Iran News in Brief – May 9, 2024



US Treasury Official Raises Alarm On Environmental Risks From Illicit Transfers Of Iranian Oil Off Malaysia

A U.S. treasury official warned of environmental risks from illicit transfers of Iranian oil off Malaysia, news portal Malaysiakini reported on Thursday, as the United States narrows its focus on financing for militant groups routed through Southeast Asia.

The United States sees Iran’s capacity to move its oil as being reliant on service providers based in Malaysia, a senior U.S. treasury official said this week.

The official also said the United States was attempting to prevent Malaysia from becoming a jurisdiction where the Palestinian militant group Hamas could raise and transfer funds.

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UPDATE: 10:30 AM

Iran – Situation of Cécile Kohler and Jacques Paris

Two years ago today, Cécile Kohler and Jacques Paris were arbitrarily arrested by the Islamic Republic of Iran, as were another two French citizens, one of whom is Louis Arnaud, a year and a half ago. France condemns this policy of state hostage-taking and ongoing blackmail by the Iranian authorities.

France denounces the Islamic Republic’s despicable practice of forced and public confessions, as well as the inhumane and appalling conditions in which our compatriots are being held. We hold the Iranian authorities responsible for their fate and treatment. France reiterates its demand for their immediate and unconditional release.

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The Parliament of Canada Voted for Terrorist Designation of The IRGC; 327 MPs Voted in Favor

Congratulations to Canadian MPs for the adoption of the terrorist designation of the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). I hope that the government of Canada would implement the long-overdue legislation by the parliament, and officially blacklist this criminal corps.

I urge the European Union and its member states to stop further postponing the implementation of the terrorist designation of the IRGC as adopted by the European Parliament.

I urge the UK, Australia, and other Common Wealth countries to stop delaying the designation of the IRGC and the mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry (MOIS). Every day of delay further emboldens the clerical regime in pursuit of terrorism, warmongering, and hostage-taking.

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Iran’s Regime Tries to Hide Its Weakness and Fear Behind Wave of Executions

Iran’s regime is futilely trying to hide its weakening grip on power at home and its waning hegemony in the region. And to do this, it has resorted to the oldest page in its playbook: ramping up executions and repressive measures against the Iranian population.

The regime has carried out more than 80 executions in the past 20 days. On Monday, May 6, prison authorities in Isfahan’s Dastgerd prison transferred four death row prisoners to solitary confinement in preparation for execution, which was met with the protest of other prisoners. On the previous day, the regime hanged a prisoner in the same prison. In Isfahan alone, 11 prisoners were executed from April 28 to May 5.

The situation is equally grim in other parts of the country. On May 2, the regime carried out five executions in Tabriz and Ardebil. On May 1, the regime hanged 11 prisoners in various cities, including two in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj.

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Fariba Mohammad Zehi Hanged in The Central Prison of Kerman

Three Baloch prisoners, including a woman, Fariba Mohammad Zehi, were hanged this morning at dawn on Wednesday, May 5, 2024, in the Central Prison of Kerman. Fariba Mohammad Zehi came from Zahedan, the capital of the deprived Sistan and Baluchistan province, in southeastern Iran. She was arrested three years ago on drug-related charges and sentenced to death.

Fariba Mohammad Zehi is the seventh woman executed since January 2024. Last month in April, the clerical regime executed three women. According to the information compiled by the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, with the execution of Fariba Mohammad Zehi, the number of women executed in Iran since 2007 has reached 236.

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Iranian Regime Links Pharmacy Quotas to the Observance of Hijab

After the clerical regime failed to enforce the mandatory Hijab by the massive deployment of Guidance patrols and plainclothes agents in the streets and through violent and arbitrary arrests of women and girls, the Iranian regime is adopting new measures, while the Hijab and Chastity bill has not yet become a law.

Recent reports from state-run media indicate that the head of the Food and Drug Organization, affiliated with the Ministry of Health, has emphasized the role of mandatory hijab in determining pharmacy quotas. This new approach aims to link compliance with hijab norms to the allocation of pharmacy licenses.

