Iran News in Brief – July 16, 2023

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Reactivation of Morality Police in Iran

According to reports from state media on July 16, Saeed Montazerolmehdi, the PR manager of the State Security Forces, announced the reactivation of the morality police across the country “to deal with individuals who persist in dressing in ways that are considered immodest by societal standards”.

According to the official, the police will issue warnings and, if the targeted individuals fail to comply with orders, they will face legal consequences and be handed over to the judicial system. The oppressive security forces boldly claim that this action is a response to “public demands, as well as the calls made by various social groups, institutions, the President, and the judiciary”.

Meanwhile, images on social media and state-controlled outlets are indicating the activities of oppressive patrols using vans marked with police license plates, who make arrests of people, particularly women, along with oppressive threats directed towards them. Furthermore, there are reports of inhumane verdicts being handed down to those who have been apprehended like one month of mandatory work in the mortuary of Tehran without payment.

The oppressive threats made by the morality police patrols include statements such as: “Cover your headscarf or get in the van. If you believe in freedom, I will release all thieves and offenders so that they can settle things with you.”


Islamic Terror Attacks Are Being ‘Exploited’ by Hostile States Such as Russia, China and Iran To Create Hate and Division in Britain, Suella Braverman Warns

Russia and other hostile states such as China and Iran are using Islamic terror attacks as opportunities to foment hate and division in Britain, Home Secretary Suella Braverman will warn this week. In a speech to relaunch the Government’s flagship Counter-Terrorism Strategy, Contest, Mrs. Braverman is expected to say: ‘Terrorist narratives are exploited by hostile actors such as Russia, which is seeking to promote divisive and polarising narratives in the West.’

The Contest review, which will be launched on Tuesday, is likely to say that Islamist terrorism remains the biggest national security threat in the UK, and still forms three-quarters of the caseload of MI5. But the rise of state threats from the likes of Russia, China and Iran, are also likely to be mentioned in the review.

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Maryam Rajavi Attends the Hearing of the Italian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee

At noon on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, Maryam Rajavi arrived at Italy’s Chamber of Deputies to participate in a hearing hosted by the Foreign Affairs Committee. The focus of the committee’s discussion was the issue of Iran, and they had extended a special invitation to Maryam Rajavi as a distinguished guest. Upon her arrival at the parliament, Maryam Rajavi received a warm welcome from Senator Giulio Terzi, as well as a group of MPs and Senators. Additionally, a gathering of Iranians had assembled outside the parliament to extend their welcome to her. During her address at the hearing, Maryam Rajavi provided a comprehensive overview of the situation in Iran.

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Meeting With the Hon. Andrea Di Giuseppe, a Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Italy

During my meeting with Mr. Andrea Di Giuseppe, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament, he acknowledged the significance of the Iranian people’s uprising and the courage of Iranian women during the protests. Regarding the hysteric reactions exhibited by the clerical regime, including the summoning of the Italian Ambassador by the Foreign Ministry, Mr. Di Giuseppe expressed his view, stating, “These reactions are a clear reflection of the regime’s weakness and their fear of your Resistance. Be assured that you have steadfast allies in Italy. We will continue this struggle alongside you.”

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What Is the Worst Fear of the Iranian Regime?

In his speech at the Free Iran 2023 World Summit, Joseph Lieberman, former U.S. Senator and Vice Presidential candidate, said, “You in the NCRI and the MEK and the resistance fighters in Tehran frighten them more than any government in the world, including powerful governments like my own and European. Why? Because you represent the people of Iran and are the most immediate threat to the survival of this regime.”

This reality can be seen in the regime’s frantic efforts to discredit the MEK through propaganda and fake news, to threaten any politician and legislator who supports the MEK and NCRI, and in its incessant terrorist plots against the Iranian Resistance and its supporters.

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Global Consensus: NCRI Stands as Viable Democratic Alternative for Iran

Picture the vibrant suburbs of Paris as they became the epicenter of an electrifying gathering earlier this month—the Free Iran World Summit 2023. The event boasted an extraordinary lineup of over 500 global leaders, luminaries, and influential personalities, including current and former officials, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, and lawmakers from the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. They united in resolute support of Iran’s main opposition movement and its transition plan as an alternative to the incumbent theocracy. Among the attendees were a constellation of notable figures like 2024 US presidential candidate Mike Pence, former prime ministers Stephen Harper of Canada, Guy Verhofstadt of Belgium, and Liz Truss of the UK, and seasoned former National Security Advisors Ambassador John Bolton and General James Jones. Joining them were several renowned members of the European foreign policy establishment, alongside sitting members of the US Congress Lance Gooden (R-TX) and Raul Ruiz (D-CA).

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Women Confronting Harsh Penalties for Defying the Compulsory Veil

The clerical regime in Iran imposes degrading punishments and harsh penalties on women who refuse to wear the compulsory veil. The authorities themselves admit that the mandatory Hijab is vital for maintaining their grip on power. Any concession on this issue weakens the authority of the religious leaders and puts pressure on them to compromise in other areas as well. In a recent case, the 104th Branch of Criminal Court 2 in Varamin sentenced a woman to wash the corpses of the deceased in Tehran’s Morgue for a month as an additional punishment for driving without observing the mandatory Hijab. In addition to this, she was ordered to pay a fine of 31 million rials instead of serving a two-month prison sentence. This information was reported in the state-run Hammihan Daily on July 13, 2023.

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Italian Parliament’s Resolute Support for Iran’s Democratic Future

A few days had passed since the remarkable gathering of the Iranian resistance, in which over 500 political figures from five continents participated. During this event, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), with the vigilance and efforts of its members, summarized and documented the uprising and political situation of the past year in Iran within the span of four days. Before the detailed contents of these important political events were fully covered in the news, it was announced that Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the NCRI, as a “special guest,” would be attending a hearing of the Foreign Committee in the Italian Parliament during a trip to Italy. Perhaps few anticipated that immediately after the impressive gathering of the Resistance and the Free Iran World Summit 2023, the Iranian Resistance would engage in another sphere of political and enlightening activity within the Italian Parliament.

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A Shot Arrow Towards an Irreversible Dictatorship in Iran in 2023!

As the annual gatherings and protests of the Iranian resistance approached, known to both friends and foes, concerns arose about the fate that awaits the Iranian resistance! The French government banned Iranian protests on July 1st this year! The Albanian police raided Ashraf 3 on June 30th this year, seizing computers from the residents!

According to the published news, which is still a hot topic of discussion, the Albanian police handed over more than two hundred confiscated computers from Ashraf 3 to the theocratic regime of Khamenei! The U.S. Department of State, in its nauseating stance, not only supported this action by the Albanian police, but also gave a green light to the Khamenei regime. All these pieces of evidence further fueled concerns!

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Oslo—July 15, 2023: Iranian Resistance Supporters Held a Rally in Support of the Iran Revolution

Oslo, Norway—July 15, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in front of the Norwegian Parliament in solidarity with the Iran Revolution.

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Berlin—July 14, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Photo Exhibition, in Support of the Iran Revolution

Berlin, Germany—July 14, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a photo exhibition of the Iranian uprising’s martyrs in solidarity with the Iran Revolution.

Also, read Iran News in Brief – July 15, 2023

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