Iran News in Brief – July 9, 2024



Alarming Reports: Russia’s Ally Increases Missile Production

Iran has escalated its production of ballistic missiles, a move that has raised concerns among U.S. officials regarding regional stability and arms proliferation. According to Tech recent reports indicate Iran’s decision to increase production aims not only to bolster its own defense capabilities but also to supply advanced weaponry to allies like Russia, Hezbollah, and Yemeni Houthi rebels.

Among Iran’s formidable arsenal are the Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar missile systems, known for their ability to be launched from mobile platforms, enhancing their operational flexibility and resilience against potential attacks.

The Fateh-110 boasts a range of approximately 300 km, while the Zolfaghar can target locations up to 700 km away. Even more advanced are the Shahab-3 and Emad missiles, with ranges exceeding 1500 km, capable of carrying

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What The Iranian People Want and Don’t Want

Within the span of a week, the world saw two very contrasting pictures of the Iranian people and their desires. On the one hand were the first and second round of the Iranian regime’s sham presidential elections, held on June 28 and July 5, which were met with an unprecedented boycott by the Iranian people. And on the other hand was the Free Iran 2024 World Summit, held on June 29–July 1 in France and Germany, which was welcomed by Iranians across the world and supported by politician, jurists, and activists.

On June 28, at the ballot box, Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, once again begged the people to participate in the elections, saying, “People should not hesitate to participate in the elections. The survival, strength, dignity, and reputation of the Islamic Republic in the world depend on the people’s presence.” A few days earlier, he had reiterated the connection between the elections and the future of his regime in a different way, stating, “If high participation is observed in these elections, it will bring pride to the Islamic Republic.”

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The Main Winners and Losers of Iran’s Sham Presidential Elections

The second round of the Iranian regime’s sham presidential election turned out to be nothing but a global scandal. From early morning, regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, in utter desperation claimed he had heard that this time the “enthusiasm and interest of the people” would be higher than before and wished that “it would be so,” pinning his “happiness” on the probability of a high voter turnout. In the first round of this so-called election, he had said that for the “continuation and dignity” of his regime, he needed the people’s votes and their inked fingers, lamenting that the turnout was “less than his expectation.”

In addition to Khamenei, other leaders, officials, and members of the two ruling factions expressed their frustration and desperation over the decisive and fiery boycott of the election show.

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Desertification Crisis in Iran: A Looming Environmental Catastrophe

The spread of desertification across various regions has highlighted the severe consequences of climate change, particularly in southern, central, and eastern Iran. If the current rate of desertification continues, with one million hectares of desert being created annually, Iran could become entirely desertified within 164 years.

Currently, drought has ravaged 150,000 hectares of agricultural land in Sistan and Baluchestan province, affecting more than 200 villages in eastern Iran. An expert and climate researcher warned that weak management and the Iranian regime’s ineffective policies regarding Afghanistan have exacerbated desertification in Sistan and Baluchestan. Poor management, combined with Afghanistan’s dam construction on rivers and the cutoff of water supply to the Hamun lagoon, has significantly altered the region’s climate. The winds known as the “120 days winds” in Sistan now persist for 180 to 200 days annually.

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Liquidity in Iran Reaches 80 Quadrillion Rials

New statistics from the Central Bank of Iran show that liquidity in the country reached a staggering 79 quadrillion rials (approximately $133.333 billion) by the end of the last Persian year (March 21, 2024). The new statistics released by the Central Bank on Sunday, July 7, show that since the start of Ebrahim Raisi‘s government, the volume of liquidity has more than doubled; in other words, the liquidity generated during Raisi’s government exceeds the total liquidity in the history of Iran’s economy up to the establishment of the thirteenth government.

The Central Bank’s report highlighted the “decline in the growth rate of liquidity” and defended the Central Bank’s performance in controlling liquidity. However, details of the statistics from this financial institution show that liquidity in Iran in August 2021, when Hassan Rouhani’s government handed over executive power to Ebrahim Raisi’s government, was about 39 quadrillion rials (approximately $65 billion), but by the end of last year, this figure had more than doubled, and it is unclear how much liquidity has increased this spring.

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Sharifeh Mohammadi’s Life Is in Danger, Let Us Be Her Voice

Sharifeh Mohammadi, a labor activist from Rasht, who has been detained since December 2023 and has been imprisoned in the women’s ward of Lakan Prison in Rasht for 7 months, has been sentenced to execution by the Iranian judiciary on charges of “rebellion.”

The Revolutionary Court of Rasht, under the leadership of Judges Ahmad Darvish Goftegari and Mehdi Rasakhi, has sentenced them to execution on charges of “rebellion” for their involvement in the coordination committee for the formation of labor unions and their alleged affiliation with the Komala Party.”

This sentence has been issued based on Mohammadi’s membership in an independent, public, and legal labor organization that was established a decade ago.

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Is Pezeshkian an Opportunity or a Blow for Khamenei?

When the last pieces of Ebrahim Raisi’s body were found on May 19, 2024, Khamenei immediately realized that an era for him had ended. However, on that day, he did not expect to have to resort to a low-profile political figure like Pezeshkian quickly.

Everything began from that day. According to the law, Khamenei had to update his political system within 50 days. Of course, given the lack of skilled and experienced individuals in the current political system of Iran, finding someone like Raisi or a similar replacement was difficult and indeed impossible for him.

The events that followed in Iran’s political arena were the result of the devastating blow Khamenei suffered with Raisi’s death. Even if staged, the early elections were a nightmare for Khamenei. This nightmare stemmed from the impact of the election boycotts by the people during the parliamentary elections in March 2024 and April 2024, which Khamenei felt deeply.

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Southampton—July 6, 2024: Freedom-Loving Iranians Host Book Exhibition to Condemn Human Rights Violations in Iran

Southampton—July 6, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and academics living in England, who support the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), organized a book exhibition to condemn human rights violations in Iran and support the Iranian Revolution. This exhibition also called on the UK government to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization. Iranian community in Southampton demanded the trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders for crimes against humanity, in an international court.

In addition, academics living in England are demanding justice, sanctions against the regime, and recognition of the Iranian people’s right to self-defense.

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