Iran News in Brief – June 7, 2024



Casaca: Iranian Expats to Hold Rally for European Solidarity

The Iranian regime is yet again organizing a farcical election of its President for the 28 of June, following the death of the incumbent, known as the ‘butcher of Tehran’ for his role in mass assassinations of political opponents. There are no democratic elections in Iran, as the people are only allowed to vote on candidates pre-selected by the clergy elders as demanded by the spiritual leader, the de facto ruler of the country.

Iranians ignore ever more the regime’s periodic charades, the last time in the March parliamentary elections, where the turnout was the lowest registered in the 45-year history of the regime.

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Berlin Mass Rally on June 29: Democracy in Iran, Peace in the Middle East

The mass rally of Iranians in the diaspora will take place on June 29, one day after the mullahs’ presidential election show. This gathering and the subsequent protest march echo the will of the Iranian people in the uprisings of 2022-2023 to abolish the ruling theocracy. Hopes for a fundamental change in Iran have risen significantly.

Iranian dissidents will gather in Berlin to spread the following message: In Iran, under the rule of religious fascism, elections have no meaning. It’s time for a revolution. Their slogan is: “Our vote is the abolition of dictatorship.” A democratic and secular republic is the dream of every Iranian who risks their lives to participate in popular protests on the streets of their country.

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Rosen, Ernst Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Counter Space Threats Posed By Iran

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senators Jacky Rosen (D-NV) and Joni Ernst (R-IA) introduced legislation to counter space threats posed by Iran and its proxies. The bipartisan Space Technology and Regional Security (STARS) Act would build on the Abraham Accords by requiring the Department of Defense to develop a strategy and data-sharing agreement to protect allies and partners in the Middle East from hostile Iranian space activities. This improved space and satellite security coordination would enhance U.S. space situational awareness, defend against threats from adversaries, and deepen space cooperation with Israel and other allies in the Middle East.

“As Iran and its terrorist proxies escalate their aggression against Israel and continue to destabilize the Middle East, it’s critical that we work with our allies in the region to bolster collaboration in all areas of defense,” said Senator Rosen. “I’m proud to introduce this bipartisan legislation to strengthen space and satellite security cooperation with our allies and partners in the Middle East, and improve collective security to address urgent threats from Iran.”

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UPDATE: 12:30 PM

US Military Says it Destroyed 8 Houthi Drones in Red Sea

The US military said on Friday it successfully destroyed eight Houthi drones and two uncrewed surface vessels in the Red Sea in the past 24 hours. The US military’s Central Command said in a statement that its forces had also successfully engaged a drone launched from a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen and that Houthis had launched an anti-ship ballistic missile. There were no reports of damage or injury.

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Europeans Detail Iran’s Nuclear Violations in Diplomatic Gambit

UNITED NATIONS, June 6 (Reuters) – Three European powers have written to the U.N. Security Council detailing Iran’s violations of its 2015 nuclear deal, a step diplomats said on Thursday aimed to pressure Tehran to resolve the issue diplomatically and to avoid reimposing U.N. sanctions.

The British, French and German letter did not explicitly threaten to “snap back” United Nations sanctions but it noted that U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231, which enshrined the nuclear deal and provided that power, expires on Oct. 18, 2025.

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The Implications of The IAEA Resolution against Iran’s Regime

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors meeting on Wednesday, June 5, approved a resolution by three European countries against the Iranian regime. The resolution calls on the regime to increase its cooperation with the IAEA and to lift its recent ban on inspectors and diplomats.

During the three days of the Board of Governors meeting, numerous statements and warnings were made by IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi and representatives from European countries and the United States regarding the regime’s intentions behind violating its commitments to the IAEA.

In his opening remarks, the Director General of the IAEA expressed concern about the regime’s increased stockpile of enriched uranium, stating, “Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium continues to increase, including that enriched up to 60%.”

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The Mullahs’ Regime’s Enmity against Everything In Iran

The sources of Iran’s destruction during the rule of the mullahs, who are against Iranian culture and history, are numerous.

