Iran News in Brief – November 11, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 57

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Iran’s discredited and disreputable Reform Front, targeted by the protesters for aiding and abetting Ali Khamenei as his apologists, put out a lame statement distancing itself from calls for the overthrow of the system and counselling Khamenei’s regime to recognize “people’s problems” and suggesting “the reform front is prepared to hold dialogue and exchange views with the government” on finding a solution for the country’s current problems. The statement has been attacked and discounted from three sides. The protesters have slammed the Reform Front for being part and parcel of the religious fascist regime ruling Iran and its partner in crimes against human rights and dignity of Iranians. Reuters published an analysis of the conundrum and the death knell for the reformists in a piece yesterday. Iran’s conservatives attacked it for not toeing Khamenei’s line in pointing to foreign countries as alleged instigators of the uprising. Critics from within the so-called reformists quickly criticized it for the slow reaction of the group and its minimal demands.

With protesters from the youth and women of Iran and resistance units leading the uprising to Khamenei regime’s downfall, no faction of the regime can make political headway against the bleak outlook awaiting it.

Protesters have again taken to the streets and chanted against the Supreme Leader and the IRGC in southeastern Iran on Friday. Videos broadcast by Simaye-Azadi (a satellite TV in Farsi) and also posted on social media show thousands marching in the streets of Zahedan (capital of Sistan and Baluchistan province) and other Baluchi urban centers of Khash, Iranshahr Bahreh, Rask, Pishin, Sarbazv, strategic port city of Chabahar, and Saravan. One video tonight shows an attack by locals on a regime security base in Zahedan.

The Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, Molavi Abdolhamid, harshly criticized Ali Khamenei’s rule in his Friday sermon. “A government with which people are dissatisfied is no good and has to be toppled,” he said and demanded the release of all those arrested in the protests across the country. He also blasted regime figures who demanded the death sentence for protesters. “In Khamenei’s rule there is no freedom. Which political party or group is free? We have neither freedom of speech, nor freedom of media,” he added in unprecedented criticism against the Supreme Leader.

Molavi Abdolhamid also demanded punishment for those responsible for killing protesters and refuted claims of separatism brought against them by the government. He lashed out at attempts by security forces to bribe the families of killed protesters with money to remain silent. He said they had rejected this ploy and did not want money, but rather they want their human dignity to be preserved.

Protesters in Zahedan and other cities took to the streets after Friday prayers chanting “Down with the Dictator,” “Death to Khamenei”, and “I’ll kill those who killed my brother,”. Videos also show people chanting slogans against the IRGC and the Basij militia. A prominent slogan that has defeated the regime’s narrative of possible secession was also chanted: “From Zahedan to Tehran, I will give my life for Iran”. Protesters in Tehran also reciprocated with the same slogan, highlighting that the uprising’s universal aim is to bring down the regime in unity.

Reports and videos of protests in Sanandaj, Mahabad, Saqqez (hometown of Mahsa Amini), Sardasht, and other cities in Kurdistan show protests continuing into the night.

Another burial ceremony of a protester (Sepehr ‌‌Biranvand) killed by the regime that has turned into a protest with regime security forces firing weapons at the mourners in Khorramabad.


Iran’s MOIS Minister Acknowledges Protests are Organized

In an interview with the website of the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei on November 9, the regime’s Minister of Intelligence and Security, Ismail Khatib, acknowledged that Iran’s nationwide protests are organized.

“These recent riots had a complicated plot, unlike the past scattered protests. Small groups would instigate these protests with timely and bold actions. They were fully organized and guided. Interestingly, these first units immediately left the scene once the demonstration started to start another riot in another part,” Khatib acknowledged.



Iran’s Uprising Continues With Massive Nightly Rallies

Iran’s nationwide uprising is pushing into its 56th day on Thursday following a busy night of anti-regime protest rallies in numerous cities across the country and many districts throughout the capital Tehran.

Protests in Iran have to this day expanded to at least 219 cities. Over 550 people have been killed and more than 30,000 are arrested by the regime’s forces, according to sources of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The names of 368 killed protesters have been published by the PMOI/MEK.

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Elham Afkari, Sister of Slain National Hero, Arrested in Shiraz, Falsely Accused of Spying

Elham Afkari was arrested Thursday morning, November 10, by security forces in Shiraz.

Elham Afkari is the sister of Iran’s slain hero, Navid Afkari who was hanged in September 2020 for participating in a protest in Kazerun.

Her husband and three-year-old daughter, Liana, were also taken into custody, but released two hours later, as announced by the Prosecutor of Shiraz.

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Iran: Mahabad Citizens Begin Day 56 of Protests

On Thursday, November 10, 2022, thousands of citizens in Mahabad rallied outside the late Faegh Mam-Qaderi early morning. “Happy your martyrdom,” “A martyr never dies,” “[Faegh’s] mother, don’t cry! We swear to take revenge,” “Mahabad, Zahedan; condolences,” and “Kurdistan is the cemetery of fascists,” chanted the crowd.

Fearing anti-regime activities, Mahabad merchants also continued the strike in solidarity with the nationwide demonstrations. Local reports say the regime has cut off power in almost 90 percent of areas and disrupted phone lines following last night’s massive protests.

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Washington, DC, November 8, 2022: Photo Exhibition and Rally in Front of the US Congress to Support the Iran Protests

Washington, DC—November 8, 2022:Iranian-American community and supporters of the Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK) continued to rally and held a photo exhibition and Candlelight Vigil outside the US Capitol, supporting the nationwide Iran protests.

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