Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran News in Brief – June 23, 2024



Hezbollah Stores Missiles And Explosives At Lebanon’s Main Airport, Whistleblowers Claim


Hezbollah is storing huge quantities of Iranian weapons, missiles, and explosives in Beirut’s main civilian airport, according to airport whistleblowers. The cache allegedly includes Iranian-made Falaq unguided artillery rockets, Fateh-110 short-range missiles, road-mobile ballistic missiles and M-600 missiles with ranges of over 150 to 200 miles.

Also at the airport is the AT-14 Kornet, laser-guided anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM), huge quantities of Burkan short-range ballistic missile and explosive RDX, a toxic white powder also known as cyclonite or hexagon.

The disclosures will raise fears that the Rafic Hariri airport, just four miles from the city centre, could become a major military target.

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US Military Says it Destroyed Three Houthi Vessels in Red Sea

sharq-al-awsat-logoUS forces destroyed three Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed surface vessels in the Red Sea in the past 24 hours, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said on Saturday.

Separately, the Houthis launched three anti-ship ballistic missiles into the Gulf of Aden but there were no injuries or significant damage reported by US, coalition, or merchant vessels, CENTCOM added.

The US military’s Central Command also dismissed as “categorically false” recent claims about a successful attack by Houthi forces on the aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower, reported Reuters.



The Implications of The Terrorist Designation of The IRGC By Canadian Government

Iran khamenei irgc

The Canadian government has finally listed the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the main arm of repression, warmongering, and exportation of terrorism of Iran’s regime, as a terrorist organization.

The Canadian Minister of Public Safety, in announcing this decision said the action “sends a strong message that Canada will use all of the tools at its disposal to combat the terrorist entity of the IRGC.

“The Iranian regime has consistently displayed disregard for human rights, both inside and outside of Iran as well as a willingness to destabilize the international rules-based order.”

Simultaneously with the approval of the IRGC’s listing, freedom-loving Iranians in various Canadian cities welcomed the approval of this resolution aimed at isolating the mullahs’ terrorist dictatorship globally, through demonstrations and expressions of joy.

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Women’s Rights Activist Houra Nikbakht Detained in Evin Prison

Houra Nikbakht, a renowned women’s rights activist and the publisher and managing editor of “Mashq-e Barabari (Equality Homework)” publications, has been detained in the women’s ward of Evin Prison since June 12, 2024.

Security forces arrested Houra Nikbakht after she reported to the Prosecutor’s Office of District 33 in Tehran. She had previously posted her summons on her X account, revealing that she was accused of insulting Ali Khamenei and disseminating propaganda against the state.

Nikbakht is also a university instructor and a prominent women’s rights activist.

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Iranian Oil Workers Strike Again Over Unmet Demands

Iranian Oil and gas workers, including contract employees, have gone on strike once more in response to the ongoing neglect of their demands. This follows a similar strike in May 2024, where workers across several oil, gas, and petrochemical projects ceased work for several days. Their grievances stem from contractors’ refusal to implement a salary increase approved by the Supreme Labor Council, with workers still receiving wages based on 2023 rates.

The organizing council for the protests was initiated on June 20. The council reported that contract workers from Dasht Abbas and Samin companies, along with scaffolders from Zamanpour contracts, have joined the strike. These workers are demanding higher wages and a revised work schedule of 14 days on and 14 days off. The strike began on Wednesday, June 26, with various sectors and projects forming “cores of protests.”

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Iran Needs to Import $2bn Gasoline This Year


Gholamreza Dehghan Nasrabadi, a member of the Iranian regime’s Parliament, announced a deepening energy imbalance in Iran and claimed that the country needs to import two billion dollars of gasoline this year.

Dehghan Nasrabadi said on Friday, June 22: “It is estimated that this year we will have over two billion dollars in gasoline imports, which is approximately equivalent to building a refinery with a capacity of 100,000 barrels per day.”

Since last year, Iran has faced a gasoline shortage due to the government’s inability to build new oil refineries.

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Economic Erosion Under Iran’s Despotic Leaders

Mullahs try to blame sanctions for Iran's failing economy, regime’s officials & state-run media identify corruption as the real reason.

Iran’s history has shown that oil in the hands of despotic and anti-development rulers has turned into a curse. Oil revenue has led to corruption, the extravagance of rulers, military adventurism, and regional destabilization. An example of this is the Iranian regime’s adventurism in Lebanon and Iraq, with the most recent example being the October 7 attack. The class gap among the people of Iran is widening daily, and the regime has no solution other than to continue on this path.

Experts say that squandering such underground resources and human capital requires a skill that only the Iranian regime seems to possess.

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Zahedan Prison: A Terrifying Tale of Women’s Torture

According to a report from Zahedan prison, female prisoners in Zahedan are tortured with injections so that they cannot protest. This report has been published by prisoners released from the women’s ward of Zahedan prison and it addresses some of the crimes committed in this prison. Zahedan prison is one of the most terrifying prisons in Iran where the ruling criminals torture prisoners in medieval ways. Undoubtedly, many of the crimes of the authorities and prison officers of Zahedan Central Prison remain hidden, and only with the efforts of the prisoners and their families can these crimes be exposed.

Female prisoners in the women’s ward of Zahedan prison, mostly Baluch and generally skilled in needlework. The prison guards in the women’s ward send the female prisoners to forced labor to sew custom clothes that the prison warden accepts. Everyone knows that needlework is a laborious and painful job and each hand-sewn garment is worth at least 7 to 10 million Tomans outside the prison.

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Demonstrations and Exhibitions by Iranians and MEK Supporters Highlighting Solidarity with Iranian Uprising

Over the past few days, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), have organized a series of events across Europe to highlight the plight of political prisoners in Iran, commemorate martyrs, and rally for the designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.

June 20 – In Ramsey, a book table exhibition was held showcasing public support for designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization. This event coincided with the MPs’ election campaign, during which a city candidate and a former MP visited the exhibition to support the campaign.

June 21- In Paris, freedom-loving Iranians and MEK supporters organized a book exhibition featuring pictures of martyrs in solidarity with the 2022 uprising. The event drew significant attention, emphasizing the ongoing resistance against the Iranian regime.

On the same day, an exhibition in Portsmouth supported political prisoners and opposed torture and executions in Iran. The event gained significant attention and solidarity from citizens, particularly Iranian compatriots.

June 22 – In Heidelberg, Germany, a book exhibition by Iranians and MEK supporters showcased martyrs, supporting the 2022 nationwide uprising. In Manchester City Centre, in the UK,  citizens set up a book table to support Iran’s uprising, and political prisoners, and protest recent executions. Participants also urged the UK government to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

In Paris, France, another book exhibition was held by Iranians and MEK supporters, featuring martyrs of the Iranian Resistance and showing solidarity with the 2022 uprising.

Supporters of the MEK gathered on the Dam Square in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to protest against the ineffective policy of reconciliation with the Iranian regime. They also called on the Dutch government to follow Canada’s lead and blacklist the IRGC.

Meanwhile, freedom-loving Iranians are gearing up for a massive demonstration in Berlin, continuing their campaign for international support and recognition of the Iranian resistance.

Also, read Iran News in Brief – June 22, 2024