Iran News in Brief – July 24, 2023

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Iranian “Death Judge” Had Tortured Thousands – Now He Is in a German Clinic

Various indications suggest that since June 27, an Iranian “death judge” has again been treated in the neurosurgical private clinic INI in Hanover, which is under the direction of Madjid Samii. This is Hossein Ali Naeiri, an Iranian cleric, judge, and top advisor to the judiciary. He was one of the main actors of the “death committees” that were responsible for the unlawful mass execution of political prisoners in Iran in the summer of 1988.

According to Iran’s former Deputy Supreme Leader Hossein-Ali Montazeri, the order was issued on July 26, 1988, and read, among other things: “The prison inmates across the country who steadfastly support the Monafeqin [People’s Mujahedin] are waging war against God and are being sentenced to execution. […] The task of implementing the decree in Tehran will be assigned to Hojjatol-Eslam Nayeri, the Sharia judge, Mr. Eshraqi, the Tehran prosecutor, and a representative of the Ministry of Intelligence.”

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Monday Protests in Iran

According to reports and footage sent from sources inside Iran, many cities across the country witnessed strikes, rallies, and demonstrations from various working groups as well as retired personnel who have been deprived of their wages and salaries.

Dust Storm Sweeps Across 14 Iranian Provinces, Prompting Office and School Closures

A massive dust storm has engulfed 14 provinces in Iran, causing lingering air pollution concerns in the Markazi Province and resulting in the shutdown of administrative offices and educational institutions.

The National Meteorological Organization issued a warning on July 24 and 25, as strong winds and sweeping dust storms led to a sharp decline in air quality in the affected regions. Among the provinces currently under a yellow weather alert are South Khorasan, North Khorasan, Khorasan Razavi, Kerman, Sistan and Baluchestan, Yazd, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Isfahan, Semnan, Qom, Markazi, Tehran, Khuzestan, and Bushehr.

The current dust storm and air pollution crisis can be attributed, for a great part, to the Iranian regime’s mismanagement of water resources. Over the years, the regime’s policies and practices have led to the unsustainable exploitation of water reserves, exacerbating desertification and soil erosion. This, in turn, has triggered the degradation of agricultural lands and dried up vital water bodies, creating vast stretches of exposed and loose soil vulnerable to being carried away by winds.


Iran: Retirees, Workers, Hold Protest Rallies in Several Cities

Retired workers and pensioners of the Iranian regime’s Social Security Organization held protest rallies in several cities across Iran on Sunday despite the scorching summer heat. As their living conditions continue to deteriorate under the corrupt rule of the mullahs, the retirees have found no other solution to obtain their rights than to take to the streets and hold protest rallies. Gatherings were reported in Ahvaz, Shush, and Kermanshah. In the past few years, retirees across Iran have been protesting their deteriorating living conditions, especially as the government refuses to adjust their pensions based on the inflation rate and fluctuations in the price of the rial, Iran’s national currency. The price of most basic goods has spiked severalfold while pensioners continue to receive the same stipends as before. Retirees are also facing a lack of or inadequate access to basic services such as healthcare and health insurance.

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Iran: Pozzolo (Fdi), ‘Tyranny Ayatollah Is Based Only on the Most Brutal Ferocity’

Rome, 22 Jul. (Adnkronos) – “Another political prisoner of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohammad Javad Vafa’i Thani, 27, an Iranian national boxing champion, has been sentenced to death: Tehran is committing a real genocide of free people, those who do not bend, those who know how to live with courage and dignity”. This was stated by the deputy of Fratelli d’Italia Emanuele Pozzolo, a member of the Foreign and Community Affairs Committee.

“The accusation made against the young boy, considered sympathetic to the only real credible and organized group of Iranian dissidents, the MEK, is called ‘Corruption on Earth’. The fanaticism of Islamic fundamentalism of the ayatollahs knows no bounds,” the statement added.

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Protests in Iran – Belgian Politicians Call On UN to Prevent Execution of Iranian Prisoner

(Belga) Fifteen Belgian politicians and parliamentarians signed a letter on Friday to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, asking him to intervene immediately to prevent the execution of Mohammad Javad Vafaei Thani. The latter, a 27-year-old boxing champion, was sentenced to death in Iran on July 19. The letter, citing a statement from the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), explains that Vafaei Thani was convicted of “corruption on earth” by a judge at Vakil Abad prison in Mashhad, the capital of northeastern Iran’s Razavi Khorasan province.  A “baseless” sentence, according to the signatories, who are also alarmed that the young man was taken to an undisclosed location immediately after his death sentence.

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How Will Iran’s Looming Water Crisis End?

Iran is facing one of the most critical challenges in its modern history – a looming water crisis that threatens the very existence of its land. Over the past four decades, the clerical regime has implemented policies that have led to severe mismanagement of water resources, resulting in a significant depletion of surface and underground water reservoirs. As the world experiences the hottest summer on record in 2023, scientists’ warnings about escalating global warming have become even more pressing. The question remains: Is contemporary humanity ready to face this unforeseen and daunting guest? However, for the people under the oppressive rule of the religious fascism in Iran, the answer is bitter and tragic.

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Immediate Relatives of Mahsa Mogouii Detained in Limbo After 7 Days

Mahsa Mogouii’s close relatives have been detained in limbo without standing trial seven days after their arrest. On July 16th, they gathered at Mahsa Mogouii’s grave in the cemetery of Fouladshahr to commemorate her birthday. However, security forces arrested her father, mother, and brother. Effat, Mahsa Mogouii’s mother, was arrested and transferred to the Intelligence Department’s detention center in Lenjan County in the central Isfahan Province. Her father, Mohammad Ali Mogouii, and brother, Milad Mogouii, were taken to Isfahan’s Dastgerd Prison. Despite the passage of seven days since their arrest, they continue to be held without a trial. Mahsa Mogouii, an 18-year-old from Fouladshahr, was tragically shot and killed by security forces using pellet guns during the nationwide protests on September 22, 2022.

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MEK Supporters Rallies in European Cities: Urgent Call to Prevent Execution of Political Prisoner Mohammad Javad Vafa’i Thani

July 22, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held rallies in several European cities and called to the international community for action to prevent the execution of political prisoner Mohammad Javad Vafa’i Thani.

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“Fallen for Freedom” Photo Exhibition

Thursday, July 20, 2023 in Washington DC. The exhibition was produced to honor the 30,000 victims of the Iranian government’s 1988 massacre and to pay tribute to those in Iran who are still fighting for freedom and democracy.

Also, read Iran News in Brief – July 23, 2023

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