Iran News in Brief – January 7, 2024

iran shush retirees 07012024


UPDATE: 11:30 PM

Sunday Protests in Iran

In a wave of discontent sweeping across various cities in Iran, retirees and workers are taking to the streets, demanding economic relief amidst the soaring costs of living. The protests have gained momentum as authorities have failed to address the pressing concerns raised by demonstrators.

In Ahvaz, retirees affiliated with the Social Security Organization intensified their protest rallies, seeking adjustments to their pensions in response to the escalating costs of living. Despite persistent calls for action, authorities have refused to address their demands.

In Kermanshah, retirees from the Social Security Organization rallied under the banner of “Unity against poverty and corruption.” Their chants echo the frustration of pensioners seeking higher pensions to cope with the rising economic challenges.

Retirees from the steel industry in Isfahan staged protests, urging authorities to raise their pensions in line with the surging costs of living. The steelworkers are determined to make their voices heard amid a lack of response from the government.

In Qaemshahr, retirees from the steel industry resumed weekly protests in front of the Steel Retirement Fund offices in Mazandaran. Their goal was to underscore their demands for higher pensions, emphasizing the need for adjustments in light of the escalating economic challenges.

Employees of the oil and gas company in Aghajari continued their protest rallies, calling for better job security and wages. Despite their just and legal demands, authorities have thus far ignored the pressing concerns of these workers.

On Siri Island, workers from the Iranian Offshore Oil Company persist in their protests, demanding changes to wage determination policies and other basic needs. The authorities’ continued indifference has fueled the determination of these workers to fight for their rights.

Steelworkers from the Haft Tappeh Industrial Town in Shush continued their protest rallies, seeking fair contracts, payment of overdue wages, and higher salaries. The steelworkers stand united in their quest for economic justice, expressing frustration with the lack of response from authorities.


Chairman McCaul Issues Statement Calling for Action in Response to Ongoing Houthi Attacks

Washington, D.C. – Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul issued the following statement in response to the Houthis’ ongoing attacks against U.S. interests in the Red Sea region, even after the United States and international partners threatened consequences for more attacks in a statement issued on January 3.

“The Iran-backed Houthis’ ongoing missile and drone attacks on international shipping, including direct attacks on U.S. sailors, are a growing threat to the United States Navy, innocent mariners, and the free flow of commerce.

“In addition to terrorizing Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula, the Houthis are a longstanding and significant external threat because of the support they have received from Iran and Hezbollah.

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Dozens Killed, Injured in Attack Targeting Iran’s Allies in Syria

A military training site of an armed faction active in Syria came under attack by an “unknown source,” killing nine members and wounding dozens of different nationalities, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). The incident unfolded a few hours after a group calling itself the “Islamic Resistance in Iraq” claimed responsibility for an attack on the Harir base in Erbil, situated in Iraq’s Kurdistan region.

The Harir base hosts US forces as part of the mission of the International Coalition to Combat ISIS. The Observatory said raids, which targeted the Syrian-Iraqi border area in al-Bukamal, targeted training sites, noting that several sites were comprehensively targeted at the same time.

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Jordanian Army Says Five Killed in Battle To Stop Syrian Drug Smugglers

AMMAN, Jan 6 (Reuters) – Jordan’s army said on Saturday that five drug and weapons smugglers linked to Iranian militias operating in southern Syria had been killed after infiltrating from Syria.

The kingdom has promised to respond to what it says is an alarming rise in such incursions, accusing Syria of failing to stem Iranian-run smuggling networks.

Jordanian officials, like their Western allies, say the operations are controlled by Lebanon’s Iranian-backed Hezbollah group and other pro-Iranian militias who control much of southern Syria after supporting President Bashar al-Assad in a civil war that has lasted almost 13 years.

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UPDATE: 10:30 AM

Iranian Officials Warn of Anti-Regime Protests as Elections Near

As Iran’s regime approaches its sham elections, scheduled for March 1, 2024, officials are afraid of potential crises that might break out. Regime Supreme leader Ali Khamenei has made public remarks twice in recent days and expressed concerns about the consequences of a widespread election boycott. In an address to regime loyalists on December 23, Khamenei complained about rival factions who have been questioning the elections. Ironically, Khamenei said, “If there are no elections in the country, it is either a dictatorship or chaos; what prevents the emergence of dictatorship in the country is elections. What prevents chaos, turmoil, and insecurity is elections… Elections can choose and bring about the Supreme Leader, meaning it ensures Islamism… If we want problems to be resolved, we must increase participation.”

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December 2023 Report: Iranian Women Remain Resilient

In 2023, the women of Iran faced profound challenges and injustices, yet they also showcased remarkable resilience in their struggle against the ruling dictatorship.

In this last issue of the NCRI Women’s Committee’s monthly reports, we review the most significant events in 2023, concerning women in Iran.

In January, amidst a continued uprising, numerous journalists, including women, found themselves imprisoned under the clerical regime. Some remain detained to this day, while others faced varying legal outcomes—ranging from jail terms to temporary release on bail, with a few choosing exile.

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The Iranian Regime’s Exploitation Spells Doom for Lake Urmia

Lake Urmia, renowned as the azure jewel of Iran, stands in ruins—an environmental tragedy emblematic of the Iranian regime’s colossal betrayal of the country’s natural heritage. This devastation extends beyond Lake Urmia, permeating many other wetlands across Iran, victim to the destructive actions of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as it exploited mineral mines, particularly evident in the Khuzestan province.

The current assault on Lake Urmia is perpetrated by both domestic and foreign plunderers, a consequence of the deceptive politics of governance that manipulates and distorts issues for ulterior motives. The narrative unfolds in a disheartening pattern: the issue is distorted first, paving the way for clandestine pursuits of vested interests.

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Commander of Iran-Backed Militia Group Killed in U.S. Strike in Iraq

According to news agencies, the United States has confirmed an attack on the headquarters of an Iraqi paramilitary organization backed by Iran and the killing of one of its commanders. Prior to this, Iraq had protested to the United States for violating its national sovereignty in this attack.

According to a statement by a U.S. defense official reported by the AFP, the United States, while accepting responsibility for the attack, defended it and stated that this attack was carried out in self-defense.

Prior to the confirmation by the United States, Iraqi police sources announced that in a drone attack on a building in Baghdad on Thursday, January 4, four members of Iraqi paramilitary groups were killed, and six others were injured.

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Iranian Communities Worldwide: Join the 28th #FreeIranTelethon Supporting Simay-e-Azadi (INTV), January 12-14, 2024

Iranian communities, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) around the globe are extending invitations to their compatriots through video messages and pictures, urging them to join the 28th #FreeIranTelethon in support of Simay-e-Azadi (INTV) scheduled for January 12-14, 2024.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – January 6, 2023

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