Iran News in Brief – July 19, 2021




Clashes, Crackdown and More Resistance

As the night broke in Khuzestan, more people joined the protests and even though the crackdown intensified, people in all major cities of the province stood fast and continued their defiance against the brutal regime that tries to silence thirst with bullets, teargas, and batons.


Despite Statewide Crackdown, Protests Go On

Rallies and protesting began this evening in Khuzestan and the people showed they are not deterred by the regime’s crackdown and the hordes of security forces. Independent reports indicate that the people of Lorestan have come to the streets in solidarity with their southern neighbors.


Footage From Khuzestan Indicate Statewide Crackdown

According to local sources and material uploaded or submitted from inside Iran, the regime has widely used severe measures to crackdown on the population and suffocate dissent. The number of deaths was reported as high as 4 people so far but real figures and the numbers of injured are expected to rise as more reports come in.


Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses 332,100

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Sunday, July 18, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 547 cities across Iran had surpassed 332,100. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 77,416, Isfahan 22,485, Khuzestan 21,116, Khorasan Razavi 20,195, East Azerbaijan 13,298, Mazandaran 12,855, Lorestan 12,850, West Azerbaijan 12,228, Fars 11,222, Alborz 9,473, Sistan and Baluchestan 8,841, Kerman 7,943, Central Province 6,818, Yazd 5,627, Hormozgan 5,375, Ardabil 4,040, Bushehr 3,734, and Zanjan 3,575.

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Iran: Widespread Protests Over Water Shortages, Economic Problems

People from different walks of life in Iran came to the streets on Sunday to protest unsolved economic problems and disastrous government policies that are making their lives hard. These protests took place in dozens of cities and across different segments of society. Under the rule of the mullahs, the Iranian people are faced with unemployment, skyrocketing prices, depreciation of the national currency, power blackouts, water shortages, and more. All of these and the government’s poor response have triggered ongoing and intensifying protests.

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Why Are Rivers in Iran’s Khuzestan Province Dried Out?

Iran’s Khuzestan province is well-known for its abundance of bodies of water. A third of Iran’s running waters flow into Khuzestan. The province is irrigated by the Karoun, Karkheh, Jarahi, and Maroun rivers. Despite the abundance in bodies of water, Khuzestan has now changed into a dry province, where livestock are dying from lack of drinking water, palm trees are withering away, and the locals are left in thirst in the scorching summer heat.

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Four Young Men Killed in Three Days of Water Protests in Iran’s Khuzestan Province

Iranian Arabs in the southwestern Khuzestan province took to the streets for the third consecutive night yesterday to demand water. On the second night, 26-year-old Mostafa Naeemawi was killed in the restive city of Shadegan. The state-run IRNA News Agency confirmed a young man was killed and said “seditionists” killed Mostafa in the protests. The regime uses the word seditionists to refer to protesters. Mostafa was a fishmonger in the local city market.

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Iran’s Officials: “Social Crises Are Driving the Security Crisis”

The water crisis is another major challenge that Iran is facing, especially the people of the central and southern provinces of the country. Currently, more than 11 cities in Khuzestan province are in a state of water shortage and about 700 villages do not have water piping and their water is supplied by tankers, which obviously cannot meet their minimum needs. The state-run newspaper Setareh-e-Sobh described the causes of dehydration as a catastrophic disruption of environmental conditions and an ecosystem during four decades of the mullahs’ rule.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – July 18, 2021 

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