Iran News in Brief – July 3, 2023

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Speech by Maryam Rajavi on Day 2 of the Free Iran World Summit

NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s speech: Honored Representatives, esteemed friends. As we convene on the second day of the Free Iran summit, we stand strong amidst a tempest of subterfuge and schemes set forth by Khamenei’s regime. This meeting is a testament to a deep-seated truth of our era. Despite the mullahs’ desperate efforts, they are now unable to further their policies or maintain their grip on power. Undoubtedly, the mullahs’ overthrow is within our reach, and the final victory will indeed belong to the Iranian people and the Resistance. Velayat-e Faqih, embodying absolute malevolence for people in the region and acting as a fearsome instigator of terrorism and warmongering against the world, is destined to be overthrown, like an arrow set on the trajectory of history. No force can halt this inevitable downfall.

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Mike Pence Claims Biden Is Rehabilitating the Iran Nuclear Deal

Former Vice President Mike Pence was a surprise guest this weekend at a rally in Paris, France, hosted by Iranian dissidents in support of overthrowing Iran’s regime. Mr Pence, who’s running in the increasingly-crowded 2024 Republican primary, railed against the authoritarian government in Tehran and what he claimed were efforts by the Biden administration to revive the 2015 nuclear accord between Iran, the US, and several European countries. That deal was abandoned by the Trump administration who accused Tehran of violating the deal “in spirit”.

“Now, a new administration is threatening to unravel all of the progress we made in marinalising the tyrannical regime in Tehran,” Mr Pence claimed.

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Protests Across Iran on Sunday

On Sunday, July 2, retirees of the Social Security organization gathered in various cities of Iran such as Kermanshah, Shush, Karkheh, Rasth, Haft Tapeh, Tehran, and Shushtar, among others, took to the streets and protested the poor living conditions and the lack of response to their demands.

Tehran, Iran’s capital

Rasht, Gilan Province, Northern Iran

Shushtar, Khuzestan Province, Southwest Iran

Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee Sentenced to 5 Years in Jail

The 36th Branch of the Revision Court of Tehran Province sentenced political prisoner Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee to five years of jail time on charges of “assembly and collusion,” “propaganda against the state,” and “disruption of public order.” The news was published on Sunday, July 2, 2023. For additional punishments, Ms. Ebrahimi Iraee is also banned from membership in parties and groups, presence in Tehran, and leaving the country for two years. Her mobile phone will also be confiscated. The trial of Ms. Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee was held on June 18, 2023, in her absence. Security forces violently arrested Golrokh Ebrahimi at her home on September 26, 2022. They ransacked her residence and confiscated some of her personal belongings.

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