Iran News in Brief – July 26, 2021

Activities by MEK Resistance Units in Iran - July 2021
Activities by MEK Resistance Units in Iran – July 2021



Khuzestan Protests Expand

On Monday, other Iranian cities rose up and declared their solidarity with Khuzestan. Despite the internet being shut down or brought to severely limited bandwidth, reports from Karaj, Tehran, Kermanshah, and other provinces suggest that people are trying to make their voices heard wherever they can.


Breaking: July 26 – Tehran, Iran, protesters march on the streets and chant, “Khamenei shame on you! Let go of your rule!”


Iran: The Coronavirus Fatalities Are More Than 337,500

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Sunday, July 25, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 547 cities is more than 337,500. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 78,726, Isfahan 22,875, Khuzestan 21,476, Khorasan Razavi 20,465, East Azerbaijan 13,388, Mazandaran 13,060, West Azerbaijan 12,398, Fars 11,442, Gilan 10,926, Qom 10,165, Alborz 9,723, Sistan and Baluchestan 9,336, Kerman 8,218, Yazd 5,797,Kurdistan 5,617, and Hormozgan 5,600.

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Iran: MEK Resistance Units Help Spread the Message of Khuzestan Province

The internal network of the Iranian opposition movement the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has played an important role in breaking regime censure on protests in Khuzestan protests against water shortage. Known as the Resistance Units, this network has sent out many footages and video clips from the protests despite the regime-imposed internet blackout. On July 23, one member of the MEK’s Resistance Units on the ground in the city of Ahvaz in Khuzestan told Newsweek that the situation is “explosive.”

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Tabriz, Other Cities, Rise in Support of Khuzestan in Tenth Day of Protests

Protests over severe water shortages continued in Khuzestan and other parts of Iran for the tenth day on Saturday as the regime is scrambling to maintain its hold on the increasingly explosive state of the society. The regime has imposed a mass internet blackout on Khuzestan to prevent reports of the protests from reaching the world. The few reports and footage obtained from the province indicate intense protests continue across the province despite brutal repression. In Mahshahr, security forces were directly firing at protesters to disperse them.

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Women Play a Leading Role in Protests in Tabriz, Join Khuzestan Protesters

Tabriz rose up yesterday, July 24, and joined the protests, which started in Khuzestan province on July 15, 2021. Eyewitnesses said women played a leading role in the protests in Tabriz. Tabriz is the capital of East Azerbaijan province in northwestern Iran. The people of Tabriz took to the streets on Saturday, July 24, and staged extensive demonstrations to show their solidarity with the water protests in Khuzestan, in southwest Iran. Security forces intervened, arrested, and detained a number of protesters, including a good number of women.

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Iran: The Names of 12 Martyrs of the Uprising

On Sunday, July 25, 2021, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) published the names of 12 martyrs of the Khuzestan uprising and other cities which rose to support Khuzestan. The actual number of martyrs is greater. Once the identities of the others are verified, they will also be made public.

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Iran’s Economy Will Soon Become the Next Venezuela

Late last week, Ebrahim Raisi, who will take over as President next month, held a meeting with the regime’s economists, from which economist Massoud Nili’s short speech was the most alarming. He drew the attention of the participants to the imminent formation of hyperinflation in Iran and said that uncontrollable inflation is on the way. A few days after the meeting, the Central Bank published a report on the state of monetary indicators in 2020, which focused on the unprecedented growth of liquidity.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – July 25, 2021 

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