Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran News in Brief – May 31, 2024



Iran: EU Lists More Individuals and Entities for The Transfer of Drones for Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine And for The Transfer of Drones And Missiles in The Middle East And Red Sea Region


The Council today adopted restrictive measures against six individuals and three entities for their role in the transfer of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Russia in support of its war of aggression against Ukraine; the transfer of UAVs or missiles to armed groups and entities undermining peace and security in the Middle East and the Red Sea region;  or for being involved in Iran’s UAV programme.

The listings include:

  • Khatam al-Anbiya Central Headquarters (KCHG) – a central entity in the command chain of Iran’s armed forces making operational military decisions about the deployment of UAVs – and one of its commanders
  • Kavan Electronics Behrad LLC – an Iran-based company procuring and selling components for the manufacturing of UAVs – together with its CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN), which is involved in the delivery of Iranian arms, including Iranian UAVs and missiles to be used by armed groups like the Houthis and Hezbollah in the Middle East and Red Sea region

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US Targets Enablers of Iran’s Drone Production in Sanctions Action

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. on Friday issued sanctions targeting entities it accused of enabling Iran’s drone program, in Washington’s latest action seeking to disrupt the production and proliferation of the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) used by Russia against Ukraine.

“Today’s action reinforces our commitment to disrupt Iran’s production and proliferation of deadly UAVs that continue to be used by Russia against Ukraine and by regional terrorist proxies against our troops,” U.S. Treasury Department Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian Nelson, said in a statement.

“Treasury will continue to impose costs on those who seek to procure the components Iran needs for its UAV programs and enable the shipment of these weapons to destabilizing actors around the world.”

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Disrupting Deceptive Uses of AI By Covert Influence Operations

OpenAI is committed to enforcing policies that prevent abuse and to improving transparency around AI-generated content. That is especially true with respect to detecting and disrupting covert influence operations (IO), which attempt to manipulate public opinion or influence political outcomes without revealing the true identity or intentions of the actors behind them.

In the last three months, we have disrupted five covert IO that sought to use our models in support of deceptive activity across the internet. As of May 2024, these campaigns do not appear to have meaningfully increased their audience engagement or reach as a result of our services.

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U.S. Backs EU Efforts to Designate IRGC as Terrorist Organization

vedant patel 2

During a press briefing on May 30, Vedant Patel, the Principal Deputy Spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, expressed unequivocal support for the European Union’s initiative to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. Addressing reporters, Patel emphasized the IRGC’s global threat, aligning the U.S. stance with efforts by Germany and other EU countries to label the IRGC as a terrorist entity. He stated, “We absolutely support efforts to designate the IRGC a terrorist organization, and we support those efforts worldwide,” highlighting the United States’ prior designation of the IRGC.

In response to inquiries about the Iranian regime’s nuclear activities, Patel underscored the U.S.’s ongoing collaboration with European partners and the increasing pressure on Iran through sanctions, deterrence, and international isolation. Despite no current decision on a new resolution at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Patel reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to addressing Tehran’s non-compliance and rapid nuclear development.


Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally at UN Headquarters to Protest Raisi Memorial

In a powerful display of opposition, supporters of the Iranian Resistance gathered in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York City on May 30, 2024, to protest a memorial ceremony for Ebrahim Raisi, the former president of Iran’s regime. The rally was organized to condemn the neglect of Raisi’s human rights violations and his involvement in the execution of thousands of political prisoners in Iran during the late 1980s. The protesters chanted slogans against the regime and called for justice for the victims of Raisi’s regime. Chants against the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei echoed through the streets as demonstrators held signs and banners denouncing the memorial ceremony for Raisi. The protesters also held placards with pictures of thousands of political prisoners who were executed by Raisi.

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Global Disgust Toward Raisi, Respect for His Victims

Rep. Eliot Engel at tribute to victims of Iran's 1988 massacre

The widespread reaction and protest by parliamentarians, political parties, and prominent political figures to the condolence messages from the President of the European Council and the U.S. Secretary of State over the death of Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi is an exceptional case in contemporary diplomacy. The intensity and tone of condemnation from the public and representatives in Europe and America are such that it can be described as a protest rebellion against a moral and human disgrace under the pretext of diplomatic protocols and formalities.

This protest and rebellion did not happen overnight but was the result of awareness, knowledge, and political and historical background. It is the voice of the 30,000 executed in 1988 and the martyrs of the blood-soaked uprisings of the Iranian people echoing in European parliaments, the U.S. Congress, and the corridors of the United Nations, disrupting the tranquility of the press conferences and formal gatherings of appeasing politicians.

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Over 60 Years of Imprisonment Upheld for Eleven Women’s Rights Activists in Gilan

The Revision Court of Gilan upheld the sentences of more than 60 years of imprisonment for eleven women’s rights activists in this province. The verdict issued by Branch 11 of the Revision Court of Gilan Province was communicated to the activists on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. Zohreh Dadras was sentenced to 9 years and 6 months in prison on charges of “forming a group with the aim of disrupting the country’s security” and “assembly and collusion with the aim of disrupting national security.”

Eight others, Forough Sami Nia, Sara Jahani, Yasamin Hashdari, Shiva Shah Siah, Negin Rezaei, Azadeh Chavoshian, Zahra Dadras, and Matin Yazdani, were each sentenced to six years, one month, and seventeen days in prison. Jelveh Javaheri and Houman Taheri were each sentenced to one year of imprisonment.

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The High Cost and Troubled State of Intensive Care Units in Iran


Iran’s healthcare system faces significant challenges concerning hospitalization and intensive care units (ICUs). A key issue is the lack of a comprehensive and efficient treatment system. This, coupled with insufficient insurance coverage for many citizens, puts a significant financial burden on patients. Furthermore, the government’s debt to insurance companies hinders their ability to support patients’ needs adequately.

The situation intensifies for patients requiring ICU care. According to Dr. Mohammadreza Hashemian, a specialist in critical care medicine, patients often face exorbitant costs despite receiving minimal services.

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Raisi’s Fiscal Policies: Benefiting Government, Not the People

Financial corruption is institutionalized in Iran’s regime

On May 27, Iran’s state-run newspaper Hamdeli published a report evaluating the performance of the regime’s demised president Ebrahim Raisi. The report featured insights from Davoud Manzoor, the head of the Program and Budget Organization, highlighting significant increases in oil and tax revenues under Raisi’s administration. Despite these increases, the report raised a critical question: why haven’t these gains translated into improved welfare for the people? Hamdeli noted that under the 13th government, led by Raisi, the country saw an additional $30 billion in oil revenues in 2022 and 2023.

Additionally, there was a staggering 156% growth in tax revenues during the same period. However, these financial gains occurred alongside severe inflation rates of 45.8% and 41%, resulting in a cumulative inflation rate of 106%.

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Paris, France—May 29, 2024: Exhibition by MEK Supporters in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Paris, France—May 29, 2024: Exhibition by MEK Supporters in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution.

Paris, France—May 29, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition and book display.  This exhibition was held in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and as a protest against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – May 30, 2024