Iran News in Brief – June 5, 2023

iranian resistance activism june 2023



Iran Protests at a Glance

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Monday, June 5, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

Protests have been continuing across Iran against the regime, according to reports by the Iranian opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).  Brave youths in different cities across Iran have been involved in an expanding campaign of attacks against various regime sites.

In Mashhad, northeast Iran, protesters torch a poster of regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini early this morning, celebrating the 34th anniversary of his death.

On June 5, locals in Tehran were celebrating the 34th anniversary of the death of regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini.

Locals in the South Jannat Abad district of the Iranian capital Tehran were chanting anti-regime slogans on Saturday night, including:

“We swear on the blood of our compatriots that we stand to the end!”

“Khamenei, we will bury you!” referring to regime dictator Ali Khamenei.

Locals in the Ekbatan and Shahrak-e Bagheri districts of the Iranian capital Tehran were chanting anti-regime slogans on Sunday night, including:

“Down with Khamenei!”

The majority of members in the Parliament of Iceland, known as the Alþingi with a 1,100-year history of being one of the world’s oldest elected bodies, have joined the expanding international campaign to stop the horrific wave of executions in Iran.

Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian opposition coalition NCRI, and its cornerstone member the PMOI/MEK, have been holding an increasing number of demonstrations and rallies across the globe over the past week in solidarity with the Iranian revolution.

These rallies have been held in many cities, including London, Oslo, Vienna, Stockholm, The Hague, Aarhus, Zurich, Hamburg, Cologne, Bremen, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Stuttgart, and Göttingen in Germany; and Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver in Canada.


Notable Iranian Leaderships in Deir Ezzor and Al-Bokamal Head Towards Damascus for Emergency Meeting

Deir Ezzor province: SOHR sources reported that the eastern area of Deir Ezzor countryside was witnessing in the last period intensive movements by the Iranian militias in areas under their control in Deir Ezzor countryside, this comes in coinciding with intensive meetings by the American forces with leaderships of factions affiliated with SDF, in the aim of forming a popular resistance to fight Iranian militias and block Iraqi border against them.

In the same context, earlier today, a convoy comprising eight military vehicles carrying Iranian leadership headed towards Deir Ezzor military airport, after they were withdrawn from Al-Bokamal and Deir Ezzor cities, to conduct meetings in the attendance of notable Iranian leaderships in Damascus the capital, for discussing the news and the movements of the American forces and developing plans to repel any possible attack.

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Arms Contract Shows Iran Has Sold Russia Ammunition for Ukraine War, Says Security Source

An informed source has claimed the document is “100% authentic”. It shows various types of ammunition worth just over $1m (£800,000). A purported arms contract seen by Sky News offers the first hard evidence that Iran has sold ammunition to Russia for its war in Ukraine, an informed security source has claimed.

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Former Official Warns Against Turbulent Times Ahead

In an interview with the state-run Didar website, Javad Emam, a former official warned on June 4 that if the regime fails to leverage the mirage of reform and deceive the public, it will be facing dire consequences.

“When we don’t accept criticism, when we fail to provide conditions for protesting the status quo, then we have to expect unfortunate events,” Javad Emam said. “This will be a slap in the face if it starts. Now, we see some indications, and if this begins, then nothing else will be the same. Because without the support of the people, no state can be successful or guarantee its survival.”

Blaming the rival factions for the youth’s hatred of the regime’s leadership, he added: “Today, the constitution has been violated and there is no such thing as a republic. It has no meaning at all, it does not exist with the type of decisions that are being made as an authoritarian rule. And the generation of today attributes everything that it sees and witnesses to the Imam [the regime’s founder Ruhollah Khomeini].”

“The situation has changed. The challenges are very serious now. We have lost all opportunities. Even if the demands [of society] are addressed, new demands will arise which you cannot fulfill,” he warned.

