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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 1, 2023

Iran News in Brief – November 1, 2023

iran retirees protest 31102023



Wednesday Protests in Iran

Today, retirees in Kermanshah and Sanandaj, Hamadan, Ilam, Qazvin, and Ahvaz gathered in protest against the dire living conditions, poverty, and high prices under the oppressive rule of the theocratic regime.

Also today, employees of the Abadan Petrochemical Company stopped working in protest of unpaid wages and outstanding demands.

Former Central Bank Chief Reveals Shocking 280 Trillion Toman Money Printing

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Abdolnaser Hemati, the former governor of the Central Bank under the regime, revealed that, under Ebrahim Raisi’s government, a staggering 280 trillion tomans have been printed in Iran.

He explained that according to the provided statistics, the basic money supply has increased by 41% until the end of August, which equates to 23 trillion tomans being printed in just a single month. Moreover, in a year, an astonishing sum of 280 trillion tomans has been printed.

He went on to criticize the government led by Raisi, asking how they claim they are attempting to control inflation with such a massive volume of banknote printing.


Protests in Southeast Iran as Security Forces Fire on Fuel Porter

On Wednesday, November 1, an incident occurred in the Jekigur Rasak region, where military forces opened fire directly at a fuel porter, resulting in the injury of an individual. In response to this action, local citizens engaged in protests against the security forces. According to local sources, the security forces attempted to seize the fuel porter by shooting without prior warning near the entrance of Jekigur, which led to a confrontation between the local population and the military personnel.


Unveiling the Roots of Iran’s Warmongering Regime

iran regime proxies militias

In the early years of the mullahs’ rule in Iran, the regime’s brutality came under scrutiny. This assessment revealed that its foundation lay in the suffocation and suppression of opposition, as well as the export of terrorism and warmongering, encapsulated in the deceptive slogan ‘the Export of the Revolution!’

Regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini’s initial ambition to spread his so-called revolution beyond Iran’s borders first targeted neighboring Iraq, which had a Shia majority. He showcased his vision of exporting the revolution to the world by launching a war against Iraq.

This war featured tactics like sending students in human waves to clear minefields, contriving fake imams riding white horses on the battlefronts, and showering cities with rockets. It left a trail of destroyed homes, grieving mothers, and grim war processions – ‘War until Victory’ was emblematic of Khomeini‘s ‘Export of the Revolution.’

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Health Scare in Zanjan: 67 Girl Students Hospitalized After Poisoning Incident

Chemical attacks on Iranian schoolgirls 3 min

Sixty-seven girl students from one of the schools in Zanjan were hospitalized with symptoms of poisoning, on Sunday, October 29, 2023. Hasan Esmkhani, the Public Relations Manager of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, announced that following a poisoning incident at Kowsar Girls’ High School of Art in Zanjan, 36 students were transferred to Mousavi Hospital, 29 to Vali-e-Asr Hospital, one to Baqiyatollah Hospital, and one to Imam Hossein Hospital in Zanjan.

Esmkhani pointed out that 62 hospitalized girl students had been discharged with steady and desirable conditions, although five students, who were generally well, would be discharged in a few hours.

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Kennedy in Newsweek: Congress Must Step in To Stop Iran From Receiving Billions Through the IMF

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WASHINGTON – Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) penned this op-ed in Newsweek urging Congress to work together to prevent Iran and other state sponsors of terrorism from receiving billions of dollars in special drawing rights from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) without congressional approval. Kennedy has introduced the No Dollars for Dictators Act to require congressional authorization before the IMF can issue any special drawing rights to state sponsors of terrorism or genocide. Key excerpts of the op-ed are below:

“Under certain circumstances, the IMF can make general allocations to each member nation called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). . . . The president of the United States has to approve these allocations, but Congress only votes on distributions above a certain amount—a threshold the IMF and the Biden administration apparently love to dodge.

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‘Is It a Red Line?’ Sen. Graham Presses W.H. On Response if Iran-Backed Militias Kill Americans


Sen. Lindsey Graham on Tuesday asked Biden administration officials whether the U.S. would strike Iran directly if an American service member stationed in the Middle East dies from attacks by Tehran-backed militias.

In testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stopped short of vowing an American military response against Iran itself. In a tense back-and-forth with Mr. Graham, a South Carolina Republican, the Pentagon chief said only that “Iran should be held accountable” for the actions of its proxy groups, which have attacked U.S. troops in the region on nearly two dozen occasions in the past three weeks.

Those raids have resulted in injuries to U.S. soldiers. Mr. Graham suggested that if a service member dies during any such attack, the American response should escalate.

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Germany—October 28, 2023: MEK Supporters Held Rallies in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution in Hamburg, Heidelberg, Bremen, Hanover and Stuttgart

Germany—October 28, 2023: MEK supporters held rallies in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

On Saturday, October 28, 2023, Iranian community supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held solidarity rallies in various cities across Germany, denouncing the crimes committed by the mullahs’ regime and expressing support for the Iranian Revolution. These gatherings took place in Hamburg, Heidelberg, Bremen, Hanover, and Stuttgart.

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October 28, 2023—MEK Supporters Held Rallies in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution in England, Norway, and Finland

October 28, 2023: MEK supporters held rallies and photo exhibitions in England, Norway, and Finland.

October 28, 2023—Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held solidarity rallies in England, Norway, and Finland denouncing the crimes committed by the mullahs’ regime and expressing support for the Iranian Revolution. These gatherings took place in cities London, Oslo, and Turku.

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MEK Supporters Held Rallies in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution in Canada, and Australia—October 28, 2023

Oct 28, 2023: MEK supporters rallies in Canada & Australia in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution

Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held solidarity rallies in Canada, and Australia denouncing the crimes committed by the mullahs’ regime and expressing support for the Iranian Revolution. These gatherings took place in the cities of Vancouver and Sydney on Saturday, October 28, 2023.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 31, 2023