Iran News in Brief – July 13, 2021

Free Iran 2021: Maryam Rajavi paying tribute to 30,000 political prisoners massacred in 1988 in Iran
Free Iran 2021: Maryam Rajavi paying tribute to 30,000 political prisoners massacred in 1988 in Iran



Strike and Protests in Southern Iran

According to several reports from South Iran, there have beena numerous protests against power and water outages. Also, economic hardship and the lack of proper payment is still driving hardworking people to the streets.

Covid-19 Has Become a Multidimensional Social Crisis in Iran

As the Iranian regime is nowhere close to executing a responsible strategy for vaccinations during the fifth peak of a deadly pandemic, it has forced thousands of Iranians to go over to Armenia and spend days and nights, flocking in miles’ long queues to get vaccinated.

Also, there have been reports that the lack of proper power feed in the hospitals and medical centers has caused fatalities, and patience in the CCU departments have died.


Third Day of the Free Iran World Summit – 2021

Maryam Rajavi: This is a litmus test of whether the international community will engage and deal with this genocidal regime or stand with the Iranian people.
Speeches by former Prime Ministers of Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Romania, and Ireland, and dozens of former EU Ministers
Speeches by John Bolton, Joseph Lieberman, Rudy Giuliani, Louis Freeh, Michael Mukasey, Gens. Conway and Keane
On the third day of the Free Iran World Summit 2021, the Democratic Alternative of the March to Victory, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), referring to the reasons for Khamenei installing Ebrahim Raisi, the murderer of the MEK and the henchman of the 1988 massacre, said that in political terms, his ascension dashed the myth of moderation within the regime. It marked the failure of Western governments’ policy of complacency toward religious fascism. Mrs. Rajavi added: As far as the international community is concerned, this is the litmus test of whether it will engage and deal with this genocidal regime or stand with the Iranian people. The United Nations must not allow Raisi to attend the next session of the General Assembly.

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Political Prisoner Lashed Before Being Granted Leave in Tehran

A political prisoner was lashed 80 times a month before being granted leave in Tehran. According to the Human Rights News Agency, the prisoner was identified as 35-year-old futsal coach Kianoush Salatini. Kianoush was initially sentenced to 19 years and six months of prison, which was later reduced to 5 years of prison and 80 lashes. Kianoush was detained on January 8, 2018, by security forces and transferred to Section 2 of Evin Prison. He was interrogated for two months, then transferred to Section 4.

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Father of Six Kurd Border Porter Killed by Border Police in W Iran

A Kurd border porter or kolbar was killed on July 10 by border police in Baneh, western Iran. According to the Hengaw Organization, the kolbar was identified as 48-year-old Hamed Aminpour, father of six children. A close relative of Hamed said he was shot on July 10, sustaining severe injuries in the stomach, and lost a lot of blood. Hamed passed away early morning the next day.

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Free Iran Summit: Day 2

On Sunday, July 11, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) hosted the second day of its 2021 Free Iran World Summit, which is held every year to promote and support regime change in Iran by and for the Iranian people. It’s a vital event every year, but especially now that the society is so explosive because of all the crises that are facing the Iranian people, including the coronavirus, the economic collapse, and the constant repression by the mullahs.

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Mohseni Ejei, Number One Anti-Women Judge in the World

In 1990, Mohseni Ejei won the International Bludgeon Award of the Woman’s Link worldwide. On June 6, 2011, the International Organization for Women’s Relations in Madrid, Spain, awarded the international bludgeon Award to Mohseni Ejei as the most anti-woman judge in the world. The reason for choosing Ejei by this organization was to deprive women of the right to divorce. In their announcement, the Woman’s Link worldwide awards the number one pro-women and anti-women judges in the world every year. The International Bludgeon Award is given to the most anti-women judges.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – July 12, 2021 

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