Monday, July 15, 2024

Iran News in Brief – July 13, 2024



US Military Says It Destroyed Houthi Patrol Boats, Drone

WASHINGTON, June 13 (Reuters) – The U.S. military said on Thursday it destroyed two Houthi patrol boats, one uncrewed surface vessel, and one drone over the Red Sea in its latest effort to degrade the capabilities of the Iran-backed group.

The Houthis, who control the most populous areas of Yemen, targeted the Verbena in the Arabian Sea as well as the Seaguardian and Athina in the Red Sea, the Iran-aligned group’s military spokesman Yahya Saree said in a televised speech earlier on Thursday.

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United States Imposes Sanctions Targeting Iran’s Chemical Weapons Research and Development

united states department of justice 1

The Department of State is today imposing sanctions on Hakiman Shargh Research Company for its involvement in Iran’s chemical weapons research and development.  These sanctions are being imposed pursuant to Executive Order 13382, which targets proliferators of weapons of mass destruction and their supporters.

The United States is designating the company for engaging or attempting to engage in activities or transactions that materially contribute to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by Iran.  This sanctions action follows the United States’ repeated calls for Iran to remedy its noncompliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), including at this week’s meeting of the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

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“For Women’s Freedom, Equality and Democracy In Iran”

Madame Rajavi symbolizes the struggle for equality, not only as an aspiration, but as an essential right that must be guaranteed to all Iranian women

Equality is a cause that transcends borders and cultures, however, in some countries of the world speaking out or defending equality and fundamental human rights is a heroic act that can cost freedom and even life.

This is the case of Iran, which has just held a presidential election that has had the lowest turnout in the 45-year history of the Islamic Republic.

An election that has hardly occupied any space in the media’s agenda, coinciding with the elections in France and the United Kingdom.

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Iran’s Puppet President


Masoud Pezeshkian won the second round of the presidential elections in Iran, immediately prompting an outpouring of media acclamation in the West, hailing the new president as a ‘reformist’ and a ‘moderate’. Leading columns in well-known newspapers claimed his election offered “a glimmer of hope” to the Iranian people, particularly women, who could look forward to a relaxation of draconian hijab laws. Their unbridled optimism is misjudged. Dr. Pezeshkian, a heart surgeon, was only allowed to stand for the presidency to boost voter turnout, which had fallen to a disastrous 12% in the first round of the elections last month. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei feared that another massive boycott of the polls would undermine the dwindling legitimacy of his autocratic regime. Pezeshkian, 70, was therefore hand-picked to present a ‘moderate’ face to the electorate. Pezeshkian will implement no reforms whatsoever. When asked what his policies would be as president, he replied: “Khamenei sets all plans and policies and straying from them is my redline.”

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Energy Imbalance Crisis In Iran

The imbalance of Iran’s resources and economy under the clerical regime ruling Iran is in a disastrous state, and the burden is borne by the people of Iran, who have to suffer the plunder, oppression, and injustice of rulers steeped in wealth, power, and deceit.

A country that houses one percent of the world’s population possesses significant natural resources such as oil and gas (17 percent of the world’s gas reserves and 13 percent of its oil reserves) and various metals. It also has water and fertile soil suitable for agriculture and holds 7 percent of the earth’s mineral reserves.

But the ruling mullahs and the IRGC have brought a disastrous calamity to Iran. The evidence of this is the astonishing imbalances in water, electricity, oil, gas, gasoline, and other energies, which can no longer be hidden.

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US Senator Lindsey Graham Demands Compliance with Legal Mandates on Iran Nuclear Assessments


In a forceful letter to Director of National Intelligence Avril D. Haines, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has accused the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) of violating federal law by failing to submit crucial assessments on Iran’s nuclear capabilities. These assessments are required under Public Law 117-263, Section 5593(e)(1)(A) of the Iran Nuclear Weapons Capability and Terrorism Monitoring Act of 2022 and Public Law 118-31, Section 7413, which mandates monitoring of Iranian enrichment of Uranium-235.

Senator Graham has made it clear that the ODNI’s repeated failure to meet these legal obligations undermines national security. In his letter, Graham announced his intention to hold all ODNI-affiliated nominations and to work with his colleagues to condition ODNI headquarters funding in the next appropriations bill until these overdue assessments are submitted.

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From COVID-19 to Dengue: Iran’s Struggle with Epidemics


Since the beginning of May, officials from the Ministry of Health of the Iranian regime have been sounding alarms about the potential spread of dengue fever.

They predict that the disease will likely see a surge in cases during September and October. This warning has stoked fears among the Iranian populace, who are still reeling from the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The regime’s previous negligence in timely vaccine procurement during the COVID-19 crisis resulted in the loss of at least 500,000 lives, and its aftermath continues to haunt the nation.

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Congressional Committee Questions US Treasury Secretary on Iranian Oil Trade and Sanctions Evasion

hearing was held on Tuesday by the Congressional Financial Services Committee with U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to discuss the health of the international financial system. A significant portion of the session was dedicated to addressing concerns about the Iranian regime’s oil trade and its strategies for circumventing U.S. sanctions. During the hearing, committee members rigorously questioned Secretary Yellen on various aspects of the issue, including the involvement of U.S.-based firms in providing insurance to Iranian tankers engaged in illicit oil sales.

