Iran News in Brief – March 8, 2023

iran children march82023
Iranian children holding signs and celebrating International Women’s Day



Sanctioning Those Connected to Human Rights Abuses in Iran

Today – on International Women’s Day – the United States is taking action in coordination with the European Union, United Kingdom, and Australia to promote accountability for the Iranian regime’s continued human rights abuses, particularly those against women and girls, including those conducted in the course of the brutal crackdown on protests that erupted after the death of Mahsa Amini.  To that end, the United States is designating two Iranian officials overseeing prisons in Iran, two senior Iranian security leaders, three companies that supply Iranian law enforcement, and the heads of these companies, as well as a high-ranking law enforcement official.

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 174

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 – 8 PM GMT

On Wednesday, March 8, Iran’s nationwide uprising witnessed its 174th day as people across Iran took to the streets in many cities yesterday and today protesting the recent chemical gas attacks targeting schools and universities, especially all-girls facilities. Popular anger is escalating as more people are pointing fingers at the regime and its security forces.

People consider it impossible that a nationwide campaign of gas attacks targeting schools could continue for months without the knowledge of high-ranking authorities in the mullahs’ regime and their vast security apparatus. To add insult to injury, reports indicate school authorities, and the regime is busy covering up the attacks after they had been carried out.

Today, in Tehran, women in the Narmak district chanted: “Death to the dictator!” “Basij & IRGC, you are our ISIS!” “This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown!” Anti-riot units were deployed and shot tear gas and shotgun pellet rounds.

The opposition MEK-affiliated Resistance Units in Tehran, Shiraz, Khorramshahr, and Semnan marched and chanted anti-regime slogans to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Honoring International Women’s Day, MEK-affiliated Resistance Units in Kashan also marched and chanted anti-regime slogans.

Today In Khash, southeast Iran, Baluch women protested and chanted: “Political prisoners must be released!” “Women’s freedom is our right!” “From Zahedan to Tehran, my life for Iran!”

This evening in Sanandaj, western Iran, authorities deployed a large number of security units to prevent anti-regime protests marking International Women’s Day.

In Rasht, northern Iran,  women in the streets chanted anti-regime slogans: “With or without the hijab, we’re headed for a revolution!” and “The movement continues!”

Late last night, people in the capital’s District 1 chanted anti-regime slogans: “Khamenei, you murderer! We will bury you!” and “[Khamenei], the protests will not end!”


Iran-related Designations; Russia-related Designation Removal; Ukraine-related Designation Removal

ABDOLLAHINEJAD, Bahram (Arabic: بهرام عبداللهی نژاد), Iran; DOB 11 Jun 1959; POB Sarab, East Azerbaijan, Iran; nationality Iran; Additional Sanctions Information – Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Gender Male; Passport I42008251 (Iran) expires 30 Jul 2022; National ID No. 1652879668 (Iran); CEO of Naji Pars Amin Institute (individual) [IRAN-HR] (Linked To: NAJI PARS AMIN INSTITUTE).

AMIRI, Mahdi (Arabic: مهدی امیری) (a.k.a. AMIRI, Mehdi), Iran; DOB 25 Mar 1983; POB Shiraz, Iran; nationality Iran; Additional Sanctions Information – Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Gender Male; Passport G10520995 (Iran) expires 29 Sep 2026; National ID No. 229-555835-2 (Iran); Birth Certificate Number 272 (Iran); Technical Director of the Cyberspace Affairs Deputy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Iran (individual) [IRAN-EO13846] (Linked To: COMMITTEE TO DETERMINE INSTANCES OF CRIMINAL CONTENT).

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UN Agency Urges Probe of Schoolgirl Poisonings in Iran

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The U.N. cultural agency on Wednesday expressed concern about the suspected poisoning of thousands of schoolgirls across Iran and called for investigations.

Thousands of students across hundreds of mostly girls’ schools have reported being sickened by toxic fumes in incidents going back to November. There have been no fatalities.

It remains unclear what chemical might have been used, if any. No one has claimed the attacks and authorities have not identified any suspects. Unlike neighboring Afghanistan, Iran has no history of religious extremists targeting girls’ education.

UNESCO “urges thorough investigations and immediate actions to protect schools and facilitate the return of affected students,” the agency tweeted.

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UK Sanctions ‘Global Violators of Women’s Rights’

LONDON, March 8 (Reuters) – Britain on Wednesday announced a package of sanctions against what they described as ‘global violators of women’s rights’ based in Iran, Syria, the Central African Republic and South Sudan.

The asset freezes and travel bans were introduced on International Women’s Day, applying to four individuals, including military figures accused of overseeing rape. An Iranian government institution was also sanctioned.

“These sanctions send a clear message that the perpetrators of abhorrent gender-based violence must be held accountable,” foreign minister James Cleverly said in an emailed statement.

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Sen. James Lankford to Newsmax: US Cannot Take Iran’s Global Threat Lightly

Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., looks forward to the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing with five intelligence heads from the FBI (Director Chris Wray), National Security Agency (Gen. Paul Nakasone), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Avril Haines), Defense Intelligence Agency (Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier), and CIA (Director William Burns).

And do not forget about Iran, which remains “focused on destabilizing the region” in the Middle East, Lankford told Newsmax‘s “Spicer & Co.” co-hosts Sean Spicer and Lyndsay Keith.

