khamenei!” particularly targeting regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Protests and strikes continued throughout Kurdistan. In Shiraz, south-central Iran, locals took to the streets on Saturday night and were seen chanting “Death to the dictator!” A similar protest rally was launched by the locals of Arak in central Iran.

Meanwhile, families of recently arrested protesters were seen gathering outside the regime’s notorious Evin Prison demanding answers about their loved ones and their release. Furthermore, people in a village near Sardasht held a rally for the second consecutive night following the killing of a local porter by the regime’s border patrols.

IRGC Mouthpiece Threatens Belgium with Hostage Taking of Diplomatic Staff


Opting for blatant rhetoric, the IRGC-run Fars news agency accused European countries of inciting the uprising in Iran and threatened to take Belgian diplomats hostage to push for the release of Assadollah Assadi.

The Fars news agency wrote today: “Last July, Iran and Belgium signed an agreement to transfer prisoners between the two countries, and the Belgian Parliament approved this agreement on the 21st of July with 79 votes in favor (and 41 against). On the eve of the ratification of the treaty between Iran and Belgium, the European Union extended Assadi’s designation on the terrorism list for another six months, and two days after the ratification of the treaty, a court in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, prohibited the transfer of Asadollah Asadi until further notice.”

Fars added: “When the Belgian court accused and sentenced the third secretary of the Iranian Embassy in Vienna without justifiable reason, and since the government of this country canceled his diplomatic immunity in an unconventional move, we should have reciprocated by arresting a Belgian diplomat in Tehran and putting him in prison. But we didn’t do this and the Europeans started training agents and organizing the chaos in Iran with more arrogance.”


Iran’s Uprising Pushes Forward as Baluch Community Chants “Death to Khamenei!”


The Iranian people’s nationwide uprising witnessed a major uproar on Friday, with protesters across the province of Sistan & Baluchestan in southeast Iran taking to the streets in large numbers and chanting “Death to Khamenei!” in reference to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. These massive protests came just two days after people in many cities across held ceremonies and protest gatherings marking the 40th day of the September 30 massacre of over 100 Baluch community members in the city of Zahedan by the regime’s security forces.

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Iran: University Students, Beacons of Hope, Day 58


On Saturday, November 12, 2022, university students resume anti-regime protests in Tehran and other cities. They warned the regime about executing detained protesters, chanting: “This is the last message; we uprise if you execute,” referring to 227 regime MPs’ call for executing detained protesters on November 6.

“Imprisoned students must be freed” and “Students; raise your voices and shout for your rights,” they chanted. Simultaneously, defiant youths continued anti-regime activities, attacking pro-regime banners and Revolutionary Guards bases. The nationwide strike continued in Saqqez and other areas.

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Injured Evin’s Political Prisoner Tried Without His Lawyer


The trial of political prisoner Seyyed Javad Seyyedi was held at Branch 29 of Tehran Court, presided over by Judge Mazloum. The trial took place while Saeedeh Hosseinzadeh, the political prisoner’s lawyer, was not given permission to appear at the court.

The charges brought against Seyyed Javad Seyyedi during this trial was “insulting Khamenei,” and “assembly and collusion against the state.” As well as “communicating with the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MEK),” and “propaganda against the state.” The political prisoner has denied the allegations.

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Brussels—November 10, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Protests

Brussels—Nov 10, 2022: MEK Supporters Held a Rally to Express Solidarity With the Iran Protests.

Brussels, October 25, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), simultaneously with the resolution of the Belgian Parliament in solidarity with the revolution of the Iranian people, held a rally to support the Iranian people’s uprising.

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