Iran News in Brief – June 27, 2023

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Amid Mounting Hatred Against Regime, Khamenei Calls for More Crackdown on Social Media

Ali Khamenei, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, lashed out against the use of social media networks, stating that some are using them to “get on people’s nerves”. Practically admitting to public hatred against the regime’s Judiciary, he also called on the judicial branch to “improve its media image.”

During a meeting with the head and officials of the Judiciary, Khamenei stated that the judiciary’s media image is not good and that media and advertising are not being used correctly within the judiciary. He placed some responsibility on media outlets, radio, and television for this problem, but also stated that the judiciary needs to take some of the blame and work to fix its image.

Calling for more crackdowns on social media, Khamenei asked the judiciary “to deal with social media activists.”

Khamenei said, “It is against the necessary revival of public rights for some people to sit and use social media or other means to constantly get on people’s nerves, disrupt their mental security, and scare them. The judiciary must take action. I know that some of the prosecutors have taken action, but this work must be done with planning, discipline, and rules.”

US House Majority Calls On Biden For Stricter Measures Against Iranian Regime

More than half of the members of the US House of Representatives have sent a letter to President Joe Biden, urging him to work with allies to impose stricter measures to deter the clerical regime in Iran from advancing its nuclear program. The letter, which was signed by a total of 249 lawmakers, including 133 Democrats and 116 Republicans, expressed concerns over the regime’s ability to enrich uranium to the level required for nuclear weapons in a short amount of time. The lawmakers cited a March report by the International Atomic Energy Agency that revealed Tehran had enriched uranium to 83.7%, just below the 90% threshold. They also referenced comments made by Colin Kahl, US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, who stated that the regime could have enough weapons-grade uranium for a bomb in as little as 12 days.

The US lawmakers called on President Biden to coordinate with allies to activate the snapback mechanism embedded in UN Security Council Resolution 2231 if Tehran surpasses the 90% threshold.


Iran: Retirees, Pensioners Continue Protests as Regime Authorities Ignore Their Demands

Retirees and pensioners of the Iranian regime’s Social Security Organization and the telecommunications industry held protest rallies in several cities across the country on Sunday and Monday, as their living conditions continue to deteriorate under the corrupt rule of the mullahs. Rallies were reported in Tehran, Isfahan, Ahvaz, Sanandaj, Tabriz, Kermanshah, Arak, Shiraz, Shahr-e Kord, Sari, Bandar Abbas, Shush, and Shushtar. On Monday, retirees from the telecom industry organized protests in several cities. In Isfahan, the retirees said, In Isfahan, the retirees addressed different regime officials and organs and said, “We will not stop our weekly gatherings until we get our legal rights.”

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How Iran’s State-Run Housing Mafia Is Damaging the Lives of Millions of Iranians

Shared houses, rooftop sleeping, bus accommodations, graves, and various other forms of makeshift shelters have become an everyday sight in Iran due to poverty. Purchasing a house has turned into a bitter joke, forcing families to rent small apartments at exorbitant prices. These costs account for more than 70% of their living expenses.

The responsibility for this dire situation lies with the housing mafia controlled by members of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and their relatives, as well as state-owned banks that profit greatly from this business. The state-run news agency ISNA reported that rental prices have skyrocketed to the point where multiple families in major cities are sharing a single property. The escalating prices in Iran’s housing market have become a tragic phenomenon. Additionally, the strange occurrence of banks owning over 3,000 vacant houses adds to the crisis.

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U.S. Accused of Ignoring Crackdown on Iranian Exiles to Appease Tehran

The leading exiled Iranian dissident group says the Biden administration is downplaying attacks against its followers in Europe to placate Iran’s hard-line theocratic regime and draw it back to the negotiating table over its suspect nuclear programs. The Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) came under renewed scrutiny after Albanian authorities raided a camp the group had established in Albania. The French government revealed last week that it would not allow an Iranian opposition rally planned for next month in the heart of Paris because of the risk of violence. The rallies have been held annually since 2008. Ali Safavi, a representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran aligned with the MEK, told The Washington Times that the Biden administration is “maligning the MEK unjustly to appease Iran’s brutal rulers.”

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The Potent Cyber Adversary Threatening to Further Inflame Iranian Politics

Just before 2 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on May 29, someone posted a simple message to a Farsi-language Telegram channel called “GhyamSarnegouni,” which roughly translates to Uprising until Overthrow. “The entire highly protected internal network of the executioner’s presidential institution in Tehran was captured and out of reach,” it read, according to a Google translation.

Within minutes, images of top Mujahedeen-e-Khalq leaders appeared on the channel, along with the message of “Death to Khamenei, Raisi,” the supreme leader of Iran. The Iranian exile group commonly known as MEK has long opposed the Iranian government and advocated for its overthrow. Within a half hour of the original message, a screenshot of an internal presidential document was also posted on Telegram, the first of what has grown to more than 100 related to the office of the president of Iran and other major government agencies.

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Setayesh Amiri Detained in the Terrifying Adelabad Prison After Nearly 4 Months

Setayesh Amiri, 17, a high school student from Larestan and a protester against the poisoning of students, remains detained without standing trial in the notorious Adelabad Prison of Shiraz, despite the passage of nearly 4 months since being arrested. Security services arrested Setayesh Amiri and her father in early March concerning the chemical attacks on the schools in Larestan Country, Fars Province, in southern Iran. Erfaneh Honar, 19, and Setayesh Darougheh, 16, were also arrested with her but were later released. Setayesh Amiri and her father, Ebrahim Amiri, were tortured to accept false allegations of having ties with “foreign media” and being involved in the “poisoning of students.”

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – June 26, 2023

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