Iran News in Brief – July 15, 2023

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Formiche: Maryam Rajavi’s Strength and the Iranian Regime’s Exorbitant Reaction

In Rome, the Luigi Einaudi Foundation hosted Maryam Rajavi, president of the National Council for Iranian Resistance, who illustrated her political manifesto and discussed it with Senator Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata and Giorgio Rutelli. Rajavi’s meetings with Italian parliamentarians provoked an angry reaction from the Iranian embassy, and Andrea Cangini, secretary general of the foundation, explains why it is important to give voice to a people crushed by the regime.

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With More Uprisings on Horizon, IRGC Leaders Warn Peers

Approaching the first anniversary of the nationwide uprising in Iran, senior figures of the regime’s Revolutionary Guards acknowledge that many state officials believed that the regime was on the verge of collapse during the previous year’s protests. Expressing their fear of a renewed wave of protests amounting to a nationwide uprising, they are vowing to suppress any protests with even greater brutality.

Mehdi Sayari, the deputy head of the Revolutionary Guards’ Intelligence Organization, warned about the possibility of popular protests against the clerical regime, stating that “in 2023, the enemies are planning to destabilize the country from the inside and isolate the state from the outside.”

During a speech addressing government and military officials in Mashhad, Sayari referred to the nationwide uprising as “sedition” and labeled the protesters as “seditionists” who wanted to “overthrow the Islamic Republic.”

Without explicitly mentioning the violent suppression of the uprising and the crackdown on protesters by the Revolutionary Guards, Basij, and other repressive organizations, Sayari asserted that the regime had managed to control these protests through “covert assistance”.

Ali Fadavi, the deputy chief of the IRGC, also referred to “divine intervention” as a reason for preventing the “collapse of the Islamic Republic” and stated, “Divine intervention and the presence of Basij, law enforcement, and security forces” helped these protests to be “defeated.”

Hossein Salami, the IRGC commander-in-chief, also spoke about the nationwide uprising on Friday, saying, “Last year, we faced the enemy’s four-fold strategy: intensified sanctions, political isolation through incitement, global psychological warfare such as constant bombardment, and domestic disturbances, all implemented at once.”

Salami subtly referred to the extensive student protests in numerous universities during the nationwide protests and stated, “The enemy wants to create political and mental turmoil, doubt, and loss of self-confidence in the students.”

On July 14, Esmail Kowsari, former IRGC commander and a member of the regime’s parliament, said, “Last year, all the media turned against us, and many, including some members of the parliament, were afraid and thought that everything was over for our state.”

Acknowledging the fear of the parliament members of the imminent collapse of the regime, he called it an “ordeal” and said, “I said these are actually crucibles for each of us to see who is committed to the cause. Are we standing firm or retreating? Are we clinging to our possessions and not moving forward? All these moments and scenes that unfold are tests.”

HSI Washington, D.C. Investigation Results in Seizure of Iranian Weapons Destined for Yemen

WASHINGTON — An investigation by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Washington, D.C.; Department of Defense Office of Inspector General, Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS), and the Department of Justice (DOJ) has interrupted a substantial shipment of weapons and munitions from Iran to Yemen. Between May 2021 and January 2023, the U.S. Navy seized the weapons, which included more than 9,000 rifles, 284 machine guns, approximately 194 rocket launchers, more than 70 anti-tank guided missiles, and more than 700,000 rounds of ammunition, during routine maritime security operations conducted in and around the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. The seizures were made as the vessels were in transit from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to militant groups in Yemen.

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Meeting With the Vice-President and Distinguished Members of the Italian Senate in Rome

I met with a delegation from the Italian Senate in Rome on Thursday, July 13, 2023. The delegation was led by the Senate Vice-President, Maria Domenica Castellone. Accompanying Ms. Castellone were other esteemed members of the delegation, including Ms. Dolores Bevilacqua, Vice-Chair of the Senate Commission on European Affairs; Senator Pietro Lorifice, the Secretary of the Italian Senate; and Senator Elisa Pirro. During our meeting, I expressed my gratitude for the support demonstrated by the majority of both chambers of the Italian parliament towards the Iranian people‘s uprising and their Resistance. I highlighted the courageous actions of Iranian women and youth who fearlessly confronted the oppressive clerical regime during the Iran uprising. Sadly, 750 of the protesters lost their lives.

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Meeting With Senator Malan, the Leader of Italy’s Senate Majority

During my meeting with Senator Lucio Malan, the leader of the Italian Senate Majority, he acknowledged the declarations made by the majority of members in both chambers. Senator Malan expressed his support by stating, “I have signed the declaration by the Senate majority because it significantly contributes to the freedom of the Iranian people, as well as global peace and security. We firmly believe that we must adopt a firmer stance towards the clerical regime, and the people of Italy fully support this policy.”

During the meeting, I provided a comprehensive overview of Iran‘s current situation, highlighting the profound impact of the recent uprising. I expressed my appreciation for the support demonstrated by both houses of parliament in Italy.

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Free Iran With the Brave MEK Resistance Units

In a recent op-ed, Bruce McColm in the President of the Institute for Democratic Strategies and the former Executive Director of the Freedom House stressed the need to support the Iranian Resistance in its struggle against the Iranian regime. In his article, which focused on the significance of the Free Iran 2023 World Summit, McColm highlighted the activities of the Iranian Resistance inside Iran and described the MEK Resistance Units as such: “These resolute units, unyielding in their commitment, spearhead uprisings and anti-regime protests, fearlessly amplifying the voice of the Iranian people.”

The Resistance Units took part in the Free Iran summit with 10,000 video messages, which were broadcast at the event.

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How the Iranian People and Their Resistance Will Defeat the Appeasement Policy

The religious fascism of Iran, driven by its deep fear of its imminent overthrow at the hands of the determined and resilient Iranian people, has resorted to both open and covert engagement with the world powers mainly to gain concessions in hopes of getting rid of its opposition. This disgraceful act of cowardice stems from their overwhelming sense of vulnerability. The regime’s propaganda attempts to mask this fear, labeling such concessions from their previously staunch stance as ‘diplomatic strength.’ However, they understand that in the realm of negotiation and conciliation, they must give something to gain something in return. When it comes to the interests and priorities of global powers, their preference is to safeguard their own interests by upholding channels of communication until the very end of a dictator’s reign, unless the continuation of such a policy becomes too costly for them. In other words, they adopt a pragmatic approach primarily driven by political and economic interests.

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Rome, July 12, 2023: Enthusiastic Rally of Freedom-Loving Iranians and MEK Supporters Welcomes Mrs. Maryam Rajavi to the Italian Parliament

Rome, July 12, 2023: Supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and freedom-loving Iranians held a rally in front of the Italian parliament. They expressed their wholehearted support for Mrs. Rajavi and her ten-point plan for the future of Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – July 14, 2023

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