Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran News in Brief – June 26, 2024



Labour ‘Will Change The Law to Officially Declare Iran’s Revolutionary Guard A Terrorist Group’


Labour wants to proscribe Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group by changing the law if it wins the election, The Telegraph understands. Both Yvette Cooper and David Lammy, who are set to become home secretary and foreign secretary respectively if the Labour Party takes office next week, are backing the new approach.

The Tories have been considering proscribing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) for more than a year but declined to act after splits between the Home Office and Foreign Office over how such a move would damage diplomatic ties with Iran. Prescription is a mechanism that allows a government to formally declare a group a terrorist organisation, after which it is a criminal offence to belong to the group or encourage support.

Labour has concluded that the current approach is outdated and wants a different approach to bodies, such as the IRGC, which are closely interwoven with the state.

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European Rally Against Iran’s Elections In Berlin


A significant European protest is expected this Saturday in Berlin, where “tens of thousands of Iranians” will demonstrate against the results of the Iranian presidential elections scheduled for the day before. These elections follow the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter accident on May 20.

Shahin Gobadi, spokesman for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which positions itself as “the main coalition of democratic opposition to the Iranian regime,” shared this information with ANSA in Berlin.

On June 29, demonstrators will gather in Berlin from all over Germany and Europe to send a clear message: “In Iran, under the rule of religious fascism, this is not the time for elections; it is the time for revolution.”

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How Iranian Resistance Groups Are Risking Their Lives to Prevent Nuclear War


Earlier this month, Rafael Grossi, the International Atomic Energy Authority’s director-general, told a meeting in Vienna that its inspectors had been denied access to Iran for over three years. He expressed grave fears about the regime’s violation of its commitments to the IAEA in international treaties. He warned that the mullahs had continued to increase their stockpile of enriched uranium, much of which is now at 60 percent purity, a hair’s breadth away from weapons-grade.

“There has been no progress in resolving the outstanding safeguards issues,” Grossi revealed. “Iran has not provided the agency with technically credible explanations for the presence of uranium particles of anthropogenic origin at Varamin and Turquzabad or informed the agency of the current location(s) of the nuclear material and/or of contaminated equipment.”

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New Report Claims Iran Regime Using University To Hide Nuclear Weapons Development, Avoid Sanctions


A new report from an Iranian resistance group alleges that the Islamist regime has attempted to dodge U.S. sanctions on its nuclear programs by shifting personnel and resources to a university closely associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

“Ever since The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) exposed the Iranian regime’s previously undisclosed nuclear program in 2002 … the regime has persistently thwarted the IAEA’s efforts to uncover the full scope of its nuclear weapons ambitions,” Alireza Jafarzadeh, deputy director of the Washington office of the NCRI told Fox News Digital.

“Our revelations have shown that Tehran’s nuclear program has always been about building the nuclear bomb, and it is run by the IRGC,” he argued. “The weaponization part of the nuclear program has not only remained intact but has expanded and enhanced with no meaningful scrutiny.” Jafarzadeh first revealed the details of Iran’s nuclear program in 2002.

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Iran’s Rebellious Youth Respond to Upcoming Sham Presidential Election

With the Iranian regime’s sham presidential elections scheduled for Friday, regime officials are going the extra mile to convince the people to participate in the elections and cast their ballots for one of the six candidates, all of whom are known criminals. The regime is resorting to deceitful tactics such as television shows, debates, and other publicity stunts to create the impression that the country’s problems will be solved if people vote in the elections.

But none of the regime’s theatrics and propaganda efforts are fooling the people of Iran. Iran’s rebellious youths are casting their votes early by setting fire to the regime’s propaganda posters and targeting the regime’s centers of corruption and suppression, making it clear that their choice is regime change.

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Why Iranian Regime Leader Ali Khamenei Can’t Tolerate Human Rights

Iranian regime president Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with the judiciary judges, warned them against relying on human rights principles. By labeling human rights as “Western,” he described the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as “wrong” and “Western.” Khamenei did not specify which judges had referenced this declaration or similar principles, but his statements once again prove that the clerical regime fundamentally does not believe in human rights and considers it a product of “atheistic thought.” Even when forced to verbally and superficially accept human rights, they add an “Islamic” (read fundamentalist) suffix to justify their inhumane laws.

