Iran News in Brief – July 18, 2022

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Iranians Celebrate Outcome of Hamid Noury Trial, Call For Prosecution of Regime Leaders

In a large gathering held in Stockholm, Sweden, on Saturday, July 16, supporters of the Iranian Resistance celebrated the historic ruling of the Stockholm district court, which sentenced Hamid Noury, an ex-official in Iran’s Gohardasht prison, to life in prison.

Noury was being tried for his role in the massacre in the summer of 1988 of 30,000 political prisoners, 90 percent of whom were members and sympathizers of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Noury was convicted of committing serious crimes against international law and murder.

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Iran Sanctions 61 More Americans for Supporting the MEK

The Iranian regime has imposed sanctions on 61 more Americans, including former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, for supporting Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), Tehran said on Saturday, according to Reuters.

Most of these American dignitaries had long stood against the wrongful designation of the PMOI/MEK as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department and supported the PMOI/MEK members when Iraqi forces associated to the mullahs’ regime of Iran launched attacks against their sites in camps Ashraf and Liberty prior to their departure to Albania in 2016.

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95% Of Iran’s Lake Urmia Has Dried Up

Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran is 140 km from north to south and 80 km from east to west, and with a total area of 5,200 square kilometers, it was the largest saltwater lake in the world after the Caspian Sea until the last two decades. But unfortunately, about 95% of the lake has dried up and disappeared according to a government official. In 1978, UNESCO  registered Lake Urmia and its ecosystem among the world’s natural and protected monuments.

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Iranian Resistance Supporters Continued to Protest Against the Shameful Deal of Iran’s Regime and Belgium in Different Countries

July 15, 2022: Iranian Resistance supporters continued to protest against the shameful deal between Iran’s regime and Belgium in different countries. Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in the US, UK, Canada, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden held rallies in protest to the shameful deal.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – July 17, 2022

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