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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – June 8, 2023

Iran News in Brief – June 8, 2023

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EU Statement at IAEA Board of Governors on the NPT Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran

Delegation of the European Union to the International Organisations in Vienna

The EU notes with great concern that no progress has been made towards resolving the outstanding safeguards issues in relation to the two other locations, namely Turquzabad and Varamin. We urge Iran to take the expected necessary actions without any further delay. All safeguards issues will remain under our close scrutiny, until they are fully clarified.

It is extremely concerning that the Agency still cannot confirm the correctness and completeness of Iran’s declarations under its NPT Safeguards Agreement. The Agency is therefore not in a position to provide assurance that Iran’s nuclear programme is exclusively peaceful. Substantial and swift action by Iran to deliver on its commitments and safeguards obligations, including taking the actions specified in the November 2022 resolution and implementing the set of activities in the March 2023 Joint Statement, as requested by the Agency in its report GOV/2023/26 is essential and urgent. The EU expects rapid and tangible progress to be achieved in the shortest timeframe and shall consider further action accordingly.

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Iranian Regime Judiciary’s Spox Dodges Questions Concerning Governmental Server’s Takeover

masoud setayeshi judiciary spokesman

On June 7, asked by a reporter if reports concerning the takeover of websites and systems of certain organizations have been confirmed by the judicial system and why the topic hasn’t officially been denied, Masoud Setayeshi, the spokesman of the regime’s Judiciary tried to dodge a serious response.

Setayeshi said: “Regarding matters concerning the virtual space and individuals’ actions within that domain, there are measures that can be taken. The Supreme Council of Cyberspace and its Secretariat are the competent authorities to provide information on this issue. You have the means to access them and ask your questions. If necessary, they will provide you with the required information. However, it is important to note that if a case has been raised with security implications, the appropriate security authorities will need to prepare and present the case to the judicial system. The progression of the case will depend on the speed and accuracy of its preparation, by God’s will. However, I am not in a position to provide you with information from the Supreme Council of Cyberspace and its Secretariat regarding this matter, as you suggest.”


Raisi Government is Lying to Profit from Easing Currency Markets, Official Admits

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According to a member of the Iranian regime’s Chamber of Commerce, Ebrahim Raisi’s government is spreading misinformation to alleviate currency market instability.

In an interview with the state-run Eslahat News, Ali Shariati said: “Now we are in a delicate situation where both the people are worried about their livelihood and those who make profits from inflation and possess dozens of houses and cars, want to sell them.”

“Every once in a while, by publishing news about the release of Iran’s frozen assets, which is the result of the American banking sanctions, they try to make gains for the government and reduce the volatility of the currency market,” he added. “Among these cases are rumors about the release of 7 billion Iranian money blocked in South Korea.”

The official also admitted: “In the last few days, 5-6 billion dollars have been spent [by the state]; One and six-tenths of it were given to Turkmenistan through the resources released from Iraq due to the debt we had. If we would fail to pay, the gas in the northern regions of the country would be paralyzed again. About 35 or 36 ships were waiting to be loaded in the Persian Gulf. Due to problems we had in transferring currency, we could not pay them, and in recent days, $1 billion was given out for this issue.”

Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Establish Additional Sanctions on Iranian Regime


According to reports, as of February 2023, Chinese refineries were processing, refining, or engaging with approximately 1.2 million barrels of Iranian oil per day. Iranian oil sales to China’s genocidal regime fund the Ayatollah’s ability to repress Iranian protestors.

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Maggie Hassan (D-NH), and Jacky Rosen (D-NV) introduced the Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum (SHIP) Act, which would sanction illicit purchases of Iranian oil and hold the regime’s enablers accountable.

“As the regime in Tehran continues to enrich itself through the sale of sanctioned oil, we must ensure that U.S. sanctions on all individuals and entities linked to the illicit trade of Iranian oil are rigorously enforced.” – Senator Rubio

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Iranian Society Is Experiencing an Uprising Phase

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Since January 2018, there have been several significant uprisings in Iran. The biggest uprising was sparked in September 2022 following the tragic death of a young Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini. The uprising changed Iran’s political scene. Indeed, the uprising did not happen overnight, and the leading role of women did not happen by accident. The uprising was on the one hand the result of more than 40 years of struggle of the Iranian people and resistance, paying a heavy price, including the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, and resisting torture, imprisonment, and suppression. On the other hand, it was the result of the role women have played in the leadership of the resistance during the past few decades.

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Different Cities in Iran Witness a Variety of Anti-Regime Protests

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Iran’s nationwide uprising is witnessing its 265th day on Wednesday as people from all walks of life have been protesting and voicing their frustration over their economic concerns. The mullahs’ regime continues to waste tens of billions of dollars that belong to the Iranian people on their clandestine nuclear weapons program, ballistic missile drive, developing suicide/kamikaze drones, financing global terrorism, supporting dictators such as Bashar al-Assad in Syria, and beefing up their domestic crackdown machine. People throughout Iran continue to specifically hold the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responsible for their miseries, while also condemning the oppressive Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and paramilitary Basij units, alongside other security units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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The Devastating Impact of Iranian Drones in Ukraine

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The critical importance of blacklisting the Iran regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group becomes evident as Iran’s regime deepens its involvement in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The IRGC has been providing technical support to Russian pilots, equipping them with Iranian-made drones to carry out bombings on civilian targets. The devastating impact of these Iranian drones in Ukraine cannot be overstated, as they are being used as kamikaze weapons, causing havoc, and claiming innocent lives across the country. The Shahed-136 drones, supplied by Tehran to Russia, have proven to be highly destructive. These drones, functioning as suicide machines armed with explosives, have become instruments of terror, unleashing daily attacks that reduce buildings to rubble and instill fear in the hearts of Ukrainian civilians.

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Hamburg, Germany—June 5, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Photo Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

Hamburg—June 5, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Photo Exhibition of the Iranian Uprising's Martyrs.

Hamburg, Germany—June 5, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a photo exhibition of the Iranian uprising’s martyrs in solidarity with the Iran Revolution.

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Vienna—June 6, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally at the Same Time as the Board of Governors Meeting, Against Appeasement Policy With the Mullahs’ Regime

Vienna—June 6, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally Against Appeasement Policy With the Mullahs' Regime

Vienna, Austria—June 6, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally at the same time as the Board of Governors meeting against appeasement policy with the Mullahs’ regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – June 7, 2023