Iran News in Brief – May 13, 2024



Unbridled Corruption of the Iranian Regime

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – the Iranian regime’s Gestapo, runs over 70% of the country’s economy, pays no tax, and is answerable only to the Supreme Leader, the elderly and psychotic Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The corruption of the IRGC is legendary. As Iran’s economy crumbles and the rial plummets to new lows, some of the top IRGC commanders are pocketing billions. The most recent case which has caused outrage amongst the ordinary people of Iran, involves Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani. The 69-year-old is a close friend and adviser to Khamenei. He was head of the IRGC Navy before being appointed Defense Minister in 1997. His meteoric career took him from there to become secretary of the Supreme National Security Council until 2023. He is now a member of the elite 34-man Expediency Discernment Council, hand-picked to advise the Supreme Leader.

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Why Khamenei Is Afraid of Iran’s Social Challenges

In a meeting with the regime’s governors on May 5, Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi extensively discussed the problems of Iran’s society. He said, “Regarding the issue of social damages, the leader held seven sessions personally with the heads of the three branches and national officials. Now the responsibility lies with Ahmad Vahidi, the Minister of Interior, and the head of the Social Affairs Organization!”

The fact that regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei personally held seven sessions with the heads of the three branches and other leaders of the regime indicates the severity, intensity, and deep concern and fear about the current economic and social conditions. However, this does not mean that Khamenei is concerned about poverty, corruption, inflation, and the suffering of the people themselves. Rather, his concern and fear are about the consequences of these issues. Undoubtedly, the corrupt and medieval regime neither wants nor can it address the social damages that it is causing. The regime’s solution to crises is either to create another crisis to divert attention from the existing ones or to suppress and execute more individuals.

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Deprivation of Medical Care: The Case of Laleh Saati in Evin Prison

Laleh Saati, a Christian convert, finds herself in a dire situation within the confines of Evin Prison. Denied proper medical care, her plight highlights the challenges faced by religious minorities in Iran. According to a recent report, Ms. Laleh Saati’s temporary release was thwarted by the prosecutor overseeing her case. This disruption has taken a toll on her mental well-being during her incarceration. Despite her urgent need for specialized medical attention, she has not been transferred to a hospital.

Born in 1978, Laleh Saati was arrested by security forces and subsequently transferred to the women’s ward of Evin prison on February 13, 2024. Her detention involved multiple transfers to the notorious Ward 209, an interrogation center operated by the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS).

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Iran’s Regime Threatens Internet Freedom with Controversial Cyberspace Bill

The recent publication of the Iranian regime parliament’s agenda has sent chills down the spines of internet freedom advocates. A particularly controversial proposal, the Cyberspace Protection Bill (also known as the Cyberspace Service Regulation System Act), has resurfaced, reigniting fears of increased censorship and restricted internet access. This bill, which sparked widespread protests a few years ago, proposes granting control of internet exchange points to the Iranian Armed Forces.

In September 2022, Mohammad Saleh Jokar, head of the parliament’s Internal Affairs Commission, initially stated that the plan was no longer on the agenda. He claimed it had been transferred to the Supreme Council of Cyberspace, a government body led by the regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi. However, this statement was met with skepticism. State media and some social media users reported that the Council had approved parts of the 2022 version of the bill under the guise of a “regulatory system.” This lack of transparency and conflicting reports fueled public concern.

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Iranian Chamber of Commerce Reports Worsening Economic Conditions

In its latest report on the state of the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), the Research Center of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce has reported the worsening of the country’s economic outlook components.

The report states that in the coming months, a shortage of raw materials could seriously affect the trend of economic improvement, especially in the industrial sector.

The Research Center of the Chamber of Commerce, affiliated with the Iranian regime, says that the significant trade deficit in 2023 and the increasing gap between the prices of free market currency and government currency in recent months are factors that could restrict the allocation of foreign currency resources for importing raw materials in the coming months.

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Manchester, England—May 11, 2024: Freedom-Loving Iranians Organize an Exhibition to Support the Iranian Revolution

Manchester—May 11, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and academics living in England, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), organized a book exhibition and petition collection to back the Iranian Revolution. Showing solidarity with the Iranian people’s cause against oppression, torture, and executions, citizens have come forward to sign the support petition. Their backing has emboldened the organizers to persist in this campaign.

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Copenhagen, Denmark—May 11, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Copenhagen, Denmark—May 11, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally and exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution, while also protesting against the increasing wave of executions by the Iranian regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – May 12, 2024

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