Iran News in Brief – July 27, 2024



US Forces Destroy Houthi Drones as Terror Group Continues Aggressive Actions at Sea

U.S. forces in the Middle East have destroyed Houthi drones in Yemen in the past 24 hours, the military said Friday.

Separately, forces with the U.S. Central Command destroyed three uncrewed Houthi surface vessels operating on the Yemeni coast, CENTCOM said.

“It was determined these weapons presented an imminent threat to U.S., coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region,” a Centcom statement said. “These actions were taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure.”

U.S. forces have engaged with Iran-backed Houthi drones and militia for months following the group’s assault on commercial ships in the Mediterranean Sea. The group began targeting merchant ships in opposition to Israel’s war against Hamas.

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Pezeshkian’s Futile Mission to Save The Mullahs’ Regime

On July 21, the incoming president of the Iranian regime Massoud Pezeshkian told the Majlis (parliament), “Dear people who came, despite the propaganda that was made to keep them from coming to the ballot boxes, they came and gave a strong punch to the mouths of those who were sitting abroad and inside the country and were doing propaganda”.

These brazen remarks by the president, referring to the 88 percent of Iranians who did not participate in the regime’s sham elections, sparked a wave of anger and continuous backlash. So much so that he pathetically tried to cover it up by writing on his X account: “The enemies of the Iranian people did everything they could to prevent people from coming to the ballot boxes. The account of the honorable people who are dissatisfied for any reason is separate from the enemies and ill-wishers”.

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Iran’s Industrial and Mining Sectors Show Decline in June 2024

In June 2024, the Iranian Parliament Research Center’s Economic Studies Office released a report titled “Monitoring the Real Sector of Iran’s Economy in June 2024: Industry and Mining Sector.” This comprehensive analysis reveals a troubling decline in production indicators across Iran’s industrial and mining sectors. The report examines the growth trends in the industry sector from various perspectives, providing crucial data for both micro and macroeconomic decision-making. The production index of the industry sector considered a key short-term economic indicator due to its impact on other economic sectors, shows a concerning downward trend.

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From Protest to Policy – Iran’s Evolving Hijab Enforcement

In the wake of the Iranian regime’s recent presidential election, some people harbored the false hope that the newly elected President Masoud Pezeshkian would halt the controversial Noor Project, a program aimed at enforcing the regime’s strict dress code and compulsory hijab for women and girls. This issue has become a litmus test for Pezeshkian’s commitment to his campaign promises and his true nature.

However, the regime’s four-decade history suggests that significant policy shifts, particularly regarding dress codes and gender issues, are unlikely. The compulsory hijab has been a focal point of domestic and social policies, gaining prominence during the nationwide protests of 2022, where it became intertwined with broader demands for freedom.

In response to these protests, many women began appearing in public without hijabs as an act of defiance. The regime, fearing further unrest, temporarily withdrew its morality police from the streets. However, this respite was short-lived, and a new wave of repression soon followed.

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UN Report Exposes 1988 Massacre in Iran as Genocide: Urgent Call for International Action

July 28th marks the anniversary of the massacre of at least 30,000 political prisoners in Iran in the summer of 1988.

The clerical regime had been preparing for this massacre since the winter and spring of 1988 by relocating prisoners from one prison to the other. On July 20, the authorities transferred a group of young women prisoners out of the Prison of Ilam (western Iran). They executed Farah Eslami, Hakimeh Rizvandi, Marzieh Rahmati, Nasrin Rajabi, and Jasoumeh Heydari on a hill in Shabab village in that province.

On the morning of July 28, however, a Death Commission was stationed in Evin Prison in Tehran. Within a few hours, hundreds of prisoners were hanged in Evin Prison. The Death Commission only asked a couple of questions and issued their death verdicts.

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Iran’s Regime Owed More Than a Trillion Rials to Wheat Farmers

Ataollah Hashemi, head of the National Wheat Farmers Foundation, announced on Thursday, July 25, that the government’s debt to wheat farmers has reached 1,040 trillion rials (approximately $1.762 billion). He said, “With wheat production reaching 9.1 million tons, the government has a commitment of 1,570 trillion rials (approximately $2.661 billion) to farmers, of which only 530 trillion rials (approximately $898 million) has been paid, leaving 68% of the government’s debt to farmers unpaid.”

In an interview with the regime’s Sanapress website, Hashemi criticized the Planning and Budget Organization, stating that it “does not prioritize agriculture and the payment of this sector’s claims.” He added, “Farmers should be paid within three days, and if this deadline is missed, they should be compensated with medium-term loan interest.”

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Berlin, July 24, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Berlin, Germany—July 24, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Paris, July 25, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Paris, France—July 25, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organize a photo and book exhibition. This exhibition is held in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and as a protest against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Brussels, July 24, 2024—Iranian Resistance Supporters: EU, Blacklist IRGC and Adopt a Firm Policy on Iran

Brussels, Belgium—July 24, 2024: Supporters of the Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK) held a rally and exhibition in front of the EU headquarters, demanding the designation of Iran’s regime IRGC as a terrorist organization. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime and expressed their solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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