Iran News in Brief – March 1, 2023

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 167

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 – 8 PM GMT

Locals in the capital Tehran are reporting yet another poisonous gas attack on Wednesday, this time targeting the all-girls Hajar School. One man says the stench smells like orange and is very heavy in the air.

At least one school in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran, Ardabil, northwest Iran, and another in Kermanshah, western Iran, are also reporting a poisonous gas attack following an explosion. Also, students of an all-girls school at the Isfahan University of Technology were the targets of a poisonous gas attack today.

In Tehran, residents chanted “Death to the child-killing regime!” following the deliberate poison attacks on all-girls schools. In the capital’s Tehransar district. Also, in Tehran, parents of students rallied outside the “13 Aban” School following the poisoning of their kids. The students were chanting: “Death to the child-killing regime!”

People and students staged a protest in the capital, chanting anti-regime slogans, including: “Death to Khamenei!”

Iranian opposition coalition NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi condemned the poisonous gas attacks targeting schools in several cities across the country, “urging UN special rapporteurs, UN Commission on the Status of Women to immediately question the clerical regime. Calling on the World Health Organization to send a delegation to deal with the tragedy.”

In Shush, southwest Iran, retirees and pensioners of the Social Security Organization protested, calling for higher wages and equality among all retirees.

On Tuesday night, locals in Tehran’s Narmak, Qolhak, Sadeghiyeh, and other districts began chanting anti-regime slogans, including “Death to Khamenei!” and “Death to the dictator!” Other slogans chanted by the locals included: “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or [Khamenei]!” and “Poverty—Corruption—High prices! We’re going to overthrow this regime!”

Students of Chamran University in Tehran took to the streets on Tuesday protesting a decision made by officials to hold classes online for the next three weeks and close the campus dormitory as a result.

Last night, in Khorramshahr, southwest Iran, defiant youth torched a statue of former IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani.


Pentagon: Iran a ‘Global Challenge’ Due to Alliance With Russia

The United States and its allies are moving to treat Iran as a global threat, warning that its growing alliance with Russia — and cooperation in the war on Ukraine — mean Tehran’s destabilizing activities will pose a greater danger than ever before.

“We are now at a point where Iranian threats are no longer specific to the Middle East, but a global challenge,” Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Dana Stroul told reporters during a media call Tuesday.

The description of Iran as a “global challenge” appears to be a departure from language used by the U.S. intelligence community just last year.

“Iran will remain a regional menace with broader malign influence activities,” the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said in its annual Worldwide Threats Assessment report.

“The Iranian regime sees itself as locked in an existential struggle with the United States and its regional allies, while it pursues its longstanding ambitions for regional leadership,” the report noted, adding Iran’s leadership would seek to “entrench its influence and project power in neighboring states.”

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54 Countries Condemned the “Execution of Protesters in Iran” at HRC52

On February 28, fifty-four countries issued a joint statement, condemning the death penalty in Iran against peaceful protestors. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica read this statement at the morning session of the 52nd United Nations Human Rights Council meeting.

In their statement, these countries expressed concern about “the nature of the crimes committed”, “speed of trials”, “lack of transparency”, “lack of access to a desired lawyer” and “torture or other inhumane treatment”.

The signatories of this statement have asked the Iranian regime to cooperate with the United Nations fact-finding committee regarding Iran’s recent protests while respecting the lives and wishes of its citizens.


Iran’s Security Forces Kill a 14-Year-old Boy

Reports from Iran indicate that security forces shot and killed a 14-year-old in Mashhad on Monday, February 27. According to the state-run Khorasan daily, the victim was driving his father’s car with his friends when the police started chasing them.

Since he did not have a driver’s license, he didn’t stop, and the security forces opened fire on the car, killing him. The victim is identified as Mohammad Ghasemi.

Iran’s Economic Woes Are Fueling Protests Against the Regime

Iran’s nationwide uprising is witnessing its 166th day on Tuesday as protests over economic woes are spreading across the country. These anti-regime gatherings are rendering grave concerns for regime officials with various voices warning over a new round of major protests that promise to shake the regime to its very core and pose major security concerns for authorities across the country.

People throughout the country are specifically holding the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responsible for their miseries, while also condemning the oppressive the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and paramilitary Basij units, alongside other security units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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Poisoning of Female Students Continues in Qom, Tehran, Borujerd, Kermanshah, and Other Cities

While three months have passed since the beginning of the chain of poisonings in girls’ schools in Qom, extending to Tehran and other cities such as Borujerd, Sari, Ardabil, Torbat Jam, Quchan, and Kermanshah, the regime authorities continue to lie and deceive public opinion about the crime. Today, the students in Khayyam High School were poisoned in Pardis of Tehran province, and as some were being dispatched to the hospital, others were chanting “Death to Khamenei.”

On Monday, many students from two girls’ primary schools in Kermanshah were poisoned and taken to the hospital. Majid Monemi, Political Deputy of the Governor of Lorestan, said on Sunday, February 26: “Today, following the poisoning of students in schools of Borujerd, 107 students were poisoned in the girls’ 15-Khordad high school and taken to the hospital”, reported Tasnim news agency, affiliated with the Quds terrorist force.

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Iran Has Uranium Particles Enriched to Nearly Bomb Grade: IAEA

Vienna (AFP) – The UN nuclear watchdog confirmed on Tuesday it had detected particles of uranium enriched up just under the 90 percent needed to produce an atomic bomb.

“Discussions are still ongoing” to determine the origin of these particles, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a confidential report seen by AFP.

The report said that during an inspection “on 22 January 2023, the agency took environmental samples… at Fordow (sic) Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP), the analytical results of which showed the presence of high enriched uranium particles containing up to 83.7 percent U-235”.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – February 28, 2023

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