Iran News in Brief – May 10, 2023

iranian resistance activism 09052023



Iran: UN Experts Condemn Recent Executions, Urge Moratorium on Death Penalty

GENEVA (9 May 2023) – UN experts* today strongly condemned several recent executions, including Mr. Habib Chaab, a Swedish-Iranian national from the Ahwazi Arab minority, Mr. Yousef Mehrdad and Mr. Sadrollah Fazeli Zare, and warned that executions following flawed trials were tantamount to arbitrary deprivation of life under international law.

“Trials of some of these persons were marred by violations of due process guarantees in proceedings that fell short of international fair trial standards,” the experts said. “Any death sentence undertaken in contravention of a government’s international obligations is unlawful and tantamount to an arbitrary execution.”

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Senators Demand Biden Allows DHS To Enforce Sanctions Against Iran

A bipartisan group of a dozen senators is demanding the Biden administration to allow the Department of Homeland Security to enforce sanctions against Iran by seizing oil and gas shipments from the country as Tehran is ramping up seizures of foreign oil tankers. Iran uses money from oil sales to fund corrupt regimes and terrorist groups, according to U.S. officials, and the senators said in a recent letter to Biden: “Enforcement of sanctions against Iranian petrochemical and petroleum sales will defund terrorists’ intent on harming the United States and our partners.”

Iranian oil exports increased by 35% from 2021 to 2022, but for the past year Homeland Security Investigations, the main federal agency for oil sanctions, has been unable to seize Iranian oil shipments. due to “policy limitations” issued by the Treasury Department, the senators also said.

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Vulnerable Papercut Servers Targeted by Iranian Hackers

More attacks against vulnerable PaperCut MF/NG print management servers have been deployed by Iranian state-sponsored threat groups Mango Sandstorm, also known as MuddyWater and Mercury, and Mint Sandstorm, also known as Phosphorus and APT35, BleepingComputer reports.

“The PaperCut exploitation activity by Mint Sandstorm appears opportunistic, affecting organizations across sectors and geographies. Observed CVE-2023-27350 exploitation activity by Mango Sandstorm remains low, with operators using tools from prior intrusions to connect to their C2 infrastructure,” said Microsoft’s Threat Intelligence Team in a series of tweets. Such attacks come after the CVE-2023-27350 vulnerability was also exploited by the Lace Tempest hacking operation, which was noted to overlap with the TA505 and FIN11 cybercrime groups.

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Iran Uprising at a Glance

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

Iran’s nationwide uprising witnessed its 237th day on Wednesday. This was following a busy day of protests by people from different walks of life in Iran, as reported by the Iranian opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

Brave youths in Isfahan, central Iran, attacked a site of the mullahs’ so-called judiciary in response to the new surge of executions. This attack took place early Wednesday morning.

A similar attack was launched by the brave youths of Qazvin in northwest Iran as they targeted the provincial judiciary branch early Wednesday morning.

Around 400 local railway workers near the city of Kerman, south-central Iran, continued their strike for the fourth consecutive day on Wednesday.

Local municipality workers in Mahshahr of Khuzestan Province in southwest Iran held a gathering protesting their poor living conditions.

Defrauded investors of the regime’s “Maskan-e Mehr” housing project gathered in Tehran on Wednesday, protesting and demanding officials finally provide them their housing or return their stolen money.

In other reports from Tehran, employees of the Shahr Bank held a gathering on Wednesday and protested their poor living conditions and low paychecks.

Drivers of the Sarkas Oil Company went on strike on Wednesday, joining the nationwide strike of industrial workers across the country that has continued for over two weeks.

Family members of inmates transferred to solitary confinement in preparation to be executed gathered outside Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj, west of the capital Tehran. They were desperately attempting to save their loved ones.

Retirees and pensioners of the regime’s Social Security Organization from across Khuzestan Province held a rally in Ahvaz on Wednesday, protesting high prices, poverty, and corruption.

Locals in Tehran were seen chanting anti-regime slogans on Tuesday night, including “Down with the republic of executions!”

Two Suspected Hezbollah Members Arrested In Germany

AFP- German federal prosecutors announced the arrest of two alleged members of Hezbollah on Wednesday suspected of recruiting and organising activities for the Iran-backed Shiite movement. Named only as Lebanese national Hassan M. and German-Lebanese dual citizen Abdul-Latif W. the pair were detained in northern Germany, the federal prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

It said Abdul-Latif W. joined the organisation “at the latest” in 2004 and Hassan M. in 2016. They are both now facing charges of “membership of a foreign terrorist organisation”. The pair are alleged to have represented Hezbollah in the Bremen region of northern Germany, handling organisation and logistics for the group.