US Navy Says Iran Revolutionary Guard Fast-Attack Boats ‘Harassed’ Ship in Strait of Hormuz

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The U.S. Navy said Monday its sailors and the United Kingdom Royal Navy came to the aid of a ship in the crucial Strait of Hormuz after Iran’s Revolutionary Guard “harassed” it.

The U.S. Navy’s guided-missile destroyer USS McFaul and the Royal Navy’s frigate HMS Lancaster responded to the incident, with the Lancaster launching a helicopter.

“The situation deescalated approximately an hour later when the merchant vessel confirmed the fast-attack craft departed the scene,” the Navy said. “The merchant ship continued transiting the Strait of Hormuz without further incident.”

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Iran’s Brave Youth Intensify Attacks Targeting Regime Sites

Iran’s nationwide uprising is witnessing its 262nd day on Sunday as anti-regime protests remain relentless, especially as the economic conditions for everyday households become all the more difficult. Protesters and brave youths have been launching a variety of attacks against the regime’s interests in response to the mullahs’ recent surge in executions and general crackdown policies against the Iranian people. This goes parallel to people from all walks of life taking to the streets in periodic protests to voice their anger and demand answers from regime officials who are known to be plundering the general public.

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Khamenei’s “Consolidated System” Crumbling in Face of Economic Problems

It has been two years since the Iranian regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, appointed Ebrahim Raisi as president in a bid to “consolidate power” in his system in the face of a restive society.

Since becoming the regime’s president, Raisi has only made bogus claims. On August 5, 2021, he claimed that “controlling inflation is within reach.” On July 15, 2022, he said, “We are seeking ways to control inflation.” On July 27, 2022, he brazenly claimed that “controlling inflation is my government’s permanent program,” and on May 6, he once again lied that the “government is zealously seeking to control inflation.”

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Zohreh Sayyadi, a Cancer Patient, to Serve One Year in Evin Prison

A social activist, who has cancer and is in dire physical condition due to incomplete treatment, has been imprisoned in Evin Prison to serve her year-long sentence. Zohreh Sayyadi is originally from Sistan and Baluchestan and resides in Tehran. Ms. Sayyadi has a degree in literature and has been an activist concerning the rights of homeless child laborers, undocumented children, and literacy programs for women and homeless children, especially in deprived areas of Sistan and Baluchestan. She has devoted most of her life to the suffering children of Sistan and Baluchestan.

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The Family of Zahra Jalilian Questions Suspicious Death of the Physics Prodigy

Seven months after the suspicious death of Zahra Jalilian, an elite student at the Faculty of Engineering at Tehran University and a physics prodigy, her family and lawyer told the semi-official newspaper “Etemad Online” that the university had declared the cause of death as suicide without any evidence. Despite having 13 cameras in the building, security never showed them the footage from the CCTV. Zahra Jalilian, 32, from Eslamabad-e Gharb, was an outstanding student in the doctoral program of electrical engineering at the University of Tehran and a pioneer in nanoelectronics. She successfully defended her doctoral thesis and comprehensive examination with a GPA of 19.50 (out of 20). Zahra Jalilian was responsible for reviewing 30 international papers abroad.

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“Intellectual Narrowness” Versus “Intellectual Harmony”

In every proper thought and reasoning, we need to observe certain Intellectual principles and virtues. Otherwise, we would lack logical thinking and awareness of the objective reality and the material environment around us, leading us into a world of imagination and idealism, far from reality. One of these virtues is “intellectual humility,” meaning that we should never think that our own perceptions are a divine revelation and that others’ opinions in that regard are completely wrong. We must always take into consideration the possibility that a part or even all of our understanding of a phenomenon could be incorrect.

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Germany, June 3, 2023: MEK Supporters Held Rallies and Exhibitions in Support of the Iran Revolution

Germany, June 3, 2023:  Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held rallies and photo exhibitions in Hamburg, Cologne, Bremen, and Göttingen. They expressed their solidarity with the ongoing Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – June 4, 2023

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