Iran News in Brief – June 3, 2024



Crisis Erupts in The Iranian Regime’s Majlis

Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei did everything in his power to control the crisis resulting from the death of regime president Ebrahim Raisi and to prevent the great damage resulting from it. Knowing that the Majlis (parliament) was a potential and actual center of crisis, he refrained from purging the speaker of the parliament and, contrary to the current balance in the parliament, ordered Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf to remain as speaker for another year.

Khamenei had expressed his continuous concern from the very first days of the formation of the new parliament that the “sweetness” of this purified parliament might turn into bitterness due to “starting fights and enemy-pleasing hostilities.” In his message for the inauguration of the new term, he also reminded the newcomers: “In the parliament, do not waste the short period of responsibility in useless media competitions and harmful political disputes, otherwise (efforts) will be wasted, and this will be a great loss.”

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Minerals, the Hidden Wealth of Iran’s Sistan & Baluchistan Province

Baluchistan, a vast region in southeastern Iran, harbors a treasure trove of mineral wealth. Despite this potential, these resources are controlled by the regime’s Revolutionary Guards and affiliated private companies, leaving the local population deprived of the benefits.

Sistan and Baluchistan is among Iran’s most mineral-rich provinces. Of the 60 types of minerals identified nationwide, 28 are found in this province. Notably, it boasts the highest concentrations of iron, copper, antimony, and gold in the country. The region’s rich mineral deposits suggest a tremendous opportunity for economic development and prosperity.

Experts assert that the potential for gold and copper exploration in Baluchistan is immense. This potential could transform the province into a major producer of these valuable minerals. Mining activities could spur economic growth, create jobs, develop infrastructure, and diversify the local economy.

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The Worsening Livelihood Crisis for Iranian Workers

On Saturday, June 1, the ILNA news agency reported that the government lacks the ‘will’ to address the wage restoration demands of Iranian workers, leading to a more severe livelihood crisis than ever before.

According to the Supreme Labor Council’s recent decision, the minimum wage for married workers with children covered by the labor law has increased by approximately 2 million tomans, reaching about 11 million tomans this year. However, this wage adjustment does not apply to workers not covered by the labor law. Additionally, reports from media outlets and Telegram channels indicate that some workers in various workshops and companies are still receiving last year’s wages.

Ali, who works in a clothing manufacturing company in central Tehran, told ILNA that he earns 8 million tomans for 10 hours of daily work without any additional benefits.

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Surge in Executions in Iran: A Grim Report by Human Rights Organization Hengaw

On Saturday, June 1, the Human Rights Organization Hengaw reported a troubling surge in executions within Iranian prisons, with at least 67 prisoners executed in the last month alone.

Hengaw’s statistics and documents center confirmed the identities of 66 of these prisoners for May. The highest number of executions occurred in West Azarbaijan Province (Urmia), with 13 cases. Following closely were the provinces of Alborz with 10 cases, Isfahan with 7, Fars with 6, and both Kerman and East Azerbaijan with 5 cases each.

Other provinces also saw executions: Ardabil and Qom with 4 cases each; Qazvin with 3 cases; Ilam, Razavi Khorasan, Zanjan, and Golestan with 2 cases each; and Kermanshah and Semnan with 1 case each.

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Declining Dairy Consumption in Iran

According to the spokesman of the Iranian Dairy Industry Association, Mohammad Reza Bani Taba, the per capita consumption of milk and dairy products in Iran has reached a concerning low of less than 70 kilograms, which is only half of the global standards.

In an interview with ISNA news agency on Saturday, June 1, Bani Taba highlighted that in countries like France, the United States, and Scandinavian nations, the per capita consumption of dairy products ranges from 200 to 300 kilograms.

Citing data from the Dairy Industries Association, reports indicate that the consumption of milk and dairy products in Iran has been steadily declining since 2013.

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Meta Deletes Dozens of Accounts Linked to Iran’s Regime

Meta announced the deletion of dozens of accounts linked to the Iranian regime for violating the company’s policies on creating fake accounts and engaging in coordinated activities to mislead people. All these accounts were directed from Iran.

According to the published report, Meta identified and deleted 22 Facebook accounts, 8 pages, 8 groups, and 23 Instagram accounts in the first quarter of 2024.

The fake accounts belonged to fictitious personas in this network, consisting of several distinct subsets, and posed as Israeli citizens living inside or outside the country. These seemingly Israeli individuals managed groups, pages, and also handled content posting.

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Qalibaf’s Reappointment: Khamenei’s Attempt to Quell Rising Factional Tensions

On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf was reappointed as the Speaker of the Parliament. Analysts of Iranian affairs suggest that Qalibaf’s reappointment was carried out under Khamenei’s orders. To examine such a claim, let’s look at some of the political realities in Iran:

  1. On this day, Qalibaf was elected as the Speaker of the government parliament for one year with 198 votes. Zolnouri received 60 votes, and former Foreign Minister Mottaki only received 5 votes. Additionally, 24 invalid votes were counted among the members’ ballots.
  2. It is said that, by order of, Ghanbari and Nabavian, Qalibaf’s two main rivals, were removed from the candidacy for the parliamentary presidency.

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Southampton, England—June 1, 2024: Freedom-Loving Iranians Organize an Exhibition to Support the Iranian Revolution

Southampton—June 1, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and academics living in England, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), organized a book exhibition and petition collection to back the Iranian Revolution. This Exhibition also aimed to protest the escalating wave of executions in Iran, highlighting the oppressive rule of the mullahs’ regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – June 2, 2024

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