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The Swedish Parliament Voted Unanimously to Identify IRGC as Terrorist Organization

According to the website of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Swedish parliament, 349 members of parliament from different parties voted in favor of a resolution that requires the government of this country to designate the Iran regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a terrorist organization within the framework of the European Union.

Tensions between Iran and Sweden have been mounting since July, when a Swedish court sentenced Hamid Nouri, a former Iranian prison guard, and torturer, to life imprisonment for his involvement in the execution of political prisoners in 1988.

In January, the European Parliament passed a resolution urging the European Union and its member states to designate IRGC as a terrorist group. The resolution also demanded that Iranian authorities put an end to the crackdown on protests that began in September, following the death of a 22-year-old woman in police custody. Additionally, it called for sanctions against the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and President Ebrahim Raisi.


US Defense Spox Slams Iranian Regime’s Illicit Activity in Middle East

At a press conference in the United States Department of Defense, Brigadier General Patrick Ryder, Pentagon Press Secretary said: “When it comes to Iran and their proxy groups, we’ve talked a lot about the fact that throughout the region, we’ve seen illicit activity by Iranian-sponsored groups in terms of moving weapons and ammunition, and I think we’ve all, for example, followed the situation in Yemen for many years, for example. And so in accordance with international law and working with our allies and our partners in the region, we will continue to do what we can also be working with the broader U.S. government in terms of the interagency to do what we can to stem the tide of the illicit shipment of illegal arms and weapons. Again, this just points to Iran’s malign activity in the region and a challenge which I think the U.S. and many of our allies and partners can agree on.”

Desperate Iranians Are Selling Organs Due to Country’s Economic Crisis: Illegal Sales ‘Reach Alarming Levels’ With Body Parts Exchanging for £5,500 to £12,000

Amid a deepening economic crisis, many Iranians are reported to have turned to sell body organs to overseas buyers out of poverty, Iranian news warns. Reports claim people are selling kidneys, liver, cornea, bone marrow, sperm, and ovum to support their families or pay for medical bills, fetching £5,500 ($7,000) to £12,000 ($15,000) per organ. Iran International cited local news in saying middlemen inside the million-dollar industry would buy the organs to send on to countries including the UAE, Turkey, and Iraq. There is no evidence of action being taken to stop the online black market, usually with buyers procuring organs through coercion or deception. In 2019, Iran‘s opposition party went on to claim the government had endorsed the practice of people living in poverty selling their organs.

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Congressman John James Introduces Legislation Holding Iran’s Financial Backers Accountable, Restoring Congressional Oversight

Washington, D.C. – Rep. John James introduced the “Address Iran’s Malign Posture Act” on Friday. The bill seeks to tighten sanctions on Iran’s financial backers and requires congressional oversight for any nuclear deal between the United States and Iran.

“Despite opposition from both parties and no support from our Israeli and Arab allies and partners, Joe Biden insists on negotiating a flawed nuclear deal with Iran. Moving forward, Congress must be in the driver’s seat for any negotiations with Iran on a nuclear agreement,” James said. “That’s why I introduced the ‘Address Iran’s Malign Posture Act.’ Not only does it require the Biden administration to work with us to address Iran’s nuclear efforts, but it also targets any financial support to Iran’s most dangerous organization—the IRGC. This is about standing with our allies and defending our own national security when others will not.”

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If The State Fails to Heed the People, There Will Be Riots, State-affiliated Expert Warns

In an interview with the Farhikhtegan Daily, Hossein Abolhasan Tanhaee, a state-affiliated sociologist said: “Today the situation is different. People have been asking for their demands since the previous years, but either these movements did not have good definitions or it always went from the union spectrum to the political spectrum, and since it wasn’t organized properly, it would disappear soon.”

Blaming the regime for its refusal to address socio-economic demands, he added: “As the government failed to respond appropriately, the livelihood-based demands turned political due to frustration and dissatisfaction, and religious and ethnic groups became politicized again.”

“When people see that no matter what they do, they are the losers and they have nothing left to hold on to, people reach a state of despair or social helplessness in society,” the sociologist warned. “Their interpretation is that they are losing economically and cannot provide bread on the table, they cannot plan for their future life. From a religious point of view, they cannot perform their rituals. In terms of lifestyle, they have to self-censor everywhere in their lives, and the pressure is constantly increasing on them. The helplessness and desperation of the society, when it reaches this point, there will definitely be large-scale riots, or all-encompassing movements in all kinds of uprisings, and collapse will occur.”

