Iran News in Brief – July 22, 2024



Oil Tanker That Fled Collision Site Is Detained In Malaysia

SINGAPORE, July 22 (Reuters) – A tanker that fled the scene of a fiery Friday collision off Singapore entered the area of Malaysia’s Bertam floating oil terminal on Monday after being tracked down and intercepted by Malaysian authorities, shipping data from LSEG and Kpler showed.

The Sao Tome and Principe-flagged supertanker Ceres I had left the scene of the collision with the Singapore-flagged tanker Hafnia Nile about 55 km (35 miles) northeast of the Singaporean island of Pedra Branca without explanation.

The Ceres I, which was believed to have turned off its tracking system after the accident, was then found in Malaysian waters with two tugboats towing it, Malaysia’s coast guard said.

Industry experts say the Ceres I is known to have carried Iranian oil in the past, and LSEG and Kpler data showed the supertanker discharged Iranian crude via ship-to-ship transfers in Malaysia’s Linggi transshipment hub in April.

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The Honor of Accompanying The Iranian Resistance

During the difficult years that PMOI members in Iraq were under a full siege and were facing bombings and attacks by allies of Iran’s regime, the mullahs in Tehran were celebrating because the primary threat to their despotic rule was struggling for survival. At the same time that PMOI members in Ashraf were under pressure, the Iranian Resistance also came under attack in France and had to prove their innocence by going through severe trials. Twelve governments were making large-scale economic deals with the Iranian regime at the expense of the PMOI. They were targeted by the worst demonization plots, and the regime was manipulating human rights organizations against them. Nouri al-Maliki, then Prime Minister of Iraq and a close ally of the Iranian regime, set multiple deadlines for them, and they were often exposed to bloody attacks, defenseless and weaponless.

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Central Prison of Shiraz, Execution of a Woman: A Case of Coerced Marriage

On the morning of Saturday, July 20, 2024, the death sentences for three men and one woman were carried out at the Central Prison of Shiraz, also known as Adelabad. The woman who was executed alongside the three male prisoners was named Mahmoudinia (first name unknown). She had been sentenced to death for “premeditated murder.”

Ms. Mahmoudinia was arrested and sentenced to death for killing her fiancé. She was unwilling to marry him and had been forced into the marriage by her family. The lack of classification for premeditated murder in Iran means that any type of murder, regardless of its severity or motive, can lead to a death sentence.

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Iran’s Water Crisis: An Environmental Catastrophe

Environmental experts warn that several central provinces in Iran, including Isfahan, Markazi, Tehran, and Yazd, are experiencing a severe water crisis, threatening the region’s livability.

Mohammad Darvish, an environmental expert, highlights the increasing imbalance in Iran’s aquifers, widespread soil surface dryness, and destruction of vegetation. He states, “In the central regions of Iran, including Isfahan, Yazd, Markazi, Semnan, Tehran, Alborz, and Qazvin, we face a series of water-consuming and energy-consuming industries that contribute to significant pollution and make the landscape more prone to dust storms.”

In an interview with the state-run website Entekhab, Darvish criticized the economic development policies of the Iranian regime, particularly the concentration of water-intensive industries in arid and low-water areas. He added, “All economic strategies should not rely solely on water extraction. The government’s responsibility is to create businesses that do not pollute the air and water.”

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Eighty-Five Femicide Cases Recorded in Iran in the First Quarter of the Past Three Years

The newspaper “Etemad” reported on femicide in Iran, stating that in the first quarter of the years 2022 to 2024, at least 85 femicide cases were recorded in Iran, with most of the accused being husbands.

Etemad emphasized that news of the murder of women and girls referred to in government literature as “honor killings” or family disputes, is often not reported by the media.

honor killing is the killing of a relative, especially a girl or a woman, who is perceived to have brought dishonor to the family. According to the newspaper, such killings have been on the rise in Iran over the past three years.

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Cologne, Germany—July 20, 2024: Iranian Community Rally Against the Sham Trial of PMOI Members

Cologne, Germany—July 20, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally against the regime’s sham trial of MEK members and attempts to extradite Mojahedin supporters from around the world.

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Hamburg—July 20, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Memory of 30,000 Martyrs of Iran’s 1988 Massacre

Hamburg, Germany—July 20, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a photo exhibition in memory of the 30,000 political prisoners executed by the mullahs’ regime during the 1988 massacre.

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Stockholm, July 20, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity with the Iranian Revolution, Supporting the PMOI

Stockholm, Sweden—July 20, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in front of the Swedish parliament against the regime’s sham trial of MEK members and attempts to extradite Mojahedin supporters from around the world.

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