According to Haidar Mohammadi, who spoke at the presidential communication center on May 5, pharmacies will be evaluated based on their adherence to hijab requirements. Non-compliance with mandatory hijab is considered an “abnormality,” and directly impacts the quota assigned to each pharmacy.

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Iran’s Internet: A Shrinking Space for Communication

The internet landscape in Iran is rapidly deteriorating. Soaring costs, coupled with increasing repression by the regime and its cyber police, known as FATA, are leading to a significant decline in internet quality and accessibility.

In January 2024, the Government Commission of Internet and Infrastructure of the Tehran Electronic Commerce Association published a survey on the Internet situation in 50 countries. The survey assessed three key factors: internet service disruptions, restrictions on internet services, and internet speed.

The results were alarming. Iran ranked:

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The Shadow of State-Owned Companies in Iran

The Iranian people associate a sense of dread with the term “state-owned companies.” These entities, often seen as synonymous with a monopolistic network, control a staggering 90% of Iran’s oil, gas, petrochemical, and steel production and sales. While officially presented as government-owned, these companies are widely believed to be ultimately controlled by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Three entities serve as nominal owners: Khamenei himself, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and Astan-e Quds. However, it’s important to remember that both the IRGC and Astan-e Quds are ultimately under Khamenei’s influence.

These companies, responsible for Iran’s most valuable resources like oil, gas, and steel, should be the primary source of government revenue. However, they are instead major recipients of the national budget, allocating a significant portion (reportedly 75%) back to themselves annually.

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Iranian Economist Farshad Momeni Criticizes Destructive Dam Construction Policies

Farshad Momeni argues that the Iranian regime’s dam-building projects have been reckless and harmful. He highlights a surge in dam construction contracts following the Iran-Iraq War, surpassing the total built in the previous half-century. “This is incredibly unusual,” he emphasizes. Momeni points to a concerning trend: Iran’s land subsidence rate is now more than five times the global average. He warns of “clear and alarming” resource depletion and systemic crises caused by water transfer between basins. “These relationships are so evident,” he says, “that ignorance is not an excuse.”

Momeni suggests a link between dam construction and increased seismic activity. He notes that Iran experienced a significant number of earthquakes in 2021, with Kerman recording 167 earthquakes above 4 Richter and Isfahan experiencing at least one earthquake above 5 Richter every month.

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Stalled Negotiations and Heightened Tensions: The IAEA and Iran’s Nuclear Program

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Iranian regime remain locked in a tense standoff regarding the Islamic Republic’s nuclear activities. Rafael Grossi, Director-General of the IAEA, recently concluded a two-day visit to Iran on May 7th, 2024, without reaching a new agreement. This visit served to highlight the ongoing challenges and raise concerns about the trajectory of the Iran regime’s nuclear program.

Key Points of Contention:

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The Transfer of Seven Prisoners to Solitary Cells for The Execution of Their Death Sentences

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024, seven prisoners in Urmia, Qazvin, and Kerman prisons were transferred to individual cells in preparation for the execution of their death sentences, all in a single day. Among these prisoners, a female inmate has also been observed. On Tuesday, May 7, 2024, four prisoners in Urmia prison were transferred to individual cells for the execution of their death sentences. These four prisoners had previously been sentenced to death for drug-related charges. The Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) is striving to gather more information regarding these prisoners and their identities. The transfer of these prisoners to individual cells for the execution of their death sentences has taken place.

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Brussels, Belgium—May 4, 2024: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally Against the Mullahs’ Regime Brutal Executions

Brussels, Belgium—May 4, 2024: Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK) supporters rallied to protest the increasing wave of executions by the Iranian regime. They also expressed their solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Zurich—May 6, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution, Condemning the Wave of the Executions in Iran

Zurich, Switzerland—May 6, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran(PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition to support the Iranian Revolution, while also protesting against the increasing wave of brutal executions by the Iranian regime.

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Berlin, Germany—May 5, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution, Condemning the Wave of the Executions in Iran

Berlin, Germany—May 5, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a book table and exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution, while also protesting against the increasing wave of executions by the Iranian regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – May 8, 2024

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