Iran News in Brief – July 20, 2024



Oil Tankers on Fire after Colliding Close to Singapore, Crew Rescued

SINGAPORE, July 19 (Reuters) – Two large oil tankers were on fire on Friday after colliding near Singapore, the world’s biggest refueling port, with two crew members airlifted to hospital and others rescued from life rafts, authorities and one of the tanker operators said.

Singapore is Asia’s biggest oil trading hub and the world’s largest bunkering port. Its surrounding waters are vital trade waterways between Asia, Europe, and the Middle East and among the busiest global sea lanes.

The Ceres I is a very large crude carrier supertanker, which ship-tracking data last showed was carrying around 2 million barrels of Iranian crude.

“The Ceres I has been a boat that has gone dark many times over the years,” said Matt Stanley, head of market engagement EMEA & APAC with Kpler, referring to when vessels switch off their AIS tracking transponders.

Stanley said the last AIS signal the vessel transmitted around March indicated it was carrying Iranian crude, which the U.S. has tried to curtail, including imposing sanctions on ports, vessels, and refineries involved in the trade.

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The Iranian Resistance Responds to The Regime’s Threats of Extradition

A few days after the Free Iran 2024 World Summit, in which dozens of legislative bodies and thousands of parliamentarians in 50 countries worldwide expressed their support for the Iranian people and their Resistance movement, a minor Iranian regime cleric, acting as a judge in the theatrical “trial” of 104 members of the Iranian Resistance, said: “This court declares that if, from now on, Iranians abroad form or attend meetings anywhere in the world at the invitation of the defendants in this case, a red notice will be issued for them in accordance with international conventions; therefore, the head of this court asks the Attorney General and the Foreign Minister to ensure that if Iranians abroad attend any sessions at the invitation of the defendants in this case, it will be considered as support for the [People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)] and they will be subject to criminal prosecution in court, and these individuals will definitely be extradited to the country.”

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The Forgotten Children of Iran: A Heartbreaking Tale of Garbage Collectors

In the bustling streets and alleys of Iran, a disturbing sight has become heartbreakingly commonplace: children rummaging through garbage, their small hands sifting through waste in search of anything of value. These children, now an all-too-familiar part of the urban landscape, are victims of a regime that seems to have turned a blind eye to their plight. The Iranian regime appears to be deliberately overlooking the fundamental rights of these children, rights that should allow them to experience the innocence and joy of childhood. This grim reality has been likened to a new form of slavery, where vulnerable children are exploited for profit. Despite the government’s knowledge of this cruel industry, it continues to flourish, generating millions of dollars while the regime remains silent.

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Atefeh Rangriz: Serving Her Sentence in Shahrud Prison

Atefeh Rangriz, a women’s and labor rights activist, is serving her sentence in Shahrud Prison. She was previously sentenced by the Shahrud Revolutionary Court to more than three years and three months in prison.

In relation to her previous case, this women’s and labor rights activist was sentenced by the Shahrud Revolutionary Court to two years, seven months, and 16 days in prison for the charge of “collaboration and membership in groups opposing the regime” and to seven months and 16 days for the charge of “propaganda against the regime.” She was also fined six million tomans, a sentence that was altered with the prosecutor’s objection to the mentioned prison term.

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Political Prisoner Elaheh Fouladi Denied Contact and Visits with Family

Political prisoner Elaheh Fouladi, held in Evin Prison, has been deprived of contact and visits with her family by order of the prison’s disciplinary committee since July 6, 2024.

Political prisoner Elaheh Fouladi is suffering from heart complications and a high heart rate. The prison conditions have aggravated her illness, making it physically unbearable for her to remain incarcerated.

Despite her acute physical condition, the prison authorities and judiciary have kept her in prison.

Elaheh Fouladi, born in 1978 in Khalkhal, Ardabil Province, is married with two children. She was a final-year university student when she was arrested at the airport on January 23, 2020, along with her husband, Mr. Sattar Babaei, and taken to Evin Prison.

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Iran’s IRGC Pays for Al-Qaeda’s Military Operations in the Middle East

According to research by the National United Front of Afghanistan, the Iranian regime has committed to covering the costs of housing and training Al-Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan, as well as financing the group’s operations in the Middle East, as part of a secret agreement with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. The document states that Esmail Qaani, commander of the Quds Force of the IRGC, a senior Taliban representative, and Saif al-Adl, the current leader of Al-Qaeda, met secretly in Tehran in October 2021 and agreed that all Al-Qaeda branches and IRGC-affiliated groups in the Middle East and Africa would collaborate.

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MEK Supporters Rally in Brussels: Denouncing Sham Trial of MEK Members, Supporting the PMOI

Brussels, Belgium—July 17, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in front of the mullahs’ embassy against the regime’s sham trial of MEK members. They expressed their full support for the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran against the regime’s criminal actions. Iranian Resistance supporters demanded international prosecution of the mullahs’ regime leaders for more than four decades of crimes against humanity, including the massacre of PMOI members and supporters, and the brutal suppression of the Iranian people, especially women and youth.

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