Iran News in Brief – May 15, 2024


UPDATE: 10:00 PM

Outrage in Belgian Parliament at Surge In Iranian Executions

More than 100 Belgian parliamentarians from the main political parties and all regions of the country have joined the international outrage at the surge in executions in Iran. The signatories include several party leaders, the President of the Senate, and senior members and committee chairs from the federal and regional parliaments.

As a solution, the lawmakers supported the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people for a democratic and secular republic and the 10-point plan put forward by Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which calls for the abolition of the death penalty, gender equality in every aspect including the right of women to choose their own clothing and to participate in political leadership, the rights of minorities, a non-nuclear Iran, etc.

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UANI Condemns Iran’s Dangerous Nuclear Threats

United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace released the following statement after remarks by Kamal Kharrazi, advisor to the Islamic Republic’s supreme leader, threatening to develop nuclear weapons:

“Iran’s regime is advancing its nuclear program while using its proxies against the U.S. and its allies to distract the world. Iran’s breakout time—the amount of time it would take for Tehran to manufacture enough fissile material to build a weapon—is currently at zero. Kamal Kharrazi’s comments are part of its steady march towards nuclear weapons.

“It is a reminder that U.S. policy is dangerously adrift. Sanctions enforcement has been lax; Iran’s regime is not diplomatically isolated; and the Biden administration has not been developing a credible military threat.

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Talk In Iran About Change in Nuclear Weapons Policy Must Stop, UN Expert Says

Loose talk within Iran about abandoning the country’s prohibition on possessing nuclear weapons is very worrying and needs to stop, Rafael Grossi, the head of the UN nuclear inspectorate, has said. He was speaking to the Guardian after talks in London with David Cameron, the British foreign secretary, about the future of Iran’s nuclear programme and Grossi’s delicate efforts to persuade Iran to re-establish an effective inspection programme capable of guaranteeing that the country is not seeking a nuclear weapon.

As a result of Iran’s military confrontation with Israel last month an increasing number of senior Iranian politicians have been calling for the country to develop nuclear weapons to match those they believe Israel has secretly developed.

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Jordan Foils Arms Plot as Kingdom Caught in Iran-Israel Shadow War

AMMAN, May 15 (Reuters) – Jordan has foiled a suspected Iranian-led plot to smuggle weapons into the U.S.-allied kingdom to help opponents of the ruling monarchy carry out acts of sabotage, according to two Jordanian sources with knowledge of the matter.

The weapons were sent by Iranian-backed militias in Syria to a cell of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan that has links to the military wing of the Palestinian group Hamas, the people told Reuters. The cache was seized when members of the cell, Jordanians of Palestinian descent, were arrested in late March, they said.

The alleged plot and arrests, reported here for the first time, come at a time of sky-high tensions in the Middle East, with an American-backed Israel at war in Gaza with Hamas, part of Iran’s “Axis of Resistance” network of proxy groups built up over decades to oppose Israel.

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Biden’s Compromised Iran Envoy Deserves More Congressional Investigation

Along-overdue reckoning over the conduct of Rob Malley, President Biden’s Iran envoy, might be on the way, however much the administration endeavors to bury the truth.

The Washington Post reported last week that members of Congress believe that Malley emailed classified documents to a personal email address and downloaded them to his personal phone from there.

Those lawmakers had done their own freelance investigative work to reach that conclusion because the State Department has been outrageously tight-lipped about the situation. After Malley failed to show up at a congressional briefing last April, officials told members of Congress that he was merely on leave rather than suspended pending the results of an investigation. Congress learned the truth through the press. The State Department appears not just to have failed to inform lawmakers about the situation but to have actively misled them.

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Addressing French MPs in a conference at the French Parliament invited by the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID)

The clerical regime’s overthrow is a prerequisite for regional and global peace and security

Missiles, the Iranian regime’s solution to all problems

In a recent television interview, Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi put on a marathon of lies and deceit with a big dose of audacity. From his usual lies like reducing liquidity growth and controlling inflation, to claims of production growth and increasing subsidies, eradicating poverty, free water, electricity, and gas, healthcare insurance, and fighting corruption, among others. These claims are all baseless and repugnant.

However, Raisi’s despicable claims, there is one that deserves a closer look. When he boasted about the regime’s disgraceful missile drone attack and claimed that the so-called “Sincere Promise” operation “lifted the shadow of war from the country.” How a war and attack, if taken seriously, can lift the shadow of war is a question that this lying individual should answer himself.

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The Crisis in Iran’s Healthcare System

The potential collapse of Iran’s healthcare system due to the deterioration of its hospitals presents a significant challenge. Warnings from health professionals emphasize the urgent need to address hospital-acquired infections, which remain a leading cause of death in the country.

Despite this, the regime has failed to provide transparent statistics on the issue. However, independent studies estimate the prevalence of these infections in Iran to be between 0.32% and 1.9%—a troubling figure that underscores the gravity of the situation.

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The Continuation of the Hunger Strike by Political Prisoners in the Campaign “Tuesdays Against Execution”

Today, on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024, political prisoners in Evin, Khorramabad, Karaj, Khoy, and Naqadeh prisons went on a hunger strike as part of the sixteenth week of the “Tuesdays Against Execution” campaign.

Political prisoners participating in the “Tuesdays Against Execution” campaign, in a statement they released today, have issued a warning regarding the imminent execution of two political prisoners, Khosrow Besharat and Kamran Sheikh, who have been subjected to brutal torture and are now facing the threat of execution after enduring 10 and 14 days of torture, respectively.

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Geneva—May 13, 2024: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally Against Policy of Appeasing Iran’s Regime

Geneva, Switzerland—May 13, 2024: Coinciding with the United Nations Disarmament Commission (UNODA) session, supporters of the Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK) rallied in front of the UN headquarters in Geneva. They protested against policies of appeasing Iran’s regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – May 14, 2024

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