Iran News in Brief – March 28, 2023

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 194

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Tuesday, March 28, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

Iran’s nationwide uprising witnessed its 194th day on Tuesday as people in different cities of Iran are continuing to voice their grievances about the mullahs’ regime and remain in the streets with anti-regime protests. Worsening economic conditions are making conditions even more impossible for millions of people to make ends meet as a growing percentage of the population continues to plunge into poverty.

In Bandar-e Anzali, northern Iran MEK Resistance Units projected a large image of Iranian Resistance Leader Massoud Rajavi and opposition coalition NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi on a building in the city’s Saheli Boulevard.

Locals in the Narmak district of the capital Tehran began chanting anti-regime slogans on Monday night, including:
“Down with Khamenei!”
“Down with the dictator!”
“Down with the child-killing regime!”

Today Teachers and educators in several cities held gatherings and protested poor economic conditions, their low paychecks, and demanded the release of their unjustly jailed colleagues. These rallies were held in the cities of Tabriz, Ardabil, Kermanshah, Baneh, Malayer, Hamadan, Zanjan, Bojnurd, Urmia, and others.

Also In Zanjan, northwest Iran, teachers held gatherings outside the local Education Dept. protesting their poor economic situation and low paychecks.

On Tuesday morning, retirees and pensioners of the regime’s Social Security Organization in Ahvaz, southwest Iran, rallied to protest high prices, inflation, low pensions, and other economic woes.

In Hamadan, western Iran, teachers held gatherings outside the local Education Dept. protesting their poor economic situation and low pay checks.


City Appeal to the Federal Council for the Implementation of Measures Against Human Rights Violations in Iran

In a joint letter to the Federal Council, the presidents of the largest Swiss cities called for concrete measures to be taken against human rights violations in Iran. The Federal Council should work in the UN Human Rights Council to implement the international investigation and accountability mechanism in order to tackle systematic impunity in Iran. In addition, he should take measures to support Iranian civil society in its fight for women’s and human rights. The Federal Council is also being asked to reconsider its decision of November 2, 2022 not to adopt the EU sanctions issued in connection with the current protests.

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Amnesty International Annual Report: Iran 2022

Iran was rocked by an unprecedented popular uprising against the Islamic Republic system. Security forces unlawfully fired live ammunition and metal pellets to crush protests, killing hundreds of men, women and children and injuring thousands. Thousands of people were arbitrarily detained and/or unfairly prosecuted solely for peacefully exercising their human rights. Women, LGBTI people, and ethnic and religious minorities suffered intensified discrimination and violence. Enforced disappearances, torture and other ill-treatment, including through the deliberate denial of medical care, were widespread and systematic. Cruel and inhuman punishments, including flogging, amputation and blinding, were imposed and/or carried out. The use of the death penalty increased and public executions resumed. Trials remained systematically unfair. Systemic impunity prevailed for past and ongoing crimes against humanity relating to prison massacres in 1988 and other crimes under international law.

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Different Sectors of Iran’s Society Continue Street Protests

Iran’s nationwide uprising is witnessing its 193rd day on Monday as people from different strata are taking to the streets to voice their woes and grievances. Retirees and pensioners in Shush and Ahvaz protested their hardships as prices are skyrocketing and their wages remaining extremely low. Taxi drivers and various investors in other cities were also protesting by going on strike and/or holding protests demanding better conditions and their stolen money returned.

People throughout the country are specifically holding the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responsible for their miseries, while also condemning the oppressive the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and paramilitary Basij units, alongside other security units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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Political Prisoner Massoumeh Senobari Deprived of Basic Rights and Held in Solitary Confinement

Political prisoner Massoumeh Senobari is detained in the quarantine ward of Fardis Prison of Karaj, a.k.a. Kachouii Prison. She is deprived of all her rights as a political prisoner and spends her time in horrible conditions. She is deprived of fresh air, detained in solitary confinement, and deprived of seeing other inmates. Political prisoner Massoumeh Senobari has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison. An informed source reported from Kachouii Prison that political prisoner Massoumeh Senobari is held in a solitary suite in the women’s ward. In contrast to other inmates, she has limited time to contact her family.

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The Iranian Resistance’s Accomplishments in Persian Year 1401

The Iranian people’s recent uprising can be regarded as the most noteworthy accomplishment of the previous year. This accomplishment was complemented by the Iranian Resistance’s successful confrontation with the regime’s plots. Of particular importance were the restless efforts of the Resistance Units inside Iran, who kept the flame of the uprising alive against the regime’s repressive measures. At the same time, the Iranian Resistance countered efforts by the regime and opportunist elements to detract the revolution from its course.

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Following US Attacks, Iranian Militias Use Civilians as Human Shields in Residential Neighbourhoods

Deir Ezzor province: Members of the Iranian militias deployed in Deir Ezzor city and roamed the neighborhoods of the city searching for houses for them among civilians, amid a state of panic and fear among civilians for them being used as human shields.

These movements followed the attacks committed by the “International Coalition” against the Iranian militias in Deir Ezzor recently.

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Elk Grove and Las Vegas Residents Sentenced for Conspiring to Violate the U.S. Trade Embargo on Iran

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Dariush Niknia, 60, of Elk Grove, was sentenced today to two years and 10 months in prison, and Richard Lant, 77, of Las Vegas, Nevada, was sentenced to 24 months of home detention and fined $7,500 for a conspiracy to export to an embargoed country, Iran, U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert announced. According to court documents, between May and October 2015, Niknia, Lant and others conspired to unlawfully sell and supply 500 Russian-made tank helmets to Niknia’s contact in Tehran, Iran. The helmets were to be configured for a Russian-produced T-72S battle tank and were required to have a five-pin plug, a feature that is necessary to enable a tank communication device.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – March 27, 2023

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