“A lot of folks,” according to Lankford, “are ignoring the very-real threat” from Iran.

The tangible worries involve Iran threatening other countries with nuclear weapons, sending weapons-defense systems to Russia, forecasting assassinations of world leaders, and carrying out acts of terrorism, Lankford added.

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Raped, Tortured, Imprisoned: The Iranian Women Fighting for Their Daughters’ Future

Yet as the world marks International Women’s Day (IWD) today, Iran’s swelling feminist movement is showing no sign of slowing down – fuelled by a new era of Generation-Z rebels like Amini who refuse to be enslaved by their male rulers. As Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian opposition leader and president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said in an IWD speech last weekend: “The uprising and unparalleled courage of Iranian women have captivated the attention of the world. Defiant girls from Tehran to Zahedan are shouting: ‘With or without the hijab, onward to the revolution!’

“For 30 years, we have been saying that the rise of women will ignite the uprising. The day will come when the women of Iran will overthrow the religious tyranny of the mullahs.”

The 69-year-old is co-leader of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) dissident group, along with her husband Massoud Rajavi. She began her political activism at the age of 22 after her sister Narges, was killed by SAVAK, the Iranian state police, under Shah’s rule. Her other sister, Massumeh, was executed while pregnant in 1982 under Ayatollah Khomeini’s regime. The MEK is calling for the peaceful transfer of power to the Iranian people following the overthrow of Khamenei, who succeeded Khomeini in 1989.

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Dozens of Schools Targeted in Gas Attacks in Iran, Popular Protests Escalate

Iran’s nationwide uprising is witnessing its 173rd day as the regime’s orchestrated chemical gas attacks targeting schools and universities across the country are rendering increased anger and protests among the general public. Parents and locals in cities checkered throughout Iran are pointing fingers at regime officials and authorities for not only failing and refusing to prevent these attacks but also accusing them of turning a blind eye and facilitating these horrendous measures that are leaving hundreds of schoolkids, especially girls, suffocating and left hospitalized.

People throughout the country are specifically holding the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responsible for their miseries, while also condemning the oppressive Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and paramilitary Basij units, alongside other security units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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Teachers and Families of Students Held Protests Against Deliberate Poisoning

Various capitals across Iran saw protests on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, against deliberate poisoning of students. Teachers and families of students called on the clerical regime to account and provide the security of schools. The protesters chanted, “Condemn the chemical attacks,” “death to the child-killing regime,” “Security of schools is our inalienable right,” etc. In continuation of the poisoning of students, another 41 girl students in Zahedan were poisoned on Tuesday, March 7, due to inhaling toxic gases.

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A Recap of Mahsa Amini’s Death and the State’s Cover-up

Mahsa Amini (Zhina) was a young girl from Saqqez who had just been accepted to university and had come to Tehran with her family to visit her relatives. On September 13, 2022, she was arrested near the Haqqani metro station in Tehran on charges of improper veiling. She was then transferred to the Morality Police headquarters. Some 2 hours later, Mahsa fell into a coma after being beaten severely by police. She died on September 16.

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Women Lead the Charge in Iran’s Fight for Freedom

The Iranian people’s uprising was one of the world’s most significant events of the year 2022. In light of its importance, the NCRI Women’s Committee has devoted this year’s Annual Report to the various aspects of this democratic Revolution and women’s role in it. Women’s bravery and leadership role was one of the most prominent features of the 2022 Iran uprising that inspired the world. But how did this come about?

Of course, it did not happen overnight. Women’s leading role in the uprising is deeply rooted in the Iranian women’s long history of struggle for their democratic rights, especially over the past 44 years.

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Iran’s Regime Uses Poison Attacks Against Schoolgirls To Complement the Morality Police

In recent weeks, Iran has experienced a disturbing trend of poisoning incidents that have affected many schoolgirls across the country. According to reports, hundreds of young girls have been hospitalized after exposure to toxic substances, and tragically, some have even lost their lives.

This disturbing situation has led to widespread public outrage and protests throughout Iran, with many people criticizing the government’s inadequate response and lack of concern for the welfare of these vulnerable children. Instead of taking decisive action to protect their health and safety, the regime has downplayed the severity of the crisis and denied that the poisonings had even occurred.

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Futile Nuclear Talks With Iran Start Again

The completely stalled Iranian Vienna nuclear talk saga has become a continued tasteless pull-and-push game. Meaningless rounds of negotiations, statements of optimism or pessimism, countless photo-ops and news conferences, tweets of this authority or that, saying the same things but using different words at different times, and truckloads of rhetoric, portrayed the state of the Vienna nuclear negotiations, less than a year ago.

The secretive nature of Iran’s nuclear development and Iran’s unwillingness to reveal the full scope of its program became one of the world’s most critical security issues, with fears centering on the overwhelming likelihood of Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. Between 2006 and 2015, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed eight resolutions on Iran’s nuclear program, including one in December 2006 imposing sanctions.

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Stockholm—March 6, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Front of the Swedish Court, Seeking Justice for the 1988 Massacre Victims

Stockholm, Sweden—March 6, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally on the ninth session of the appeal trial of the executioner Hamid Noury in front of the court. They are seeking justice for more than 30,000 martyrs of the 1988 massacre.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – March 7, 2023

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