Iran News in Brief – July 7, 2021




An Angry Nation Stands Tall

Iran witnessed more protests, strikes, and rallies on Wednesday.

In Isfahan, angry ranchers rallied with their livestock demanding their rights to fair share of water from local rivers. In the southern part of this province, 100 workers of the Gachsaran Petrochemical Plant joined the 18-day nationwide strike. In Asaluyeh, the southern part of the country, South Pars Gas Field workers expressed their economic grievances and protested their difficult working conditions. A group of railroad workers in Azarbaijan district, northwestern Iran, stopped working and joined the strike, protesting their employers’ failure to pay their overdue salaries. 

In Fasa, south-central of the country, locals rallied outside the mayor’s office protesting the unannounced and lengthy blackouts. In Bandar-e Anzali, northern Iran, people rallied outside the local Electricity Department. In Semnan, east of Tehran, locals rallied outside the governor’s office protesting the unannounced and lengthy blackouts.

In Alborz, the people rallied in front of the governor’s office in Karaj protesting the outage of the water.


Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 323,800

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 547 cities had passed 323,800. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 75,666, Isfahan 21,890, Khuzestan 20,531, Khorasan Razavi 19,725, Lorestan 12,670, West Azerbaijan 12,003, Fars 10,912, Sistan and Baluchestan 8,051, Golestan 7,650, Kerman 7,513, Hormozgan 4,935, and Ardabil 3,970.

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Iran: Power Outages Protests Expose the Regime’s Fading Power

Power outages in Tehran and other Iranian cities have caused mass protests in the past few days. Night demonstrations on Sunday and Monday night slammed the Iranian regime for its destructive policies. In several areas, the demonstrators called for the ouster of the mullahs’ regime and its supreme leader Ali Khamenei. The night rallies are taking place while the regime’s security forces are on full alert to prevent potential protests following the sham presidential election. The Iranian society is on the verge of explosion and the regime is rallying all its might to prevent nationwide uprisings like those that happened in 2018 and 2019.

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Video Report: Iranians Chant Against Khamenei During Blackout Protests Across Iran

Iranians protested in several cities against unannounced extended blackouts in the past three days. In some cities, Iranians chanted “Down with Khamenei” and “Down with the Islamic Republic” from their homes during blackouts, blaming the regime and its unelected Supreme Leader. In Fardis, west of Tehran, protesters chanted against Khamenei and Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi during an early morning protest on July 6.

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Video Report: Large Fires Across Iran From Blackouts

Video report on several large fires across Iran from unannounced blackouts resulting in power surges and short circuits. Officials have said the blackouts will continue for at least a month.

June Iran Protests Report: 765 Protests in 76 Cities

According to collected reports by sources affiliated with the Iranian Resistance in June, there were at least 765 recorded protests in 76 cities. There was a 46% increase in the number of protests compared to May when 355 protests were recorded. Oil industry workers held most of the protests in June, starting on June 20.

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Iran Pensioners Protest Yet Again

Iranian pensioners held protests outside the Social Security Organization offices in several cities on Sunday, including Ahvaz, Isfahan, Khorram Abad, and Shush. They’ve been protesting for months over demands that have not been met, but they took a short break during the presidential election last month. So, what are their demands? They want their pensions increased so that they can meet their basic needs, but also that their delayed payments are paid in full. The protests have become a major thing across Iran as their living conditions became worse.

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Saba Kord Afshari and Rahaleh Ahmadi Asl Put Up an Act of Protest

Saba Kord Afshari and her mother, Raheleh Ahmadi Asl, have declared that they refrain from going to the visitation hall as an act of protest against being deprived of having inter-prison calls and visits. Amin Vaziri, the assistant prosecutor who oversees the cases of political prisoners, who has also interrogated Saba Kord Afshari, has ordered the ban. The ban is in breach of the clerical regime’s prison laws which forsee visits between family members, even if they are detained in separate prisons.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – July 6, 2021 

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