Iran News in Brief – July 31, 2022




Condolences to the People of Iran for the Floods and Landslides Disaster in the Iranian Provinces

With the most sincere condolences to all my compatriots, especially to the bereaved and afflicted families in the flood disaster in more than 20 provinces, we urge our country’s youths, all compatriots, and the popular Resistance Councils, especially in the provinces adjacent to the flooded areas, to cooperate and provide independent assistance to the affected people.
The eruption of floods in more than 20 provinces, the loss of so many lives in cities and villages, and the damages and homelessness of defenseless people in the face of natural disasters under the mullahs’ predatory rule are a national disaster.

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34 Years Later, the 1988 Massacre Is Haunting Iran’s Regime

34 years ago, Iranian regime supreme leader made the fateful decision to eradicate the Iranian opposition, ordering all political prisoners with ties to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) to be immediately executed. Following Khomeini’s order, on these same hot summer days, in July and August of 1988, every day, thousands of political prisoners were being hanged in prisons across Iran. The 1988 massacre ended with the execution of more than 30,000 political prisoners, most of whom were members and supporters of the MEK.

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Unemployed Youths a Threat to Iran’s Regime

Any country that seeks to possess comprehensive wealth and improve development must consider both short and long-term economic and social programs, with the population, structure, and dynamism playing a key role in helping to reach these goals.

At the beginning of the 1990s, the Iranian regime implemented the wrong population plan, which, in turn, harmed the demographic structure of Iran and rapidly changed the structure of the age classes of the population. Now, many of the regime’s social experts have stated that this will have devastating consequences for Iran in the future.

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No Family Visitation for Sakineh Parvaneh in Vakilabad Prison

Sakineh Parvaneh cannot receive family visitation at Vakilabad Prison due to being far away from her hometown. The following report will review the situation of Political Prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh in Mashhad Central Prison.

Political prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh was transferred to the women’s ward in Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad in December 2020. She has been banned from calling her family for eight months.

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The 1988 Massacre, an Unpunished Crime Against Humanity

In Iran today, the perpetrators of crime against humanity are sitting at the highest levels of government. Ebrahim Raisi, the regime’s Deputy Prosecutor General at the time and one of the key members of the Death Commission ordering the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, is now the regime’s president.

As Amnesty International Secretary-General said, “That Ebrahim Raisi has risen to the presidency instead of being investigated for the crimes against humanity of murder, enforced disappearance, and torture, is a grim reminder that impunity reigns supreme in Iran…”

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Iran Cuts off Man’s Fingers for Theft, Eight Others at Risk of Amputation

Iranian authorities amputated the fingers of a prisoner convicted of theft on July 27.

Former political prisoner Arash Sadeghi tweeted the news the same day saying that the prisoner’s fingers were cut off in the infirmary of Tehran’s Evin prison.Mr. Sadeghi identified the prisoner as P.T. Iranian judicial had previously denied the implementation of amputation sentences for prisoners convicted of theft.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – July 30, 2022

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