Iran News in Brief – May 29, 2024


UPDATE: 10:00 PM

Memorial for Iran’s Raisi Betrays the Core Principles of the United Nations

Article 1 of the United Nations Charter states that a core purpose of the institution is to “achieve international co-operation… in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms.” However, in a shameful and appalling gesture, the UN is planning an internal ceremony on Thursday, May 30, that contradicts the very core mission established in the aforementioned provision.

After observing a moment of silence and lowering its flag to half-mast “as a mark of respect for the passing of His Excellency Mr. Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the UN now plans to hold a full-fledged memorial service for a man known to countless Iranians as “the butcher of Tehran.”

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European Powers Seek Action Against Iran at IAEA Meeting Despite US Concerns

VIENNA/PARIS, May 29 (Reuters) – Britain, France and Germany have circulated a draft resolution against Iran ahead of the U.N. nuclear watchdog’s board meeting next week and appear determined to push it despite opposition from their U.S. ally, three diplomats said on Wednesday.

Reuters reported on May 24 that the U.S. and its European partners, known as the E3, were divided over whether to confront Iran with Washington fearing such a resolution could risk further escalation in the region and rock the boat ahead of November’s U.S. election.

“We are pushing the Americans, but they remain stuck in the thinking that nothing should be done to escalate with Iran,” said a senior European official. “That has achieved nothing so far and we believe we need to show firmness now.”

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550 UK Parliamentarians Demand Proscription of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard: ‘Business as Usual Is Over’

Despite persistent resistance from the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO), the MPs and peers, part of the British Committee for Iran Freedom, are pushing to label Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist group in a cross-party initiative, marking a significant policy shift.

Labeling the IRGC — which is already under British sanctions — a terrorist organization would make it a criminal offense in Britain to be a member, attend its meetings, or display its logo publicly.

Urging the international community to abandon appeasement and take a firm stance against Tehran, Iranian opposition MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq) political leader and President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Maryam Rajavi said the British parliamentarians’ push “points to their profound understanding of the crisis in Iran and the region and recognizes the clerical regime as the primary obstacles to regional and global peace and security.”

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The Monstrous Money-Printing Machine of Iran’s Regime

The accelerating pace of liquidity growth and money-printing in Iran is exacerbating the misery and hardship for the oppressed people of Iran, to see how many millions of Iranians are driven below the poverty and survival line. In the three years of Ebrahim Raisi’s presidency, the Central Bank of Iran imposed massive inflation and liquidity on the distressed people of Iran. Khamenei’s appointment of Raisi as the head of the executive branch in 2021 angered the so-called reformist faction, who had repeatedly expressed their loyalty to the Supreme Leader. Therefore, their candidate, Abolnasser Hemmati, the Central Bank president, showcased his knowledge and expertise during the presidential campaign and after, contrasting with that of Raisi, who was notoriously renowned for having only elementary education.

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Raisi’s Death, A “Monumental Blow” to Iran’s Regime

With the death of Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi, the issue of the 1988 massacre and the justice-seeking movement has resurfaced in parliaments and public opinion.

On May 21, Mehr News agency wrote, “The enemies and ill-wishers of the Islamic system beat their drums joyfully and expressed satisfaction with this disaster. The reasons for the enemies’ happiness are numerous, but one of the points they emphasize a lot is Ayatollah Raisi’s role in the issue of the execution of the hypocrites [PMOI] in the 1980s; an issue on which the [regime supreme leader Ali] Khamenei also emphasized the need for a correct explanation and analysis of that era so that the roles of ‘executioner’ and ‘martyr’ are not reversed.”

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English Teacher, Somayeh Akhtarshomar, Fired Amid Controversial Accusations

Marivan, Iran – Somayeh Akhtarshomar, an experienced English teacher with a 17-year tenure in city-level schools, has been dismissed following a series of contentious allegations. The case has sparked debate and concern within the educational community.

According to reports, the Administrative Offenses Committee of the province’s employees accused Somayeh Akhtarshomar of several offenses, including:

  1. Publishing Offensive Content: Allegedly, she spread offensive material and false news against the clerical regime.
  2. Membership in Online Teachers’ Union Channels: Akhtarshomar was accused of actively participating in illegal teachers’ union channels in virtual spaces.
  3. Provocative Content: The teacher allegedly posted provocative content in the union channels of Marivan and Sarv Abad teachers and Iranian educators.

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Iran’s Flaring Crisis: Burning Gold and Polluting the Environment

One of the most pressing issues in Iran’s energy industry is the widespread flaring of associated natural gas in oil fields, a practice that amounts to burning valuable resources and contributing to environmental degradation.

This long-standing tradition not only inflicts billions of dollars in economic losses on Iran but also carries severe consequences for the environment, such as acid rain.

In a country where millions of people face power outages, the data reveals a startling reality: the associated gas burned in Iran’s oil fields could provide electricity to nearly a third of the nation’s population.

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EU Countries Seek to List Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as Terrorist Organization

European diplomats informed the German news agency DPA on Monday, May 27th, that several EU countries, including Germany, are pushing to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. This move is based on a court ruling in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Germany, along with several other nations, has requested the European Union’s legal authorities to examine the verdict of the Düsseldorf court. The ruling indicates that an Iranian government agency was responsible for an arson attack on a synagogue in the city of Bochum. EU diplomats informed DPA that the EU’s legal service has confirmed that the court sentence could be sufficient grounds for the terrorist designation.

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Tehran’s Housing Crisis Worsens with Skyrocketing Rents

In recent years, the rental crisis for tenants in Tehran and other cities across Iran has become one of the major social and economic problems.

The uncontrolled rise in rental prices, the shortage of suitable housing, and economic pressures have forced many Tehran residents to leave the city and move to the outskirts. This issue has not only affected individuals’ quality of life but has also created new problems.

Families who lived in the city center until a few years ago are now forced to relocate to the outskirts. It is still unclear how long this trend will continue.

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Iranian-Canadian Communities and MEK Supporters Rally in Ottawa, Urging Canadian Government to Blacklist IRGC

Ottawa, Canada—May 27, 2024: Iranian-Canadian communities, and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in rainy weather and urge Canadian Government to implement the House unanimous motion to Blacklist IRGC. Freedom-loving Iranians also express their solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Vancouver, Canada—May 25, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Support of the Iranian Revolution

Vancouver, Canada—May 25, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions by the Iranian regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – May 28, 2024

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