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Zohreh Dadras, Her Sister Arrested and Jailed in Lakan Prison of Rasht

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Zohreh Dadras and her sister, Zahra Dadras, women’s rights activists in Gilan, were arrested by security forces and transferred to Lakan Prison in Rasht to serve their prison sentences. According to reports, on the morning of Wednesday, Zohreh Dadras was arrested at her family home in Rasht without prior summons or notice and transferred to Lakan Prison. Additionally, Zahra Dadras was arrested at noon on the same day after appearing at the criminal enforcement branch and was also transferred to Lakan Prison.

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Nasimeh Eslamzehi, Long-term Detention in Limbo in Evin Prison

Nasimeh Eslamzehi, a Baluchi woman and mother of two, has been detained for nearly 11 months in Evin Prison without her fate being determined.

No court sessions have been held to address the accusations against her, which allege involvement with ISIS. During this time, she has not had a single meeting with her husband.

Nasimeh Eslamzehi gave birth to her second child in prison. Her first child, who was with them at the time of arrest, has been placed in welfare custody. Efforts by Nasimeh Eslamzehi’s family to regain custody of this child have not been successful.

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Iran’s Regime on Verge of Obtaining Nuclear Weapons


A coalition of well-known think tanks and activist groups in the United States, including the Vandenberg Coalition and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, have warned that the Iranian regime’s nuclear program has reached a critical stage, and the Iranian government could produce enough enriched uranium to build several nuclear weapons within a few days.

This comes as global attention is focused on the war between Israel and Hamas, a group supported by the Iranian regime in the Gaza Strip, and also on the U.S. presidential elections this year, 2024. Meanwhile, Tehran has continuously increased its nuclear activities and uranium enrichment.

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Iran: 85 Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike in Protest of Sharifeh Mohammadi’s Death Sentence

In continuation of the protests against the death sentence issued for labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi, 85 political prisoners in Evin Prison went on a hunger strike on Thursday, July 11. A number of imprisoned labor activists also described the sentence as “unjust, shocking, insane, and unacceptable” in a statement. Eighty-five political prisoners held in Evin Prison began their hunger strike at 11 PM on Wednesday, July 10, protesting the “unjust sentence” of Sharifeh Mohammadi and in solidarity with the campaign supporting her.

Thirty of these political prisoners are in the women’s ward, 30 in ward eight, and 25 in ward four of Evin Prison.

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New Zealand Imposes New Sanctions Against Iran’s Regime


On Thursday, July 11, New Zealand’s Foreign Minister Winston Peters announced in a statement the imposition of sanctions on individuals and entities associated with the Iranian regime involved in the production and supply of drones for Russia’s use in the Ukraine war. The statement named three individuals and four entities affiliated with the Iranian regime.

According to New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abbas Abdi Asjerd and Seyed Mohsen Vahabzadeh Moghadam, senior officials of several Iranian entities, including Bonyan Danesh Shargh, which is involved in the construction and supply of drones to Russia, have been included in the sanctions list.

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Political Prisoner Jaber Sakhravi Suffers a Stroke in Shiban Prison, Ahvaz

Political Prisoner Jaber Sakhravi, who has been imprisoned for nearly 10 years without a single day of furlough, is in critical and perilous physical conditions. On the afternoon of Thursday, July 10, 2024, Jaber Sakhravi, a political prisoner suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS), experienced a stroke in Shiban Prison, Ahvaz. As a result of the stroke, he lost consciousness.

He is unable to walk, his mouth is crooked, and his speech has become slow and incomprehensible. Due to his critical physical condition, the political prisoner has been transferred to a hospital outside the prison, and there is no further information available about his current status.

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Houthi Rebels’ Missile Attack Links Tehran to Red Sea Assaults

US Air Force Targets Iran Backed Houthis in Yemen

Yemen’s Houthi rebels likely fired an Iranian-made missile at a Norwegian tanker in December, linking their shipping attacks to Tehran.

According to an AP report on July 8, Yemen’s Houthi rebels likely fired an Iranian-made anti-ship cruise missile at a Norwegian-flagged tanker in the Red Sea in December. This assault now provides a public, evidence-based link between the ongoing rebel campaign against shipping and Tehran, according to the U.S. military. While the U.S. has previously accused Iran of supplying the missiles the Houthis use in their attacks at sea, Wednesday’s report provided photographic evidence for the first time.

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Paris, July 11, 2024: MEK Supporters in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Paris, July 11, 2024: MEK Supporters in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Paris, France—July 11, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organize a photo and book exhibition. This exhibition, continuing for consecutive days, is held in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and as a protest against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

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Aarau, Switzerland—July 11, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Aarau, Switzerland—July 11, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Support of the Iranian Revolution

Aarau, Switzerland—July 11, 2024:  Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran(PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition to support the Iranian Revolution. The Iranian community in Aarau, Switzerland, explained to Swiss citizens visiting the exhibition of photos of martyrs from the Iranian uprising that nothing will change in Iran with the replacement of the president in the regime’s sham elections. They emphasized that only the overthrow of this dictatorial regime would bring freedom to the Iranian people. The Swiss citizens, in agreement, expressed their support for the Iranian people’s cause for freedom.

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