Iran News in Brief – June 9, 2024



France and U.S. Issue Joint Statement on Iran’s Regime

The White House announced a joint statement by U.S. President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron, titled “French-American Roadmap,” outlining their unified stance on a variety of issues, including the regime in Iran. The statement emphasizes increasing pressure on Tehran to curb its destabilizing regional activities, nuclear escalation, and missile proliferation. It also calls for halting the regime’s support for Russia’s war in Ukraine and ensuring full cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Biden and Macron expressed readiness to impose further sanctions and take measures to prevent the transfer of Iranian missiles to Russia. They voiced strong concerns about weapon transfers from Iran, North Korea, and Chinese businesses to Russia, which are used to rebuild Russia’s military.

The leaders highlighted deep concern over the Iranian regime’s human rights violations, particularly against women, girls, and minority groups, calling on the Iranian regime to end arbitrary detentions.


Berlin Mass Rally on June 29: Democracy in Iran, Peace in the Middle East

Berlin (ots) – – The hope for freedom has risen sharply – The terrorist listing of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) is long overdue. The mass rally of Iranians in the diaspora will occur on June 29, one day after the mullahs’ presidential election show. This gathering and the subsequent protest march echo the will of the Iranian people in the uprisings of 2022-2023 to abolish the ruling theocracy. Hopes for a fundamental change in Iran have risen significantly.

Iranian dissidents will gather in Berlin to spread the following message: In Iran, under the rule of religious fascism, elections have no meaning. It’s time for a revolution. Their slogan is: “Our vote is the abolition of dictatorship.” A democratic and secular republic is the dream of every Iranian who risks his life to participate in citizen protests on the streets of his country.

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The Iranian Regime’s Deepening Crises After Raisi’s Death

While the Iranian regime’s upcoming presidential election has intensified internal tensions within the regime, the intelligence and judiciary apparatuses are warning the candidates and state media to avoid infighting. Many regime officials see tensions as extending beyond the election issue. They implicitly and even explicitly analyze the regime’s tensions following Ebrahim Raisi’s death as a systemic crisis.

On June 5, Mohammad Hossein Saei, a member of the regime’s Cultural Revolution Council, said in an interview with state television, “The loss of [Raisi] cannot be easily compensated. We currently do not have a personality capable of creating political balance within the country to the extent he did.” He continued, referencing the precise and “important historical juncture” and “the critical pass that everyone knows about,” addressing those disqualified in a frightened and pleading tone, saying, “If we pass this stage correctly, the benefit of those who are complaining will certainly be better met than in a situation where we, with this type of approach which is neither critical nor subversive, create an atmosphere where we all suffer together. This understanding that we are all in the same boat is crucial.”

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Hamideh Zeraii Arrested and Transferred to Lakan Prison of Rasht

On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, Hamideh Zeraii was arrested after visiting the 13th branch of the Rasht Revolutionary Court in northern Iran. She was swiftly transferred to Lakan Prison in Rasht.

Recently, Hamideh Zeraii was summoned to the same court to provide explanations. However, her appearance led to her immediate arrest and subsequent transfer back to Lakan prison.

Following a two-year banishment sentence to Rasht, Hamideh had to report to the 14 Golsar police station at three-day intervals. The police officers imposed a condition: she must wear a veil during her visits, but Hamideh, a staunch opponent of mandatory hijab, protested this requirement.

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Barriers to Education, Sports, and Arts for Women and Girls in Iran

Article 5 of the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s Plan for Women’s Rights and Freedoms underscores the unhindered access to educational, sports, and artistic facilities for women and girls, as well as their unrestricted participation in competitions and activities.

This provision raises a crucial question: Why is such a fundamental right, which is taken for granted in many parts of the world, a matter of debate in Iran?

Despite the absence of explicit legal barriers to women’s education, the patriarchal regime in Iran imposes severe restrictions, rooted in its inherent misogyny. The stark reality is that opportunities for education, sports, and the arts are scarce due to the systematic plundering of the nation’s wealth, affecting all citizens, but disproportionately impacting girls.

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Iran’s Economic Crisis: Challenges Facing the 14th Government

In recent years, Iran’s economy has faced increasing challenges, a situation that has only worsened under the 13th administration.

From the outset, this government grappled with ineffective policies, resulting in significant economic disruptions, including price and currency shocks in 2022. Now, with the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, economic experts warn that the incoming government will inherit a deeply troubled economy.

The economic issues, exacerbated by systemic corruption, are most acutely felt by the Iranian people. Pedram Soltani, an economic activist, highlighted several critical economic issues on X (formerly Twitter), urging presidential candidates to address:

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Tehran-Backed Houthis Have Abducted UN Staff

According to news agencies, Iranian regime-supported Houthi militants have arrested at least 18 aid workers in several attacks over the past three days. These include 11 UN staff, three employees of the National Democratic Institute (funded by the US), and three workers from a local human rights group.

Three officials from Yemen’s legitimate government confirmed to Reuters that Houthi intelligence agents, who control the Yemeni capital Sana’a, and large parts of the north, attacked the homes and offices of these individuals in the cities of Sana’a, Hudaydah, Amran, and Saada. They arrested the individuals and confiscated their phones and computers.

Stéphane Dujarric, the UN spokesperson, expressed the UN’s deep concern about these developments on Friday, June 7. He stated that the UN has asked the Houthis to explain why these individuals were arrested and is working to ensure their unconditional and immediate release.

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Ukraine Shot Down 9 Shahed Drones Made by Iran’s Regime

On Saturday, June 8, the Ukrainian Air Force announced that its drone hunters and air defenses had shot down nine of 13 Iran-made Shahed drones over four regions.

According to Reuters, the Ukrainian Air Force statement said that the Shahed drones were downed over the central region of Poltava, the southeastern regions of Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk, and the northeastern region of Kharkiv. A Russian X-59 missile was also shot down.

The governor of Dnipropetrovsk region said that the overnight drone attack damaged commercial and residential buildings as well as a power line. Details of damages in other areas were not immediately available.

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Misogyny and Severe Violations of Women’s Rights in Iran

Women’s rights are systematically violated under the Iranian regime. According to various human rights organizations, misogyny and violations of women’s rights have dramatically escalated under Khamenei’s government. This includes inhumane death sentences, widespread arrests of professional and political activists, and femicide resulting from the misogynistic policies of Khamenei’s regime.

Inhumane Death Sentences for Women Under Khamenei’s Government. In May 2024, at least four female prisoners were executed in the regime’s prisons. Two of them were charged with premeditated murder without consideration of their circumstances, and two were convicted of drug-related crimes and sentenced to death. It’s worth noting that last year, 22 women were executed in Iran under similar inhumane sentences.

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A Challenge to the Regime: Iran’s Opposition Gathers for Change

Iran is at a critical juncture, where political and social developments are rapidly unfolding to shape the future of its two primary political factions. This pivotal moment arises from ongoing conflicts between the Iranian regime and its opposition.

Following the 2022 uprising, all political factions in Iran face the imperative of addressing several key issues that will determine their standing in the nation’s political landscape.

These issues include:

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Paris Hosts MEK Exhibition Backing Iranian Revolution – Call to Join Berlin Gathering

Paris, France—June 7, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a photo and book exhibition. This exhibition was held in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and as a protest against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Berlin Exhibition by MEK Supporters: Rallying for the Iranian Revolution – Join the Berlin Gathering on June 29, 2024

Berlin, Germany—June 6, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continued to set up an exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – June 8, 2024

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