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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – June 30, 2023

Iran News in Brief – June 30, 2023

iranian resistance free 2023



Onward to Free Iran Rally in Paris

Preparations are underway for the highly anticipated Free Iran 2023 Rally, set to take place in Paris on July 1. Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance from around the world are making travel arrangements and securing accommodations to ensure their attendance at this momentous event.

خامنه‌ای چشمت کور ایندفعه را هم ما بردیم شعار ایرانیان آزاده که از سوئیس عازم کهکشان مقاومت در پاریس

Iranians mounting busses in Switzerland chant slogans against Khamenei, cheering to express their enthusiasm for participating in the rally in Paris

دانمارک - ایرانیان آزاده با شعار خامنه‌ای رئیسی چشمت کور عازم تظاهرات پاریس هستند ۹تیرماه

Supporters of the Iranian Resistance traveling from Denmark to France learn about the Paris Court ruling about the Free Iran Rally in Paris

خامنه‌ای،رئیسی چشمت کور این دفعه را هم ما بردیم شعار ایرانیان آزاده نروژ در حال انتقال به سوی پاریس

Iranian Resistance supporters from Norway travel to France to attend the Paris rally

خامنه‌ای چشمت کور ایندفعه رو هم ما بردیم شعار ایرانیان آزاده هلند در حال انتقال به پاریس ۹تیرماه

Supporters of the Iranian Resistance traveling from the Netherlands learn about the court verdict and express victorious messages that justice eventually has prevailed

حامیان مقاومت ایران در سفر به پاریس خبر مجاز شدن تظاهرات پاریس را به کوری چشم آخوندها جشن گرفتند

ایرانیان آزاده از وین به سوی کهکشان مقاومت در پاریس می‌روند

Supporters of the Iranian Resistance from Vienna, Austria

iranian resistance denmark
Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Copenhagen Airport
iranian resistance melbourne australia
Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Melbourne Airport, Australia


Protests in Sistan and Baluchestan After Security Forces Open Fire on Civilians

mahabad protests june 28 (1)

On Wednesday, security forces in the city of Sarbaz, located in Sistan and Baluchestan province, indiscriminately opened fire on a civilian vehicle, injuring two passengers. Following the incident, the outraged people of the city held a protest rally and clashed with security forces. The incident happened against the backdrop of increasing repressive measures by the regime. In recent weeks and months, security forces have shot and killed several civilians. On Wednesday, the people of Sarbaz chanted slogans against the regime and resisted the repressive security forces dispatched to disperse their rally.

People in other cities of the province protested to the brutality of the regime’s security forces. In Zahedan, locals held a rally and blocked roads in protest to the indiscriminate killing of civilians. Protests also took place in the city of Kalat, where security forces opened fire and injured a child.

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The Life-Threatening Crisis of Medicine Shortages in Iran


Iran continues to grapple with a severe shortage of medicine, which poses a significant risk to its population. Ordinary people are burdened by the distressing dilemma of scarce medicines and exorbitant prices. The pharmaceutical sector in Iran is on the brink of bankruptcy, facing an unprecedented crisis. Patients suffering from specific ailments bear the brunt of the inadequate availability of medicines. With unchecked inflation and increasing poverty, a significant portion of society is reaching a critical point where they cannot afford treatment for severe illnesses.

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Khamenei and the “20-Year Nuclear Challenge”

iran khamenei nuclear explosion (1)

Iranian state media on Monday, June 12th, 2023, reported on a visit by Khamenei to an exhibition of nuclear achievements and a subsequent meeting with the country’s nuclear scientists, experts, and officials.
Khamenei, during his meeting with nuclear officials, referred to the issue as the “20-Year Nuclear Challenge” and said: “The 20-year nuclear challenge by the enemies of the Islamic Republic has revealed many facts, including the extraordinary ability and talent of Iranian youth amidst threats and ongoing sanctions.”

Khamenei also mentioned that nuclear parties and the IAEA have made many promises over the years that have not been fulfilled. He emphasized the importance of understanding who and where to trust, as Iran has suffered from not paying attention to this issue.

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Anisha Assadollahi, Her 5-Year-And-Eight-Month Verdict Upheld

Anisha Assadollahi

The Syndicate of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company reported on Thursday, June 29, 2023, that the Revision Court of Tehran Province had upheld the 5-year-and-eight-month sentence for Anisha Assadollahi. Labor activist Anisha Assadollahi was sentenced to five years and eight months of imprisonment by Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court in mid-May 2023. According to the verdict issued by Branch 26, Anisha was found guilty of “assembly and collusion” and “propaganda against the state.” She has been sentenced to five years of imprisonment for the former charge and eight months for the latter.

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