When the destructive effects encompass political, cultural, social, and economic domains, and when the totality of this destruction reaches the livelihoods and sustenance of the people as well as Iran’s ecosystem, it becomes clear that the intention and goal of destroying Iran are deep-rooted. It is evident that it is planned, organized, and directed by the ruling authority.

What brings attention to this issue is the revelation of the destructive nature of the ruling authority to everyone, especially to the insiders of the regime. For those who recognized the nature of this authority from the early weeks of its rule and have fought against its structure and policies, it was clear that a regime that places freedom at the top of its list of victims would not stop at seizing the lives of the people and the vitality of Iran’s nature.

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Security Forces Arrest Two Kurdish Women in Relation to the 2022 Iran Uprising

Two Kurdish women, Zahra Nabizadeh and Hatav Akrami, have been detained by security forces. Their arrests echo the broader sociopolitical tensions that continue to reverberate within the country in the aftermath of the 2022 Iran uprising. In this report, we delve into the circumstances surrounding the apprehension of these Kurdish women.

Zahra Nabizadeh, a detainee from the 2022 nationwide demonstrations in Mahabad, faced another arrest after being summoned and visiting the Intelligence Department of Mahabad. On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, she was taken into custody. Despite follow-up efforts by her family, information about her fate and condition remains elusive. Notably, Zahra Nabizadeh had been previously arrested by government forces during nationwide protests on December 25, 2022, while she was six months pregnant. She lost her unborn baby under torture.

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A Crisis in Iran’s Car Fleet: 37% of Vehicles Need Scrapping

In a concerning revelation, the head of Iran’s trade association of car scrapping centers, Mahmoud Mashhadi Sharif, announced that a staggering 37% of cars on the road in Iran are outdated and should be scrapped. This translates to over 13 million of the 35.159 million vehicles currently in circulation being classified as obsolete. The statistics reveal a particularly high percentage of worn-out vehicles in the passenger fleet. Notably, nearly 190,000 of the approximately 400,000 taxis are considered outdated. This troubling trend indicates a significant failure in Iran’s car scrapping initiative, despite extensive promotional efforts over the years. Public receptivity to the plan has remained low.

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Iran’s Nuclear Program Has Become a Serious Challenge to International Security, U.S. Warns

The United States representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) read the U.S. statement on Wednesday, June 5, coinciding with the issuance of an IAEA resolution against the Iranian regime. The statement emphasized that the Iranian regime’s nuclear program has created a serious challenge to international security.

“Iran’s nuclear program poses such a serious challenge to international security,” the statement reads in part. This statement, appreciating the efforts of the Director General and the IAEA Secretariat in engaging with the Iranian regime on serious and unresolved issues related to the implementation of Iran’s safeguards agreement under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), adds:

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A Life in Chains: Human Rights Abuses Against Political Prisoner Gholamhossein Kalbi

Gholamhossein Kalbi, one of Iran’s longest-held political prisoners, exemplifies the severe human rights violations faced by supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). Born in 1959 in Bandar Mahshahr, Kalbi has endured more than 23 years of continuous imprisonment without a single day of furlough. His harrowing journey through Iran’s prison system reflects the harsh realities faced by political prisoners under the Iranian regime.

Kalbi’s first imprisonment occurred in the early 1980s. From 1981 to 1987, he was detained for six years due to his association with the PMOI. However, his most significant ordeal began on January 8, 2001, when he was arrested again in Dezful. This second arrest marked the start of his prolonged and brutal treatment at the hands of Iranian authorities.

Following his 2001 arrest, Kalbi was transferred to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) detention center in Ahvaz, where he endured 14 months of torture and interrogation.

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Freedom-Loving Iranians and MEK Supporters Endorse Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan, Call for Participation in Berlin Demonstration on June 29, 2024

June 2024: In a surge of support for the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), freedom-loving Iranians and their global allies have taken to video messages to endorse Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for Iran’s future. This wave of digital advocacy highlights the widespread backing for Mrs. Rajavi‘s vision of a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – June 6, 2024

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