Monday, July 8, 2024

Iran News in Brief – June 29, 2024


UPDATE: 11:30 AM

Yemen, Centcom: Seven Drones and A Houthi Control Station Destroyed

agenzia nova news logo (1)US Central Command (Centcom) forces have destroyed seven drones and a mobile ground control station attributed to the pro-Iranian Yemeni Houthi group in Yemen. Centcom itself reported this in a note on only vessels directed or connected in some way to Israel, in the context of supporting the Palestinian population. The continuous attacks by the Yemeni group pushed US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to launch the multinational operation “Prosperity Guardian” last December aimed at protecting shipping in the Red Sea. Additionally, US and British forces have conducted significant strikes against Houthi positions in Yemen, with the aim of reducing the militants’ ability to attack commercial shipping.

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Status and Deployment of the Iranian Regime’s Forces on Election Day

PMOI emblem

The Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside the country, coinciding with the presidential election show of the ruling mullahs’ regime in Iran, informs the latest status and deployment of regime forces to alert and prepare rebellious youth and resistance units across Iran.

  1. As of Thursday, June 27, 23,000 forces from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Basij, along with 20,000 SSF (State Security Force) personnel, a total of 43,000, have been deployed in Tehran for control and suppression.
  2. The regime’s law enforcement command (FARAJA) is on full alert, with its police spokesperson announcing that over 220,000 forces are responsible for securing the elections. Four brigades of special units in Tehran and Special Forces in all provinces are on full alert and duty.

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June 2024 Report: 20,000 Acts of Support for a Free Iran

It was on February 9, 2024, that Khamenei’s security agents brutally threw a young street sweeper who was cleaning the path on the pedestrian bridge from the top of the bridge in Tehran and killed him. They thought he was planning to put up a protest banner or destroy the installed banners of the regime. Also, the year before that, during the 2022 nationwide uprising in Mashhad, a protester writing slogans on the wall was shot by the repressive forces, who crushed his brain.

The reason for recalling these painful examples is to make tangible the dangers that the Resistance Units inside Iran face for any small activity. But in June, they courageously performed 20,000 acts of resistance in all parts of Iran to support the annual gathering of the Iranian Resistance.

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Global Support Grows for Democratic Change in Iran

free iran 2023 world summit

A wave of international support for democratic change in Iran is sweeping across legislatures and political circles worldwide. Prominent figures and parliamentary majorities from various countries are endorsing Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for a free and democratic Iran, signaling a shift in global sentiment towards the Iranian regime and its opposition. In the United States, a group of 30 distinguished American officials, including former government representatives, military leaders, and diplomats, issued a statement condemning the terrorist activities of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Quds Force. They endorsed Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan as an excellent foundation for drafting a new Iranian constitution.

The statement criticized the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), revealing that the Iranian regime never adhered to it and instead used the funds to support terrorist operations. The signatories emphasized the importance of remembering the brutal legacies of both the Pahlavi regime and the current Islamic Republic.

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Annual Grand Gathering of the Iranian Resistance: A Beacon of Hope and Determination

free iran rally 2023

The annual Grand Gathering of the Iranian Resistance was held for the first time to commemorate the defeat of the disgraceful French police raid against the Iranian Resistance on June 17, 2003, and to honor those who sacrificed themselves to avert one of the darkest chapters in the history of the Iranian Resistance. Known as ‘Galaxy,’ the annual meeting of the Iranian Resistance is a pivotal event in the fight against the mullahs’ dictatorship. This gathering serves as a platform to unite and present the political, diplomatic, and strategic achievements in a long, complex, and honorable struggle.

The message of this gathering highlights the progress the Resistance has made in the fight against the mullahs’ tyranny for freedom, equality, and democracy. It underscores the key accomplishments on the path to liberate Iran from this oppressive regime and outlines the steps needed to achieve even greater success and expedite the end of this regime.

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Iran-Backed Houthis Attack Ship in Red Sea


A ship navigating the Red Sea reported on Thursday, June 27, that it had been attacked. The location and nature of this attack suggest it is another incident involving the Iranian-backed Yemeni Houthis targeting vessels on international shipping routes. The private maritime security company “Ambrey,” which first reported the incident, stated that the vessel had called to report the attack from waters near the Yemeni port of Hodeidah, and a warship in the Red Sea had responded to the attack.

No detailed information has been released yet regarding possible casualties or damage to the ship. The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) also confirmed the attack, stating that responsible authorities in the region are investigating the incident.

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