Khamenei, with his deceptive methods, calls the Universal Declaration of Human Rights a Western achievement, whereas this declaration is an international covenant adopted on December 10, 1948, in Paris, three years after the establishment of the United Nations following World War II, addressing fundamental human rights. The declaration consists of a preamble and 30 articles and has held international legal validity since its adoption, with many countries incorporating it into their constitutions.

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How Iranian Resistance Groups Are Risking Their Lives To Prevent Nuclear War


Earlier this month, Rafael Grossi, the International Atomic Energy Authority’s director-general, told a meeting in Vienna that its inspectors had been denied access to Iran for over three years. He expressed grave fears about the regime’s violation of its commitments to the IAEA in international treaties. He warned that the mullahs had continued to increase their stockpile of enriched uranium, much of which is now at 60 percent purity, a hair’s breadth away from weapons-grade.

“There has been no progress in resolving the outstanding safeguards issues,” Grossi revealed. “Iran has not provided the agency with technically credible explanations for the presence of uranium particles of anthropogenic origin at Varamin and Turquzabad or informed the agency of the current location(s) of the nuclear material and/or of contaminated equipment.”

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Sexual Assault and Rape as a Systematic Tool of Torture in the Mullah Regime’s Prisons

The recent disclosure of documents related to the sexual assault and subsequent murder of the arrested protester Nika Shakarami, before she even reached prison, has once again brought the brutality of the clerical regime’s torturers into the spotlight. But is the use of rape in the mullah regime’s prisons limited to the 2022 protests, or have there been other instances throughout their history?

To answer these questions, and in recognition of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on June 26, we look back 43 years to 1981 and the beginning of the massive and brutal killings that year. Prisons under the mullahs’ dictatorial rule have always been sites of fierce confrontation between political prisoners and the government. However, women and girls who dared challenge the mullahs suffered disproportionately. From girls as young as 12 to pregnant, elderly, and even ailing women, they endured physical and systematic sexual violence at the hands of prison guards and interrogators.

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Iran: Prisoners Sentenced to “265 Years in Jail and Over 5,000 Lashes” Over Evin Prison Fire Incident


A human rights organization reported that the judiciary of Iran’s regime sentenced the accused in the “Evin Prison fire” case to a total of “265 years” in prison and “over 5,000 lashes.”

The Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reported on Monday, June 24, that Branch 1148 of the Tehran Criminal Court sentenced 40 defendants in the 2022 Evin Prison fire case to “imprisonment, lashes, and blood money.”

These prisoners, who faced charges following the Evin Prison fire on the night of October 15, 2022, are currently serving sentences related to previous cases in Greater Tehran and Ghezel Hesar prisons.

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The Consequences of High Food Prices in Iran

According to a report by the state-run Donyay-e-Eghtesad website, which also reviews and publishes economic and livelihood statistics, 52% of the minimum wage of a four-person Iranian household in May 2024 was spent on food. A year ago, this share was higher, around 58%. In both cases, Iranian households spend more than half of their income on food, which, compared to global and even regional averages, indicates the poor state of Iranian wage earners and the overall economy of Iran.

Ernst Engel, a 19th-century German statistician and economist, proposed a theory that has consistently been confirmed in practice: household income and food expenditure have an inverse relationship. As household income increases, the share spent on food decreases, even if more food is consumed. Conversely, the poorer a household, the larger the share of its income spent on food.

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Breaking the Silence: Yalda Dehghani’s Account of Assault Against Women in Iranian Prisons

Shocking revelations by Yalda Dehghani about torture and assault in Lakan Prison, Rasht Political prisoner. Yalda Dehghani exposed part of the crimes of the government’s suppression apparatus. Yalda Dehghani is a young woman from Anzali (Northwestern Iran) who was active during the 2022 uprising. She was arrested and tortured because of her activities. She was released from detention on bail to await trial. She took advantage of an opportunity to leave Iran on May 21, 2024.

Yelda Dehghani, shortly after leaving Iran, raised some facts about prison and assault in prison live on an internet channel. This young lady, running a women’s beauty salon, was pursued from there and arrested at her father’s house.

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Zurich, June 24, 2024: MEK Supporters’ Exhibition Calling for Participation in #BerlinDemo29June

Zurich, June 24, 2024: MEK Supporters' Exhibition Calling for Participation in #BerlinDemo29June

Zurich, Switzerland—June 24, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran(PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition of the martyrs of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988 and the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions by the Iranian regime.