Iran News in Brief – July 5, 2024



Iranian Dissident Leader Sees Troubled Regime Entering ‘Its Final Stages’

Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the world’s largest Iranian dissident organization, which seeks to replace Iran’s theocratic regime with a democracy, provided the following exclusive answers to questions from The Washington Times. Her comments come on the heels of a major NCRI rally in Berlin on June 29, where tens of thousands of people demonstrated against the Iranian regime. NCRI and its associate group, the exiled People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), also held a major indoor rally in Paris over the same weekend, which included speeches by former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and hundreds of other current and former officials. The interview was conducted before Friday’s run-off presidential vote in Iran.

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Electoral Politics Won’t Save Iranians, But Regime Change Will

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) recently held a three-day summit at its Paris headquarters featuring hundreds of Western lawmakers and policy experts to discuss the future of the Islamic Republic in the wake of its latest presidential election. As a scholar who has examined the regime’s democratic opposition for almost two decades, I attended the gathering to garner insights into Iran’s future.

Referring to the Iranian people’s overwhelming boycott of its latest presidential election, the event’s keynote speaker, President-elect of the NCRI Maryam Rajavi, observed that “The sham elections of the religious dictatorship faced a massive boycott by 88% of eligible voters. The boycott highlights the determination of the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance to overthrow the clerical regime and liberate Iran.”

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Live Report: Iran’s Sham Runoff Presidential Election Met With Boycott Again

Iran’s regime is holding its runoff presidential election to choose the successor to Ebrahim Raisi, the former regime president who died in a helicopter crash on May 19. The first round of the election, held on June 28, was met with a historical boycott. According to estimates and reports by the PMOI’s network inside Iran, around 88% of eligible voters refrained from casting their ballots. Many of the people who did vote were forced to do so by the regime through threats and incentives. Many of the voters cast invalid ballots.

On July 5, as the regime opened the polling stations for the second round of the election, it resorted to desperate tactics to rally its diminishing base to create the impression of a high voter turnout.

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The True Face of Iran

On June 29, 2024, the World Summit for a Free Iran was held in Paris, presenting the necessary policies for dealing with the clerical regime, with the presence of dozens of political and cultural figures from various countries around the world. Simultaneously with this conference, the annual gathering of the Iranian Resistance was held in Berlin, attended by tens of thousands of Iranians supporting the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

The annual gathering of the Iranian Resistance took place under circumstances where the decisive developments in Iran were moving towards a resolution between the two main poles.

The common theme in the speeches of all attendees at the Paris conference was the emphasis on these two important principles: the June 28 election in Iran showed that the government lacks legitimacy and change in Iran is possible and within reach through a persistent and organized resistance.

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Who Is Standing On The Right Side Of Iran’s History?

The holding of the Free Iran World Summit just one day after the Iranian regime’s disgraceful failure in the sham presidential elections displayed the two sides of Iran to the world. On one side, there is the religious fascism that has reached the end of its line and has been boycotted by 88% of the Iranian people. On the other side, there is a shining resistance that, with its magnificent rally and summit, managed a real display of the will of the Iranian people. This summit encompassed all components of the Iranian resistance, from the heroic Resistance Units inside Iran to the large demonstration of freedom-loving Iranians and Resistance supporters in the streets of Berlin to the participants in the Free Iran World Summit, from the long and brilliant lineup of speakers and international figures to messages of support from various points and thousands of people who participated live.

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Sharifeh Mohammadi Sentenced to Death in Iran

Sharifeh Mohammadi, a labor activist from Rasht, has been sentenced to death by the Iranian Judiciary on charges of Bagh-ye (armed insurgency).

Sharifeh, imprisoned in the women’s ward of Lakan Prison in Rasht (Central Prison of Rasht) for the past seven months, received this sentence today, Thursday, July 4, 2024. The verdict was delivered to her husband, Sirus Fat’hi.

The First Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Rasht recently convicted Sharifeh Mohammadi of Bagh-ye (armed insurgency) for her involvement with the Coordination Committee for the Formation of Labor Unions and its alleged association with the Komala Party. The conviction was based on Articles 211 and 287 of the regime’s Penal Code of 2013.

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Khamenei Admits Defeat in First Round of Elections

On Wednesday, July 3, 2024, during a meeting with so-called officials and professors of the Motahari School, Khamenei ( The supreme leader) spoke about the elections in a manner that reflected his defeated attitude and fear of an even broader boycott of the election show in the second round.

After five days of silence following the blow of June 28—the widespread election boycott—Khamenei finally emerged, acknowledging that the first round of the election show had failed. Khamenei’s website wrote: “Khamenei described the participation rate in the first round of elections as below expectations and contrary to predictions, stating that this issue has reasons that political experts and sociologists should investigate.”

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The People of Iran Are the Losers in the Presidential Election Sham

When polls open in Iran on Friday 5th July for the runoff election between a hardliner and a so-called ‘reformist’ candidate to become the next president, the only certain outcome is that the Iranian people will be the ultimate losers. Western media are already treating information on the election as if it was genuine, claiming that just over 40% of the 60 million eligible voters participated in the first round of the polls on 28 June. This was reported as a disastrously low turnout with many newspapers stating that it was “the lowest turnout in a presidential election since the 1979 revolution”. In fact, information from opposition sources inside Iran, who closely monitored thousands of polling stations, claim the real turnout was nearer 12%, meaning that 88% of voters boycotted the election, representing a complete rejection of the ruling theocracy.

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