Iran News in Brief – November 10, 2022

An uprising in Mahabad, West Azerbaijan province, Iran, on Wednesday night, November 9, 2022



Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 56

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Iran’s nationwide uprising is pushing into its 56th day on Thursday following a busy night of anti-regime protest rallies in numerous cities across the country and many districts throughout the capital Tehran.

On Thursday, protests began with strikes in Mahabad after a night of intense protests. Complimentary reports from this restive city in West Azerbaijan Province of northwest Iran indicate locals taking to the streets and starting to establish roadblocks.

In the city of Marivan, locals gathered to mark the 40th day of Mokhtar Ahmadi’s murder by the regime’s security forces. Such ceremonies are becoming scenes of anti-regime protests.

Reports from Mashhad in northeast Iran indicate the regime’s government spokesperson visited the local Ferdowsi University only to be jeered by the brave students.

In Shiraz, south-central Iran, authorities arrested Elham Afkari, the sister of Iran’s executed national wrestling hero Navid Afkari along with her husband and three-year-old child, who was later released. Afkari remains in the custody of the regime’s Intelligence Ministry, and her elderly parents went to a government facility today seeking answers about their daughter’s condition and whereabouts.

Students of the Applied Science University of Culture and Art held an anti-regime gathering today and sang a revolutionary song they had composed together.

In Zahedan, the regime has imposed an unannounced martial law with military troops stationed in the streets.

In Tehran, protesters torched another statue of the eliminated IRGC Qods force terror chieftain, Qassem Soleimani, in the city’s Argentine Square. Protesters in the cities of Isfahan and Yazdanshahr threw Molotov cocktails at IRGC paramilitary Basij Force bases. Currently, protest reports are coming in from various neighborhoods of Tehran and many other cities, and we will update you on these events as we receive them.

Turkmans in Golestan Province, northern Iran, joined the nationwide uprising today in support of the people of Zahedan.

In Salmas, west Azerbaijan province, a Basij base was set on fire by defiant youths.

Security forces attacked a women’s dormitory in Kerman Medical School in Kerman and shot several women students with pellets.

Protesters have called for nationwide presence in the streets on November

Eyewitness reports from Resistance Units

Tehran, a report from October 24 from Soheil – From 7:30 until 11:00 pm, we were on Karun and nearby streets, where we had agreed with our group to gather that night. We organized into three groups with motorcycles, each group with multiple people. Clashes between the protesters and the regime’s Special Unit and plainclothes units continued on Kumeil and Karun, and Jeyhun streets up to the end of Jeyhun Street. We pushed all the trash canisters on this route to the middle of the street and set them on fire to fend off the security forces and confuse them. The regime’s repressive forces were wandering around. They had cut off electricity in the area and deployed many troops there. But the people continued to protest and chanted death to the dictator and engaged in skirmishes with the regime’s security forces. Our teams focused on setting up bonfires on the streets to support the demonstrators and keep the security forces away. This is a really effective tactic. It forced the security forces to send units everywhere we lit a fire and forced them to spread out and really exhausted them. We controlled the night this way and learned how to organize the scene to enhance the protests. At the end of Jeyhun Street is a small square, and we set fire to all the trash cans there with gasoline. Kumeil and Karun, and Jeyhun all had fires in the middle of the street, and people were in high spirits with the fire protecting them from the security forces. The regime’s reaction was quite desperate, and we won the night.


Regime Official’s Blatant Yet Fearful Reaction to Iran’s Opposition and Protests

On November 8, in a terrified reaction to the mounting global support of the major Iran protests, Hamidreza Asefi, a former diplomat, also reflected the regime’s fear of the organized opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

While referring to the last week’s session of the United Nations Security Council over Iran’s uprising, Asefi attacked Albania, which has hosted the MEK members since 2016.

“The United States allowed Albania to preside the UNSC session. This is a country that hosts a terrorist organization that has killed thousands of Iranians,” Asefi blatantly claimed, according to the official IRNA News Agency.

 Asefi’s remarks come at a time when another diplomat-terrorist, Assadollah Assasdi, is serving his 20-year sentence in Belgium for his attempt to bomb the Iranian opposition’s rally in France in 2018.

“A country that hosts terrorists is not allowed to speak of human rights violations in Iran,” Asef said, refusing to refer to the regime’s mounting human rights violations.


Iran’s Protests Resume on 55th Day With New Strikes

The people of Iran are pursuing their nationwide uprising for the 55th day on Wednesday as numerous cities in Kurdish areas see merchants and store-owners renew their general strike. This follows a variety of protests by people from all walks of life on Tuesday, including college and high school students, protests by steel mill workers in Isfahan, and workers in dozens of Pars oil and gas sites in southern Iran.

Protests in Iran have to this day expanded to at least 218 cities. Over 550 people have been killed and more than 30,000 are arrested by the regime’s forces, according to sources of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The names of 375 killed protesters have been published by the PMOI/MEK.

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More Female Activists Detained by Security Forces During Iran Uprising

More female activists are being arrested and detained by the clerical regime’s security forces as the Iran uprising has continued well into its 8th week. Student activist Leila Hosseinzadeh has started a hunger strike while in detention at Adelabad Prison in Shiraz.

The reason she has gone on a hunger strike is that she has been denied visitation rights for refusing to wear the Hijab in prison.

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Iran Marks Zahedan Massacre with More Protests, Day – 55

On Wednesday, November 9, 2022, citizens from different walks of life commemorated the Zahedan massacre martyrs across Iran. Forty days ago, the regime opened fire on worshippers at Makki Mosque, killing more than 100 Baluch citizens, including children.

Condemning the regime’s heinous crime on September 30, merchants and citizens went on strike in Zahedan, Khash, Tehran, Tabriz, Mashhad, Sanandaj, Kermanshah, Saqqez, Baneh, Bukan, and Rasht.

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Norway, Oslo—November 8, 2022: Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK) Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Protests

Norway, Oslo—November 8, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in front of the Norway Parliament in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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