McCaul, Meeks, Wilson, Phillips Introduce Bill To Sanction Iran’s Missile and Drone Program

Washington, D.C. – Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Ranking Member Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY), along with Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia Chairman Joe Wilson (R-SC) and Ranking Member Dean Phillips (D-MN), introduced a bipartisan bill to impose sanctions on a wide range of activities supporting Iran’s missile and drone program ahead of the October 2023 expiration of the UN missile ban on Iran.

“Even with the UN restrictions in place, Iran’s missiles and drones are targeting U.S. troops, allies, and partners across the Middle East and increasingly fueling Vladimir Putin’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine,” said the members. “Without urgent action, Iran’s missiles and drones could wreak even greater havoc around the globe come October. We are proud to introduce the Fight CRIME Act to constrain Iran’s arsenal, deter malign actors from supporting Iran and its proxies, and keep these dangerous weapons from proliferating onto new battlefields, regardless of whether UN restrictions remain in place.”

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Iran’s Retirees Launch New Wave of Nationwide Protests Over Economic Woes

Retirees and pensioners of Iran’s telecom industry took to the streets in large numbers on Monday in yet another wave of protests over economic woes. Over ten cities, all provincial capitals, were scenes of large gatherings and organized protests by these retirees who are demanding higher pensions and their rights being recognized by the regime’s authorities. The country’s economy is nosediving thanks to the mullahs’ devastating policies, or lack thereof, and many like these retirees are finding it extremely difficult and even impossible to make ends meet. People throughout Iran continue to specifically hold the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responsible for their miseries, while also condemning the oppressive Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and paramilitary Basij units, alongside other security units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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Teachers Protest in 14 Provinces Against Unfair Treatment and Rights Violations

Despite intense security measures today, May 9, 2023, teachers held gatherings and protests in 14 provinces against violating their basic rights, the arrest of teachers, the lack of ranking, and the equalization of salaries.

The teachers protest against the government’s failure to implement the ranking plan, which has transformed from a tool for encouraging teachers to a means of exerting control over them. In addition, teachers have been waiting for more than a decade to equalize pensions, and there are concerns about psychological insecurity and threats to students’ physical health, particularly female students. The government’s practice of filing and using security pressures against union activists have also continued, further fueling the teachers’ discontent.

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The Threats and Consequences of Lifting the Embargo on Iran’s Missile Program

Starting from October 18, 2023, the Iranian regime will no longer be subject to restrictions on activities that support its missile program. In reality, the regime is currently violating the U.N. embargo by exporting weapons to its proxies that exceed the restrictions imposed on them in terms of weapon types, ranges, and other factors. The regime possesses a significant inventory of ballistic and cruise missiles that are currently equipped with conventional warheads but can be modified to carry nuclear warheads. Although there have been no significant developments in the regime’s nuclear dossier over the past few months, the upcoming month presents new challenges.

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The Emergence of Nonviolent Struggle in Iran in 2023?-Part two

Numerous examples of nonviolent struggle aimed at establishing or preserving democratic rule in the face of totalitarian, bloodthirsty dictatorships have been recorded in recent centuries. One of the oldest and most authentic of these movements was the Indian independence movement against British colonialism, which began with the 1857 revolt and ultimately resulted in India’s independence on August 15, 1947, led by Mahatma Gandhi.

The struggle of this movement is associated with many unique historical events. The term “nonviolent struggle” and its function in the 20th century, aimed at expelling the British government from India, is tied to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi as the freedom-seeking leader of the Indian nonviolent movement.

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Berlin, Germany—May 6, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally to Support the Iran Revolution

Berlin, Germany—May 6, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in solidarity with the Iranian RevolutionMEK supporters also condemned the Iranian regime’s chemical attacks on schoolgirls and poisoning at schools across the country.

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Amsterdam, The Netherlands—May 6, 2023: MEK Supporters Rallied to Support the Iran Revolution and the Iranian Workers’ Strike

Amsterdam, The Netherlands—May 6, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) rallied in Dam Square in support of the Iran Revolution and expressed their solidarity with the Iranian workers’ strike across the country.

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Sydney, Australia—May 6, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Revolution

Sydney, Australia—May 6, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally and expressed solidarity with the nationwide Iranian uprising against the mullahs’ regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – May 9, 2023

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