Iran News in Brief – May 12, 2024


UPDATE: 12:00 PM

Palestinian Membership Approved by General Assembly

The UN approved a resolution for Palestine with a vote of 143-9, reflecting global support for Palestine’s full membership. The US, along with eight other countries, voted against it. The resolution gives Palestine some rights and privileges but reaffirms its status as a non-member observer state. The US has made it clear that it will block Palestinian membership until direct negotiations with Israel resolve key issues. The resolution determines that Palestine is qualified for membership and recommends that the Security Council reconsider its request favorably. The push for full Palestinian membership comes amid the war in Gaza, which has put the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at center stage.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas first delivered the Palestinian Authority’s application for U.N. membership in 2011. It failed because the Palestinians didn’t get the required minimum support of nine of the Security Council’s 15 members. In the Security Council vote on April 18, the Palestinians got much more support for full U.N. membership. The vote was 12 in favor, with the United Kingdom and Switzerland abstaining, and the United States voting no and vetoing the resolution.

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Iran: 80 More Executions Spark Appeal by MPs Against Regime

More than 200 parliamentarians have signed an appeal calling for an end to the recent crackdown in Iran and expressing solidarity with the struggle of the Iranian people. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, commented on the appeal signed by the majority of Italian Parliament Representatives. She stated, “The fact that the Italian MPs point to the theocratic regime, its Islamic Revolutionary Guards, and the armed groups that finance it as the main obstacles to regional and world peace while invoking the recognition of the rights of Iranians and the Resistance Units to confront the repressive forces of the mullahs, is indicative of a correct analysis of the current international crisis.” Rajavi added, “I hope that the Italian government will adopt the suggestions contained in this appeal to guide a new EU policy towards Iran, which includes the inclusion of the IRGC in the list of terrorist organizations.”

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Iran’s Regime Breaks Its Own Record in Taxing The Impoverished Population

The Iranian regime’s current executive and legislative branches have broken the records of their predecessors in taxation, surpassing previous governments to the extent that they have introduced over 20 new types of taxes.

On September 5, 2023, the state-run Khabar Online news website wrote, “The ‘principlist’ movement, from 2019 until now, by first gaining control of the Majlis [parliament] and then the government, has imposed more than 20 new taxes and expenses on the people, breaking the record for the highest tax collection from the people compared to previous governments and parliaments. These include property tax, rent, vehicle tax, card reader tax, bills, money transfer tax, increased tariffs, various government service charges, and of course, VPN [fees].”

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Zahra Shafeii Suffers Brain Stroke due to Blows to Her Head During Arrest

Zahra Shafeii, an author, documentary film producer, and former political prisoner, suffered a brain stroke due to the blows struck to her head during her arrest on a street in Tehran on September 16, 2023, the anniversary of the 2022 Iran uprising.

On Friday, May 10, 2024, Mr. Saeed Dehghan, a lawyer, wrote on his X account that Ms. Zahra Shafeii had been taken to a hospital the previous Thursday for brain surgery to remove a tumor.

Zahra Shafeii was violently arrested by Guidance Patrol agents on September 16, 2023, coinciding with the anniversary of the death of Zhina Mahsa Amini in the custody of the Morality Police. This event sparked a nationwide uprising lasting six months. She was temporarily released on bail on November 20, 2023.

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Crackdown on Student Activism at Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology

Iran’s Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology (KNTU) has implemented new restrictions on student activity, particularly in cyberspace. These restrictions require large online groups (over 100 members) to gain approval from the “Student Publications Supervisory Committee” before forming. Additionally, membership in unauthorized online channels can lead to punishment under the university’s disciplinary code.

According to a report by ISNA news agency on May 8th, KNTU claims that none of the currently active student groups online hold a legal license. The university justifies these restrictions by citing the misuse of online spaces for “defamation of individuals” and the spread of “inappropriate content” on social media. University officials further claim that the decision was made in response to criticism from “students, parents, faculty members, and well-wishers.”

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Iran’s Internet Crackdown: A Struggle for Control and Connectivity

In a recent escalation of control, the Iranian regime has intensified its efforts to restrict internet access and filter social media platforms. However, these measures seem to be backfiring, as citizens increasingly turn to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to circumvent the limitations.

Alireza Bozorgmehri, an Iranian IT expert, highlights the growing frustration with internet disruptions. He criticizes the government’s tactics in an interview with the state-run website Entekhab, stating, “The disturbances have become bizarre in recent days. They try everything to tighten restrictions, but it only annoys society.” Bozorgmehri further emphasizes that these restrictions are ineffective as “young and old are using VPNs” to access the global internet.

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Educational Disparity and Early Marriage Hinder Iranian Women’s Opportunities

Iranian demographer Shahla Kazemipour paints a concerning picture of the challenges facing young women in Iran. Her analysis, based on official statistics and her own research, reveals a significant drop-out rate among girls transitioning from primary to secondary school.

Kazemipour estimates that while primary school enrollment for girls sits at a promising 95%, this figure plummets to just 70% by high school. This translates to roughly 621,000 girls dropping out annually, a substantial loss of female talent and potential.

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Halle, Germany—May 10, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Halle, Germany—May 10, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a book table and exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution, while also protesting against the increasing wave of executions by the Iranian regime.

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Berlin, Germany—May 9, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Berlin, Germany—May 9, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a book table and exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution, while also protesting against the increasing wave of executions by the Iranian regime.

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Paris, France—May 9, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Paris, France—May 9, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition and book display in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. While condemning the wave of criminal executions in Iran by the mullahs’ regime, they demanded the release of political prisoners and the abolition of cruel death sentences.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – May 11, 2024

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