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Iran News in Brief – June 26, 2021




Iran: MEK Resistance Units Fill Railways’ Sidewalls in Tehran With Graffiti Praising Maryam Rajavi

Iran: MEK Resistance Units fill railways' sidewalls in Tehran with graffiti praising Maryam Rajavi

The network of People’s Mujahedin of Iran PMOI/MEK inside Iran takes to graffiti against the Iranian regime. PMOI/MEK network known as Resistance Units fill the railways’ sidewalls with their graffiti so thousands of train passengers will see their slogans written on walls.

Nationwide Strikes in the Oil Sector Continued on Saturday

While the Iranian state’s media continues to censor, the new wave of strikes by oil workers has forced the regime’s parliament to hold a meeting and discuss the situation.
The strike that has expanded to seven provinces and 40 companies is now supported by teachers, retirees, students, and unions. As such, the parliament’s energy commission has coordinated for a meeting with the oil minister and representatives of the IRGC and the security services.

As the oil sector is suffering from a nationwide strike, Iranians from various backgrounds and from different sources of income continue to protest for their rights and wages.


Iran: The Covid-19 Death Toll Exceeds 317,400


The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Friday, June 25, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 547 cities had exceeded 317,400. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 74,406, Isfahan 21,400, Khuzestan 20,066, Khorasan Razavi 19,300, East Azerbaijan 12,958, Mazandaran 12,485, Alborz 9,048, Sistan and Baluchestan 7,526, Kerman 7,198, Kurdistan 5,412, Hormozgan 4,560, North Khorasan 4,498, and Bushehr 3,384.

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Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for the Future of Iran

Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) (1)

1. Rejection of velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule). Affirmation of the people’s sovereignty in a republic founded on universal suffrage and pluralism;

2. Freedom of speech, freedom of political parties, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press and the internet. Dissolution and disbanding of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the terrorist Qods Force, plainclothes groups, the unpopular Bassij, the Ministry of Intelligence, Council of the Cultural Revolution, and all suppressive patrols and institutions in cities, villages, schools, universities, offices, and factories;

Read more about Mme Maryam Rajavi’s 10 point plan via Washington Times

OIAC Calls for Persecution of Ebrahim Raisi

Today Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC) webinar discussed the policy implications of the Iranian regime’s next president Ebrahim Raisi, a U.S. blacklisted documented mass murderer. The webinar also presented survivors and families of the  1988 massacre in which Raisi had a key role and called for an investigation and holding Raisi accountable for his crimes.

Iran: Seventh Day of Strikes by Oil Sector Workers

Protests by oil workers in different Iranian cities — June 2021 (1)

Mass strikes by oil sector workers, which began on June 19, entered its seventh day on Friday. The strike, which is affecting one of the vital sectors of Iran’s economy, has been expanding in the past few days, with a growing number of workers from different companies joining the movement every day.

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Raisi’s Bloody Past Is Coming Back To Haunt Him


On Thursday, an online conference held by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) discussed the implications of Ebrahim Raisi becoming the Iranian regime’s new president. While much has been made about how Raisi, who is viewed by the West as an ultraconservative, will affect Tehran’s relations with the international community, one thing that stands out in all conversations is Raisi’s human rights record.

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Ebrahim Raisi Must Be Brought to Justice for Crimes Against Humanity

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June 26, International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, is a United Nations-sponsored World Day to honor and support victims of torture around the world. This year’s International Day in Support of Victims of Torture coincides with the presidency of Ebrahim Raisi, the “henchman of the 1988 massacre” in Iran. For the past four decades, Raisi has been involved in some of the worst forms of repression, torture, killing, and crimes against humanity against Iran’s women and youth.

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Iran’s Actions Since Election Do Not Support Optimism Regarding Nuclear Negotiations

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Since Ebrahim Raisi was confirmed as Iran’s next president on Friday, media outlets such as Newsweek and Foreign Policy have published editorials that suggest the ultra-hardline cleric might actually improve the prospects for a restoration of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which the United States pulled out of in 2018. Such arguments fly in the face of the common wisdom as they appeared throughout Western media in the run-up to the election. Then, very few commentators seemed inclined to question the description of Raisi’s pending “election” as a complicating factor in the negotiations that are currently ongoing in Vienna.

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Fifth Border Porter Killed in One Month in Western Iran

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A Kurd border porter or “kolbar” was killed yesterday by security forces in Marivan, western Iran. According to the Center of Democracy and Human Rights in Kurdistan website, the man was identified as Mohammad Minouyi. Security forces opened fire on him without warning, suspecting that he was smuggling goods. This is the fifth border porter killed by border police or security forces in June.

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University Student Sentenced to 100 Lashes for Extramarital Relationship

Iran-flogging-four-people-to-lashes (1)

The Tehran Criminal Court sentenced a university student to 100 lashes among other punishments for having an extramarital relationship. According to the state-run Rokna News Agency, the man was identified as Arman. The report said his sentence of 100 lashes and 1 year of exile from Tehran was confirmed by the Supreme Court. An 18-year-old girl named Elaheh had filed a complaint against Arman for sexual abuse. Forensics confirmed Elaheh’s complaint and Arman was detained.

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Iran News in Brief, June 26, 2021

Iran news in brief, June 26, 2021

Read more: Iran News in Brief – June 25, 2021 
