Iran News in Brief – November 1, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 47

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Monday, November 1, 2022 – 9:00 PM CET

Students at two universities in Tehran held protest rallies despite the heavy crackdown by security forces on campuses, including the arrest of dozens of students and banning them from entering campuses. Students of Melli and Amir Kabir universities were the first to start today’s rallies.

Similar rallies were held at Tehran’s Al-Zahra University and other campuses around the capital as well as the Yazd University, the Islamic Azad University of Karaj in Gohardasht, and the Isfahan University of Technology, among others. High school students also took part in today’s demonstrations, including in the cities of Sanandaj, Marivan, Saqqez, and Tehran.

Students in several universities across the country held rallies and boycotted classes, protesting the regime’s escalating suppressive measures against their classmates, including suspensions of many students in different universities. The ongoing defiance in universities signals the backfiring of heavy-handed measures that the regime had hoped might quell the unrest.

Families of recently apprehended protesters in Tehran rallied outside Evin Prison on Monday and Tuesday, demanding to learn about the fate of their loved ones. But despite hours-long waiting, the authorities declined any response. The lives of those apprehended are in grave danger as many protesters in the past eight weeks have lost their lives while in custody and under torture.

In the past few days, many Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance have been holding gatherings in Europe, the U.S., and Canada to support their compatriots protesting the mullahs’ dictatorship. These sit-ins have been held in Geneva, Berlin, Vancouver, Washington, Amsterdam, Rome, Vienna, Stockholm, Frankfurt, Ottawa, and Nürnberg.


House of Commons Backs Call To Remove Iran From Un’s Commission on Status of Women

The House of Commons has adopted two motions declaring support for growing calls to remove Iran from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) on Monday. The motion, which was put forward by Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman, was adopted by unanimous consent following question period on Monday.

“Given the brutal death of Masha Amini at the hands of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the subsequent crackdown in Iran on women’s rights, civil liberties, and fundamental freedom, and the long history of grave human rights abuses and violence against women perpetuated by the Iranian state, that this House declares its support for the removal of Iran from the UN Commission on the Status of Women,” the motion from Lantsman reads.

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Canada Adds Iranian Police Force, University to List of Sanctions as Regime Cracks Down on Protests

Canada is adding Iran’s national police force and an Iranian international university to its sanctions list as Tehran continues to crack down on weeks of dissent.

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly announced the addition of Iran’s Law Enforcement Forces and Al-Mustafa International University to Canada’s sanctions list on Monday. Joly accused the police force of participating in the lethal suppression and arbitrary detention of Iranian protesters.

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Live Report: Iran’s College Students Continue Relentless Uprising, Night Rallies Escalate

The uprising that is spreading across Iran is marking its 46th day on Monday, following a day of relentless protests throughout the country. Students in dozens of universities continued their anti-regime protests in the face of escalating crackdown measures by the regime’s oppressive security forces. Despite threats made by senior regime officials demanding an end to the uprising, coupled with extensive crackdown measures and arrests of many college students across the country, these protests are only expanding, as witnessed on Sunday.

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As Iran Uprising Continues on 46th Day, Repressive Forces Step up Their Brutality

Monday, October 31, marked the 46th day of the Iran uprising with students holding protests and sit-ins in dozens of universities in Tehran and other cities across Iran. Female students are particularly active in these protests and taking the lead.

Students of the all-female Az-Zahra University held a protest sit-in against the arrest of one of their fellow students. They held placards that read, “No suspensions for students, otherwise, we just shut down the school.”

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Systematic Violence and Arbitrary Killing of Women and Girls Will Not Stop Iran Protests

Systematic violence against schoolgirls has become prevalent in Iran. Now that the girls are resisting being forced into taking part in pro-regime ceremonies, they are beaten in school premises, arrested, and tortured to death in detention.

Although it seems to be sheer madness, this is the true nature of the Iranian regime. In the past few days, parents have rushed to different high schools to save their young daughters’ lives.

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Universities, the Bastion of Iran’s Protests – Day 46

In view of the ongoing protests against the authoritarian regime in Iran, the security forces are to be paid more. The parliament of the regime approved a 20 percent increase in salaries in Tehran on Sunday, the state news agency IRNA reported.

This is justified by the fact that the regime is facing a shortage of security forces and is trying to recruit more people to quell the protests. There has been a lot of criticism of the violent action taken by the security forces against demonstrators for weeks. Many people have been killed, dozens are wounded, and many people have been kidnapped by the regime’s security forces.

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Monthly Report October 2022, Iran Human Rights Monitor

Popular protests in Iran continued throughout the month of October. Unfortunately, in every protest, the state security forces responded with severe violence. The amount of violence used against protesters has left thousands injured. The number of deaths is estimated at 450 so far.

Some of the most significant events in October included the killing of protesters by beating on their heads; the attack on Evin Prison, the killing of dozens of prisoners, and relocating of hundreds of prisoners to other jails.

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October 28, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Continue to Rallies in Support of the Iran Protests in Berlin and London

October 28, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continue their sit-ins and rallies in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and political prisoners in Berlin, and London.

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Geneva, October 28, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests

Geneva, October 28, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) demonstrated in front of the UN headquarters to express solidarity with the nationwide Iran Protests and political prisoners.

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