Iran News in Brief – June 16, 2024



Why The Iranian Regime’s Presidential Candidates Stress on Continuing Raisi’s Path

In a previous article about the Iranian regime’s upcoming elections masquerade, we wrote: “The main and amusing feature of this drama is that all six actors play the same role and say the same thing with minor differences. They not only declare their allegiance to regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, but also outdo each other in their commitment to continue [Ebrahim] Raisi’s path and program.”

Now, let’s pause to consider the reason why all six actors are playing one role! Apparently, it is very ridiculous and meaningless. But in its essence, it has a thought-provoking meaning. In any election, even in the sham electoral shows of this regime, the common practice is that each candidate speaks of past mistakes and showcases what they have for change. The issue is so clear that the government-affiliated newspaper Etmad wrote on June 14: “In a word, an election means the possibility of change… an election in which there is no possibility of change, no matter what it is called, is not an election.”

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Iran’s State Media Compare Elections to “Stand-Up Comedy”

As Iran’s regime approaches its premature presidential elections following the death of Ebrahim Raisi, its own media and officials refer to the election race as a “show,” “stand-up comedy,” “modeling,” and similar terms.

Apart from the people, who have long since made their stance clear on these absurd shows, within the regime itself, there is little enthusiasm left for watching this “premature” and imposed puppet show.

On June 9, the state-run Hamdeli newspaper wrote, “It seems that we have no choice but to watch the forced show of the ‘claimants of service’ doing somersaults! Stage designers who have repeatedly donned the oversized robe of national management over the past decades and, to put it better, for reasons we all know, have draped it over their frail bodies… Uneducated ‘politicians’ who, in the name of service and of course for the sake of power, have entertained people with grand promises, leaving behind nothing but empty rhetoric and fruitless boasting in their memories.”

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Prohibition of Sexual Exploitation of Women and Girls in a Free Iran

In examining articles 8 and 12 of the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s plan concerning women’s freedoms and rights, we delve into critical issues related to the legal age of marriage and the prevention of sexual exploitation. Article 8 emphasizes complete freedom in selecting a spouse and getting married. Marriage should occur only with the mutual consent of both parties and be officially registered. Importantly, marriage before reaching the legal age is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, any form of coercion or imposition on women within family life is forbidden.

Article 12 unequivocally prohibits all forms of sexual exploitation of women under any pretext. It calls for the abolition of customs, laws, and regulations that allow parents, guardians, or others to give girls or women away in marriage or for any other reason.

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G7 Leaders Warn Iran’s Regime on Nuclear Escalation and Ballistic Missile Transfers to Russia

On Friday, the leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) issued a warning to Iran regarding its nuclear enrichment activities and indicated they were prepared to implement new measures if Tehran transfers ballistic missiles to Russia, according to a draft communique.

“We urge Tehran to cease and reverse nuclear escalations, and stop the continuing uranium enrichment activities that have no credible civilian justifications,” the statement seen by Reuters declared. A report from a U.N. nuclear watchdog on Thursday highlighted that Iran has rapidly installed additional uranium-enriching centrifuges at its Fordow site and begun setting up more.

Iran is now enriching uranium to up to 60% purity, which is close to the 90% required for weapons-grade uranium. According to an IAEA yardstick, Iran has enough material enriched to that level to create three nuclear weapons if it were further enriched.

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Mountain Encroachment and Environmental Destruction in Iran: An Expert’s Insight

Farhad Baizaei, a prominent researcher in mountain encroachment and housing economics in Iran, recently highlighted significant concerns regarding environmental degradation in the Lavasan area of Tehran. In an interview with Rokna news agency, Baizaei pointed to the regime’s endowments and charities organization, which operates under the direct supervision of Ali Khamenei, the regime’s supreme leader, as the primary driver behind the rampant change in land use and mountain encroachment.

Baizaei noted that in recent years, the most significant land use changes in Lavasanat have occurred at the behest of the endowment organization and the municipality. He explained that mountain encroachment and the destruction of gardens in Tehran and its surrounding areas peaked approximately three decades ago. This phenomenon, he asserted, is primarily due to the legal deficiencies in Article 5 and Article 10 commissions, as well as the prioritization of relationships over legal regulations within municipalities.

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Two Decades of Killing and Violence Against Kulbars in Iran

In recent months, the violence of the Iranian regime’s border guards against Kurdish kolbar (porter)has increased, and in May alone, six kolbars were killed.

Kolbars are individuals who carry goods and merchandise from neighboring countries into Iran. Due to the difficult routes, these loads are carried on their backs, and each kolbar receives a very small amount that barely sustains their survival. This work is very common in the border areas of Iran because the Iranian regime does not provide any facilities or jobs for the youth in these regions, and instead, the share of the people in these areas is the bullets of the regime’s security forces. Most of these individuals are found in the western and southeastern regions of Iran.

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MEK Supporters Rally in Stockholm to Denounce Sweden-Mullahs Deal for Release of 1988 Massacre Executioner Hamid Noury

Stockholm, Sweden—June 15, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a protest rally and denounced the shameful deal between Sweden and the mullahs’ regime for releasing Hamid Noury a criminal executioner of mullahs’ regime in the 1988 Massacre. Hamid Noury was released on June 15, based on a shameful deal between the Swedish government and the criminal terrorist regime of mullahs ruling Iran.

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Berlin, June 14, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition and Call for Participation in #BerlinDemo29June

Berlin, Germany—June 14, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continued to set up an exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Copenhagen, Denmark—June 14, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally: Call for Participation in the #BerlinDemo29June

Copenhagen, Denmark—June 14, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally and exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – June 15, 2024

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