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Iran News in Brief – March 25, 2024



Iran’s Currency Hits A Record Low

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s currency fell to a record low on Sunday, plunging to 613,500 to the dollar, as its people celebrated the Persian New Year.

On Sunday, people were trying to exchange rials for foreign currency at Tehran’s main hub of exchange shops in Ferdowsi Street, but most were closed due to the Nowruz holidays, which are run from March 20 to April 2.

Mohsen, a 32-year-old employee at one of the exchange shops, said the holiday was contributing to the low prices, “The price is not real, the demand for purchasing dollars is very high, but there are just a few exchange shops open.” He and other Iranians spoke on condition their last names not be used, because of potential repercussions for speaking to foreign media about the country’s economic struggles.

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Iran-Linked MuddyWater Deploys Atera for Surveillance in Phishing Attacks

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The Iran-affiliated threat actor tracked as MuddyWater (aka Mango Sandstorm or TA450) has been linked to a new phishing campaign in March 2024 that aims to deliver a legitimate Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) solution called Atera. The activity, which took place from March 7 through the week of March 11, targeted Israeli entities spanning global manufacturing, technology, and information security sectors, Proofpoint said.

“TA450 sent emails with PDF attachments that contained malicious links,” the enterprise security firm said. “While this method is not foreign to TA450, the threat actor has more recently relied on including malicious links directly in email message bodies instead of adding in this extra step.”

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PMOI Resistance Units in Zahedan Vow to End “Khamenei’s Cold Winter”

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In a notable surge of resistance activities in Zahedan, the Resistance Units of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) have been at the forefront of anti-regime operations, emphasizing their unwavering resolve to dismantle the clerical rule governing Iran. Amidst the ongoing strife for freedom and democracy, the Resistance Units have vocalized their aspirations through poignant messages that resonate with the Iranian populace’s yearning for liberation.

Under the banner of “The cold winter of Khamenei will end, our nation will be free,” PMOI activists in Zahedan encapsulated the collective sentiment of Iranians who have been under the oppressive rule of the regime for decades. This phrase not only symbolizes the hope for an end to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s reign but also a transition towards a future where the Iranian people can freely determine their destiny.

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Iran’s Year of Dissent: A Breakdown of 2023 Protests

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2023 (1402 in the Persian calendar) was a year marked by significant social unrest in Iran. The Iranian people delivered a resounding rejection of the regime’s legitimacy through their boycott of parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections. Despite widespread repression, particularly targeting women, various segments of society took to the streets to defend their fundamental rights.

The primary driver of the protests was economic hardship and concerns about livelihoods. Notably, the people of Zahedan in Sistan and Baluchestan province held consistent weekly protests until September 2023.

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For Nearly Eight Months, Two Kurdish Women Remain in Jail Without Standing Trial

Two Kurdish women linger in jail without standing trial for nearly eight months. Varisha Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi remain in limbo in the women’s ward of Evin Prison. Following are some details about the two Kurdish women activists, Varisha Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi.

Varisha Moradi has been in jail for more than 235 days. She is charged with Bagh-y for membership in a Kurdish opposition party. She was transferred from Ward 209 to the women’s ward of Evin Prison after the end of her interrogations on December 26, 2023. Bagh-y or “armed insurgency” is a very heavy charge that can carry long prison terms and even the death sentence.

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Turbulent Times: Soaring Inflation, Corruption, and Volatile Currencies – Assessing Iran’s Economy in the Past Year


As we bid farewell to 1402 and welcome 1403 in the Persian calendar, let us take a closer look at the state of Iran’s economy during the past year. In this analysis, we will delve into various factors influencing Iran’s economic landscape, including inflation, corruption, budget deficits, currency fluctuations, the stock market, gasoline pricing, and poverty rates.

Inflation played a significant role in shaping Iran’s economy throughout 1402, reaching an alarming 50% at the start of the year. This surge had a profound effect on the daily lives of Iranian families, exerting immense financial strain across various economic sectors within the country.

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Iran: Unprecedented Record of 152 Million Liters of Gasoline Consumption Per Day


On March 19, Iran set a new historical record in gasoline consumption with 152 million liters consumed in one day. This record-breaking consumption comes at a time when, according to the Iranian regime’s media reports, the production of gasoline in Iran’s 10 refineries under optimal conditions is at a maximum of 117 million liters per day. However, this figure also includes gasoline from petrochemical sources, which, according to some experts, is technically unauthorized and carcinogenic. Nournews website, linked to the regime’s Supreme National Security Council, has described the increase in gasoline consumption in the country as a “major challenge” and announced that the Ministry of Oil has resorted to strategic gasoline reserves to meet the country’s fuel needs.

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Iranian Nurses Earn Twice Their Wages in Ride-Hailing Services


Reza Aryanpour, a member of the regime’s Majlis (parliament) Health and Treatment Commission, highlighted the growing trend of nurses migrating. He stated that nurses working for online ride-hailing services earn around 400 million rials (approximately $652), while those in their regular nursing positions receive between 150 and 200 million rials (approximately $245-326).

In an interview with the regime’s Young Journalists Club (YJC), affiliated with the state TV broadcasting (IRIB), Reza Aryanpour emphasized that nurses “do not migrate out of happiness, however economic issues being the primary factor.”

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UN Disarmament Conference in 2024 And Iran’s Contradictory Role in It


In the UN disarmament conference, Iran’s recent assumption of the presidency of this conference, represented by Ali Bahreini, the Iranian regime’s envoy in Geneva, has ignited significant scrutiny and apprehension. This development has brought to light the dissonance between Iran’s professed commitment to peace and its actual behavior regarding weapon proliferation and human rights abuses, prompting a critical evaluation.

On the surface, Iran presents itself as a champion of peace, advocating for international security through disarmament. However, this narrative clashes sharply with Iran’s actions, particularly its persistent pursuit of nuclear capabilities, which flagrantly violate international agreements and endanger global stability.

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Paris—March 23, 2024: Solidarity Exhibition for the Iranian Revolution Organized by Supporters of PMOI/MEK

Paris, France—March 23, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Support of the Iranian Revolution

Paris, France—March 23, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition and book table in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

MEK supporters in Paris demanded the trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders, especially Ali Khamenei  (Supreme leader of the mullahs’ regime) and the mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi for crimes against humanity, in an international court.

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Brussels Rally, March 22, 2024—Iranian Resistance Supporters: EU, Blacklist IRGC and Take a Firm Policy on Iran

Brussels Rally, March 22, 2024—MEK Supporters: EU, Blacklist IRGC and Take a Firm Policy on Iran

Brussels, Belgium—March 22, 2024: Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK) supporters rallied during the EU summit, demanding the designation of Iran’s regime IRGC as a terrorist organization. They also celebrated Nowruz, supporting Iran’s regime change, and expressed their solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – March 24, 2024