Iran News in Brief – July 1, 2021

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Young Doctors and Medical Students Hold Protests in Over 6 Cities



Iran’s New Judiciary Chief Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei Is a Criminal Like His Predecessor

Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei has appointed Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei as the new head of the judiciary, according to state-run media. Ejei will replace Ebrahim Raisi, the regime’s new president. Like his predecessor, Ejei comes with a background of violence, crime, and persecution against protesters and dissidents. Ejei has been blacklisted by the U.S. and European Union for his human rights violations.

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Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 320,200

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 547 cities had exceeded 320,200. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 74,946, Isfahan 21,610, Khorasan Razavi 19,475, West Azerbaijan 11,918, Fars 10,752, Gilan 10,611, Alborz 9,108, Sistan and Baluchestan 7,731, Kerman 7,333, Central Province 6,603, Hormozgan 4,715, Bushehr 3,459, and Ilam 3,351.

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Continued Strikes and Protests by Oil and Gas Workers Across Iran

Strikes by Iranian oil-sector workers, which began on June 19, marked its twelfth day on Wednesday. The striking workers are demanding better wages and working conditions as they are facing increasing pressure as a result of a declining economy caused from government corruption and the regime’s poor response to the Covid-19 outbreak. The worsening economic conditions have caused rampant inflation a rise in the prices of goods. Meanwhile, like many other sectors of the Iranian economy, oil and petrochemical workers have seen no significant increase in their wages, and they are struggling to provide the most basic needs of their families.

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Iran’s Bankrupt Economy Will Only Get Worse

Iran’s economy is worsening with each passing day. Even now, after several rounds of talks on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, hopes have grown closer to despair, to the point that even government economists are talking about the need of major surgery for a dying economy. “The issue of economics has been emphasized many times over the years, but really, why aren’t reform efforts taking place? The answer is clear, an emergency treatment cannot heal this wound, and the Iranian economy needs major surgery,” said the head of the regime’s Chamber of Commerce on June 24, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency.

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Iran Math Teacher Self-Immolates, Dies, After Court Rules for Home Evacuation

A high school math teacher self-immolated on June 27 outside the Judiciary building in Isfahan, central Iran to protest a court ruling forcing him to evacuate his home. Reports indicate that he later died from the severity of his burns. According to the state-run ISNA News Agency, the man was identified as 43-year old Amin Kianpour, father of two girls.

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Video Report: Young Doctors and Medical Students Hold Protests in Over 6 Cities

Doctors, medical students, residents, and interns gathered in over 6 cities on June 29 to demand their rights and express their economic woes. Protesters chanted “No to the exploitation of doctors!” and “Resign, incompetent minister!” They also demanded that residency and internships be included in labor laws.

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Seventh Kurd Border Porter Killed in One Month by Security Forces in W Iran

A Kurd border porter or “kolbar” was killed by security forces, and another was injured in the Hawraman district in the province of Kurdistan, western Iran. According to the Kurdpa website, security forces opened fire without warning on a group of kolbars. The border porter who was killed was identified as 32-year-old Keyvan Haqmoradi, married and father to three children. Another kolbar identified as Sirvan Takhani was severely injured and transferred to the hospital.

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Investigation Into Iran’s Past Crimes More Necessary Than Ever Following June Election

The United Nations special rapporteur for the situation of human rights in Iran, Javaid Rehman, recently reiterated a longstanding call for investigations into an overlooked crime against humanity perpetrated by the Iranian regime. That call was rendered more urgent on June 18 by the “election” of Ebrahim Raisi as Iran’s next president. The current judiciary chief is considered one of the chief participants in the 1988 massacre of political prisoners, and his ongoing lack of accountability is fueling concerns that his presidency might exploit the perceived impunity in order to further accelerate crackdowns on impunity.

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Blackwell: Hold Iran Regime Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity

Now that Judiciary Chief and noted killer Ebrahim Raisi has been announced as the next president of Iran, US Ambassador Ken Blackwell writes that the international community must recognize the messages that are being sent by the regime and sent the right message back. So what messages are the regime sending?

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Iran News in Brief, July 1, 2021

Read more: Iran News in Brief – June 30, 2021 

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