Iran News in Brief – July 17, 2021




Protests in Iran on Saturday

On Saturday, Iranians from North to South went on the streets protesting for their right to live with dignity. In Khuzestan, following the unprecedented water crisis and the government’s failure to address people’s demands, citizens flooded onto the streets in different cities of the province. 


Rain In Southeastern Iran Causes Devastation

Due to the lack of proper municipal infrastructure and drainage, seasonal rains have caused floods that can only deteriorate the lives of the people in cities and in the countryside. Many farmers lose their crops and hygiene in cities goes straight downward.


Protests in Southwest Iran Due To Water Crisis

Protests erupted in certain southern Iranian cities because of water shortages – July 15, 2021

Protests broke out in dozen cities in Khuzestan province, southwest Iran on Thursday night due to the water crisis. Facing severe water shortages which have devastated their lives, people poured on the street protesting the regime’s inaction.

Instead of answering people’s demands, the regime dispatched its security forces to Khuzestan province. Footages from Iran show security forces resorting to massive gunfire to disperse crowds of locals who are merely protesting water shortages.
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Iran: The Staggering Number of Coronavirus Victims Exceeds 330,500

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Friday, July 16, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 547 cities is more than 330,500. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 77,086, Isfahan 22,380, Khuzestan 21,016, Khorasan Razavi 20,105, East Azerbaijan 13,263, Lorestan 12,820, West Azerbaijan 12,188, Fars 11,177, Alborz 9,418, Sistan and Baluchestan 8,701, Kerman 7,873, Central Province 6,793, Kermanshah 6,288, Yazd 5,572, Hormozgan 5,305, Bushehr 3,714, Ilam 3,466.

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Free Iran 2021: Resistance Units Pledge Their Support for the Iranian Resistance

During the three-day Free Iran World Summit 2021, one thousand video messages in support of the Iranian Resistance were sent from across Iran. The Iranian youth declared their support for the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and pledged to continue the struggle for freedom until the mullahs’ regime is overthrown in Tehran. Besides one thousand dignitaries, personalities, and lawmakers from across the globe, the support for the MEK from inside the country was significant.

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Iran’s Electricity Blackout Crisis

The Iranian people are suffering from various crises these days, such as the Covid-19, heat, and drought. In addition to all these problems, they are facing an electricity crisis. The electricity crisis is rooted in the Iranian regime’s strategy. Instead of solving these problems, this regime spends all of Iran’s resources on terrorism and nuclear ambitions and does not care about the fate of the Iranian people. Iran’s vast assets are in the hands of a regime whose goals and desires are to safeguard its rule by all means.

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The MEK’s Annual Summit Hammered the Iranian Regime

The Free Iran World Summit 2021 was held online for three days, connecting the Iranian opposition MEK at its base Ashraf 3 in Albania and other 50,000 points in the world and with the presence of 1029 political figures from five continents. There is a lot of talk about the importance, status, and effects of this glorious three-day summit, but what emerged from the first day of the summit was the crushing political blow to the Iranian regime, which manifested itself in the insane speeches of the Foreign Ministry spokesman in the early hours of this event against the speech of former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

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Nine Iranian Sunni Political Prisoners in Northeastern Iran Write to Un Special Rapporteur

Nine Sunni political prisoners in Mashhad’s Vakilabad Prison in northeastern Iran wrote a letter to Javaid Rehman, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran, requesting an investigation into their case. The nine political prisoners were identified as Issa Eidmohammadi, Farhad Shakeri, Eidolhakeem Azeem Gargij, Abdolrahman Gargij, Habib Pirmohammadi, Abdolbaset Orsan, Mohammadreza Fakouri, and Abdollah Hosseini.

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Narcotic Forces Kill Baluch Man in Eastern Iran

Iranian narcotic forces killed a Baluch man on July 13 in Birjand, eastern Iran. According to the Baloch Campaign website, the man was identified as Mahmoud Berahoui. The report said narcotic forces chased his car and opened fire on him at a close range. Mahmoud was shot in the throat and heart area and passed away. This is not an isolated case. On July 14, a Baluch man was killed by police in Bandar Abbas southern Iran. He was identified as Afzal Paknejad.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – July 16, 2021 

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